| TRACKER Unit of measure 1 Footnote SOURCE: Source Title Unit of measure NATIONAL CONFERENCE KHARIF 2010 – 18 th & 19 th March 2010 Presented by : Department of Agriculture, Kerala 1
2 CONTENTS ▪ Overview ▪ Kharif 2010 ▪ Seeds ( Availability, Treatment, Testing) ▪ National Food Security Mission ▪ Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana ▪ Micro Irrigation ▪ Fertilizers (Availability, testing, INM) ▪ State Horticulture Mission ▪ Agriculture Marketing ▪ Best practices 2
3 BACKGROUND ▪ The impact of land reforms on agriculture – Average size of land holding is 0.27 ha – Fragmented holdings rendered agriculture unviable – Rise of petty production economy in agriculture 3
BACKGROUND (continued) ▪ Crop area unchanged but massive shift from food to cash crops ▪ Area under rice has sharply decline as a result of GSDP declined in the state PepperRubberTapiocaCoconutRice Total cropped area Net Sown Area Year 4 (Area in ‘000 ha) 4
5 ▪ Shift towards food grains production – Rice sanctuaries identified – Legislation enacted for conserving paddy lands – Targeted incentives for paddy cultivation eg. Rs.1500/ha as incentive for group farming interest free loan, production bonus Rs.350/ha/season ▪ State food security programme – launched during – Allocation for : Rs crores – Allocation for – Rs crores – Focus on enhancing production and productivity – Rice, vegetables, eggs, milk, and meat covered CURRENT FOCUS 5
6 CURRENT FOCUS (continued) ▪ Focus on enhancing returns from limited land holdings – Increased support for group farming – Popularizing cluster approach – Encouraging proper land management and adoption of POP – Raising supplementary crops like pulses, sesame, vegetables, tubers, groundnut in paddy fields – Subsidizing loans for small/marginal farmers 6
7 CURRENT FOCUS (continued) ▪ Shortage of agricultural labourers – focus on mechanization – Custom Hiring Centers through local bodies – Centralized Agro Service Centers at the Panchayat level – Converging subsidies across schemes eg. Agro Service Centres – funds under RKVY + State Food Security + LSGD ▪ Strengthening marketing – Procurement – Participatory marketing (Swasraya Vipani) – Establishment of small processing & marketing units. 7
8 CURRENT FOCUS (continued) ▪ Peasantry welfare a key focus – Debt relief – Remunerative procurement prices – additional amount of Rs.2.50/kg above the MSP for rice – Comprehensive insurance (Kissan sree – accident insurance programme) ▪ Enhancing agricultural investment as a long term measure – Major areas – minor irrigation, strengthening of labs, market infrastructure, improving infrastructure for production of planting material and other inputs. 8
AREA AND PRODUCTION OF PADDY FOR (Likely) (Likely) Rabi Kharif 2009 Ach.Tar.Ach.Tar. Production ( '000 MT)Area ( '000 ha) Season 9
10 TARGETS - AREA AND PRODUCTION OF PADDY FOR KHARIF 2010 ▪ Area – 1 lakh ha ▪ Production – 3 lakh tonne ▪ Productivity – 3000 kg/ha 10
11 TARGETS - AREA AND PRODUCTION OF PADDY FOR RABI ▪ Area – 2 lakh ha ▪ Production– 6 lakh tonne ▪ Productivity – 3000 kg/ha 11
12 VARIETY WISE REQUIREMENT OF CERTIFIED SEED FOR KHARIF Total 180VTL Uma 2500Aiswarya 50Athira 5000Kanchana 15000Jyothi 200Harsha 120Annapoorna Requirement (Qtls.) Variety 12
13 SEED AVAILABILITY – KHARIF 2010 Seed Requirement ▪ Certified seed requirement for Kharif 2010 – 40,000 qtls - Based on the targeted area of 1 lakh hectares - Seed Rate of 80 Kg/Ha and SRR of 50% Seed Availability ▪ Certified seed available with Department of Agriculture for Kharif 2010 – qtls ▪ Balance of qtls: from NSC/other Government approved agencies Seed Village programme ▪ Tentative allocation of Rs crores for the state. ▪ Area covered – 20,000 ha 13
14 SEED TREATMENT AND TESTING ▪ Seed treatment campaigns will be undertaken – To create awareness about treatment with carbendazim – Brochures and leaflets popularizing seed treatment – Popularization through electronic media (Krishideepam) ▪ Targets for : – 40,000 ha of paddy land to be sown with treated seeds ▪ 3 Seed testing labs – Samples analyzed for – 2233 (up to ) – Target for – 3000 samples 14
SEED INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME ISSUES The rate of assistance provided for 1000 MT capacity godown is Rs lakhs at present. This amount is insufficient for constructing the same. Hence the rate of assistance should be increased by 25%. Minimum capacity of the godowns may be reduced from 1000 MT to 200 MT. Assistance may be extended to farmers group for the construction of small godowns of 50 MT and drying yards. 15
16 Cont…. OVERVIEW - NFSM ▪ Implemented in one district in the State: Palakkad ▪ Amount sanctioned – Rs lakhs ▪ Amount received – Rs lakhs ▪ Area to be covered in – 50,000 ha ▪ Thirty percent increase in yield targeted 16
ISSUES UNDER NFSM Inclusion of more districts - Thrissur, Alappuzha and Malappuram may be included Higher subsidies for mechanization - Subsidy may be increased to 50% Higher percentage of inter component changes - The present level of 20% may be increased to 50% Release of balance amount by Government of India - Rs lakhs is due from Government of India during under the scheme 18
NFSM - IMPACT ANALYSIS (Likely) (Likely) Productivity (Kg/ha) Production (MT) Area (Ha)Year
RASHTRIYA KRISHI VIKAS YOJANA * ExpenditureReleaseAllocationYear Rs in Crores 20 *Expenditure as on March
EXPENDITURE DETAILS – Cont… Horticorp Soil Conservation KSPDC KLDB Vegetable and Fruit promotion Council Kerala KAU Serifed Dairy Development Department Fisheries Department Animal Husbandry Department Department of Agriculture1 Expenditure [Rs. In lakhs] Fund Allotted [Rs. In lakhs] Agency Sl. No.
Total FIRMA ADAK Matsyafed Harbor engineering MPI Kerala feeds Ltd Soil Survey KLDC Minor irrigation KAICO12 Expenditure [Rs. In lakhs] Fund Allotted [Rs. In lakhs] Agency Sl. No. 22
IMPACT OF RKVY NIRD conducted impact study in December 2009 Improvement in :- - the production of paddy, coconut and vegetables in agriculture - production of milk, egg and meat in Animal Husbandry and dairy sector - Inland aqua culture in fisheries sector Paddy : ,000 ha under fallow land cultivation - 6,000 ha to double crop area - 1,200 ha under upland cultivation - Increase in productivity from 2.4 tonnes/ha to 3 tonnes/ha - Change in the mind set of farmers to small farm mechanization Coconut : - - Better disease management, intercropping, INM, IPM, improving irrigation facilities, Value addition and product diversification Vegetable: - - Special vegetable development programmes - Additional production of 80,000 MT of vegetables Fisheries :- - Targeted production of inland aqua culture of mt could be achieved last year through Matsya Keralam programme 24
RKVY The broad thrust areas are :- - Paddy Development * Bringing additional area under paddy * Increase in productivity * Mechanization - Coconut Development * Intensive coconut development project - Vegetable & Fruit Development * Intensive vegetable development projects * Development of fruit crops (Banana, pineapple, mango) - Location Specific/Innovative programmes 25
WORK PLAN OF RKVY Release of funds to implementing agencies GO sanctioning the implementation of projects approved by the SLSC Conduct of SLSC meeting Preparation of abstracts/ agenda noted Scrutiny of DPRs Completion of SAP (C-DAP preparation already over) DateSchedule of activities
WORK PLAN OF RKVY (cont…) Budgeted outlay of Rs crores Monthly review by Agricultural Production Commissioner SLSC meeting in every 2 months 27
MICRO IRRIGATION 28 Amount released – - General – Rs lakhs - Special distressed districts – Rs lakhs Expenditure - General – Rs lakhs - Special distressed districts – Rs lakhs An amount of Rs lakhs remitted back to Government of India from the release of Rs lakhs
PROBLEMS IN IMPLEMENTATION 29 Size of land holding is very small Rate of subsidy is very low The beneficiary should have the freedom to purchase the installation units from any of the recognized dealers Non inclusion of coffee crop under this programme
30 REQUIREMENT FOR KHARIF TOTAL OTHER COMPLEX 17000ROCKPHOS :15: :26: : FACTOMFOS 25000DAP 95000MOP 3000SSP 1700AMSO UREA Requirement (Mt.)Materials 30
31 Nutrients Quantity (in MT) N76560 P48660 K63150 Total REQUIREMENT IN KHARIF 2010 IN TERMS OF NUTRIENTS 31
FERTILIZER TESTING ▪ Fertilizer Quality Control Laboratories – 2 – Annual analyzing capacity of fertilizers: 5000 – Fertilizer samples analyzed for :
33 ISSUES Railways are insisting for movement of full wagon/half wagon for the movement of fertilizers. Kerala being a small state the manufacturers find it difficult to comply this order since the requirement of fertilizers is very low compared to other states. To the south of Kottayam district there are no rake points in Kerala and hence the movement of fertilizers to the southern districts is a problem. A rakepoint may be allotted at Kazhakuttom railway station in Thiruvananthapuram to solve this problem Since Zuari India Ltd. is not in a position to supply the allocation of complex fertilizer due to Kerala, the same may be given as additional allocation to M/S FACT. The claim for FACT is pending from April 2009 onwards, since the claim in Proforma A & C uploaded by the firm in Fertilizer Monitoring System (FMS) is not tallying with the claim submitted to the Department.
INTEGRATED NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT INM promoted on padasekharam basis for rice cultivation. Supply of adequate quantity of green manure seeds Assistance for establishment of vermi compost units 34
EXPENDITURE UNDER STATE HORTICULTURE MISSION IN KERALA (LIKELY BY ) Total *200 nil Nil Nil Total Government of Kerala share Government of India share Unspent balance Expenditure Released amount Sanctioned Amount (in principle) Year *This includes anticipated expenditure amounting to Rs lakhs which will be expended by the following agencies before VFPCK- Rs. 302 lakhs Horticorp- Rs. 100 lakhs Kerala Agricultural University- Rs. 300 lakhs KSACC- Rs. 400 lakhs Pepper Rejuvenation Scheme –Rs.1000 lakhs Expenditure by districts –Rs. 600 lakhs Rs.2702 lakhs 35
LINKAGE TO MARKET CENTRE FOR PERISHABLE CARGO AT CIAL A perishable cargo at cial is under establishment for a total project cost of rs.5336 lakhs with a financial assistance of rs1334 lakhs from nhm Twenty seven Rural Markets have been established under clusters of VFPCK Two Sorting and Grading Units in General areas and Four Grading units in hilly areas have been established 38
The average size of land holdings in Kerala is 0.27 hectares with, homestead farming. NHM may provide assistance to mixed nurseries of size 0.2 ha. Plastic mulching in homesteads is impractical. Hence, the financial assistance proposed for plastic mulching may be given for organic mulching. Under creation of water resources, provision may be given to provide financial assistance to individual farmers also. Since there is scope for intensive cultivation of vegetables and tuber crops in the State, assistance may be provided to these crops also. ISSUES IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF NATIONAL HORTICULTURE MISSION PROGRAMMES 39
40 AGRICULTURAL MARKETING IN KERALA APMC act not enacted in Kerala Around 2000 markets (Daily/weekly/bi-weekly) 6 agricultural wholesale markets, constructed with the assistance from EEC are functioning under Department of Agriculture A new initiatives for marketing of agriculture produce with the participation of farmers/farmers groups envisaged through 6 agricultural markets
41 AGMARKNET In Kerala 94 AGMARKNET nodes has been provided for reporting market related information of various agricultural commodities During Rs.8.00 lakhs was provided for internet connectivity and AMC of the 94 AGMARKNETS TERMINAL MARKET The site proposed for the terminal market is at the Agricultural urban Wholesale Market at Ernakulam The terminal market (hub) will be linked to the collection centres (the Spokes) which will be located at Ernakulam, Alappuzha, Thrissur, Kottayam and Idukki
42 STRENGTHENING OF AGRICULTURAL MARKETING INFRASTRUCTURE State Horticulture Mission has provided assistance for infrastructure setup in 25 rural markets in the state State Horticulture Mission has also provided assistance for 2 sorting and grading in Kerala Farmers groups under VFPCK programme manages 239 nos of farmers market
43 PROCUREMENT OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE IN THE STATE DURING Paddy ▫ Quantity procured by Kerala State Civil Supplies Corporation Qtls. Copra ▫ Quantity procured by KERAFED Qtls. ▫ Quantity procured by Marketfed – Qtls. ▫ Quantity procured by Consumerfed – 1094 Qtls. Green coconut ▫ Quantity procured by Consumerfed – nos. ( qtls.)
44 KARSHIKA VIBHAVA SAMBHARANA SAMSKARANA KENDRANGAL To provide infrastructural facilities like seed godowns and drying yards in padasekhara samithies To provide Agro Service Centres in padasekhara samithies Grama panchayats/padasekhara samithies will provide 10 – 15 cents of land for the construction of seed godowns, drying yards and agro service centres Functioning of the centres will be under the control of the apex bodies of padasekhara samithies Overall monitoring of the scheme is done by agriculture department/ grama panchayat With the implementation of the scheme the procurement and processing infrastructural facilities has been enhanced Agro service centres helps in strengthening the basic infrastructural facilities of the padasekharams
49 Rain water harvesting unit
50 Cardamom processing unit