Factors that exhort UMP students to smoke and their knowledge about bad effects from smoking. Team 7: Syed Muhamad Nabil bin Syed Hassan (KC 11068) Nursaifullah bin Mat Nor (CA 11122) Muhammad Khairul Abidin bin Safie (PC 10081)
WHO(1995) – 5 million people die from tobacco related diseases. Smoking causes stroke, heart disease, miscarriage and lung cancer Redhwan Ahmed Al- Naggar – most smokers start smoking during adolescence or early adult
Research Objectives Factors leading students to start smoking Tobacco related effects which can cause chronic diseases to smokers Research Objectives
MOH(2004) – 10000 death cases due to smoking and expected to increase up to 20% each year Khor(2005) – smoking is estimated to have caused more than half a million coronary events in Malaysia Article – Prevalence of Smoking and Associated Factors Among Malaysian University Students (Redhwan Ahmed Al-Nagga, Sami Abdo Radman Al-Dubai, Thekra Hamoud Al-Naggar, Robert Chen, Karim Al-Jashamy; 2011)
the instruments or methods that will be used to conduct the study on factors leading student to smoking and bad effects from the habit. UMP students in Gambang campus, will be done randomly consists of three parts participants, data collection data analysis.
PARTICIPANTS Conducted among UMP students 60 randomly selected students from every faculty here in Gambang campus which is FKKSA, FKM, FKEE, FKASA, FSKKP, FIST and FKPPT regardless of student batch. Observations at common areas ( HOSTEL,CAFE, AND FAKULTY)
DATA COLLECTION METHOD to investigate the factors which lead or may lead students to smoke and also their knowledge on bad effects from it. used which are questionnaire and observation.
1A: Survey Questionnaire A set of questions will be distributed randomly among students in UMP The survey questionnaire consists of 25 questions The questionnaires is divided into three parts, which is demographic, open-ended and close-ended questions
1B:OBSERVATION -Are conducted to observe students that smoke outside of class hours and also outside of the campus.
Data Analysis All the data that will be obtained from the survey questionnaire and observation wii be analyse using specific data analysis procedure
Shows the number of respondents (students) who have members in their family that smokes in their home Based on our findings, it can be said that UMP students smoke mostly because of influence from family members which also are smokers.
Student started smoking when they were still in primary school Student started smoking when they were still in primary school. Awareness should be spread by the government not only to secondary schools but also primary schools as well. This can be done by having talks and exhibition on the bad effects of smoking at schools to educate primary students and prevent them from smoking.
Of the big gap in the total respondents which do not care about others inhaling from their smoke, awareness should spread among students in the universities to educate them about second hand smoke and its effects which is just as devastating as smoking cigarette itself.
Many do not know the health risks and chronic diseases (lung cancer, heart diseases, stroke, erectile dysfunction) that come with smoking. That’s why government obligate tobacco companies to place pictures of these diseases on every cigarette pack. Some know about it, but do not buy the hype. The effects are long term, which does not kicks in until later age like 50 years old. They think they are the few lucky ones.
Stress comes from many aspects: Study : eg; Low carrymarks/CGPA, deadlines, presentation Life: eg; Money, love relationships, pressure from parents, peer pressure
Related to previous graph Related to previous graph . When you’re stress, you find ways to relax yourself. Shortcut: cigarette, because it can be done anytime and anywhere. Alternatives : playing sports, reading books, religious prayers, or as simple as opening up to someone.
CHAPTER 5 – CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS i - Main reason : STRESS! ii - Other factors: influenced from families and friends. iii - 27% agree that by smoking cigarette, it can give them relaxation from the stress and also calm their anger or frustration. iv - Age started smoking : mostly 12-15 years old. v - Students lack knowledge of bad effects from smoking to their health. vi - They are unaware of the second hand smoke effects, which means they does not that people around them are exposed to same health risk as themselves.
Limitations of the study : i - Not enough time. ii - Some of the respondents gave inappropriate answers. iii- Not many articles that SPECIFICALLY focus on the study of smoking among Malaysian university students. iv - Too many open-ended questions.
Suggestions for further study : i – Try to broaden it, include female respondents. ii – Improve time management, better use of Gantt Chart. iii – Innovate and improvise. Skype chatting instead of face to face meeting, saves time. iv - Use more close-ended questions. v – Choose title that has more resources (articles) so that more convenient.
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