Key objectives:- (1) Participants will learn about the breakthru’ of Six Sigma Problem Solving methodology. (2)This trg. will equip participants with the Tools used in each phases of Six Sigma, Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve and Control. (3) Company based problems resolved using the DMAIC system, to attain stable and sustained results. (4) Equip participants on how to use statistical software program to analyse statistical data. SIX SIGMA GREEN BELT TRAINING & CERTIFICATION (10 DAYS PUBLIC PROGRAM) (9TH INTAKE) TO: THE TRAINING/ENGINEERING MANAGER & PROFESSIONALS OF VARIOUS DISCIPLINES, TIME TESTED PROGRAM COMMENCING ON 3 RD FEB., 2012 (ALL FRIDAY CLASSES). SBL OR 1 MALAYSIA TRG. PROGRAM Claimable
PROGRAM SCHEDULE FOR SSGB TRAINING & CERTIFICATION (9 TH INTAKE) MODULE CLASSESQUIZ MODULE 1 Introduction Six Sigma Concepts Six Sigma Improvement methodology Variations COURSE TITLE2012 Friday (9.00am pm) Process Mapping Cause Investigation Techniques FMEA 10/02/12 MODULE CLASSESQUIZ MODULE 2 Introduction To Minitab 7 QC Tools & Basic Statistics using Minitab Normal Probability Distribution Process Capability Analysis 1702/12 COURSE TITLE2012 Measurement System Analysis Multivari Analysis 24/02/12 MODULE CLASSESQUIZ MODULE 3 Sampling Techniques Correlation Analysis COURSE TITLE2012 Regression Analysis Confidence Intervals 02/03/12 MODULE CLASSESQUIZ MODULE 4 Hypothesis Testing 09/03/12 COURSE TITLE2012 Full factorial Design of Experiment MODULE CLASSES QUIZ MODULE 5 Fractional Factorial Design of Experiment 16/03/12 COURSE TITLE2012 Control Plans Poka Yoke Controls 23/03/12 Final Exam: 13 rd April., Total no. of contact hours: 80 Hrs (10 Days) *Project Green Belt candidates will have to submit 1 project. 30/03/12 06/04/12 03/02/12 Friday (9.00am pm) Friday (9.00am pm) Friday (9.00am pm) Friday (9.00am pm) Friday (9.00am pm) Friday (9.00am pm) Friday (9.00am pm) Friday (9.00am pm) Friday (9.00am pm) 23 rd Mar., th Feb., rd Mar., 2012
ARGI MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS SDN. BHD. PENANG, MALAYSIA. APPLICATION FORM NAME OF PROGRAM APPLYING FOR Send this form to : Argi Management Consultants Sdn. Bhd. No , Krystal Point, Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah, Sungai Nibong, Penang. HIGHEST ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS ___________________________________________________________________ Length of Service in this position : SPONSORSHIP Sponsored by employer Yes No ENDORSEMENT BY CURRENT EMPLOYER The company endorses this application and is aware that the student will be involved in applying the knowledge gained during the course, in assignments which may involve the student’s workplace. Signed :___________________________ Name : ______________________________ Date :___________________________ Position : ______________________________ I understand that the purpose of collecting this information is to allow ARGI Management Consultants Sdn. Bhd. to carry out its selection process for admission to programs. This declaration authorizes this information to be disclosed to the parties involved in that selection process. I certify that all the information in this application is correct and that I will observe such rules and conditions as may be required by ARGI Management Consultants Sdn. Bhd. Signed :___________________________ Date : ___________________ DECLARATION PROGRAM FEES Tuition FeesRM 4,800/- per participant (inclusive of 2 teabreaks & 1 lunch for the 10 days) Group discount: RM4,700/- per participant if 9 pax or more from one company. CONTACT PERSON Name: Telephone : Position: Name: IC No.:Date of Birth : Gender: Male FemaleNationality : Malaysian Other, please specify : PERSONAL DETAILS Permanent Home Address : Telephone/ add. : Contact Address ( if different to permanent address ) : Telephone : CONTACT INFORMATIONPRESENT EMPLOYMENT DATA Company : Address : Telephone : Fax No.: Position: PSMB SCHEME SIX SIGMA GREEN BELT TRAINING & CERTIFICATION (10 DAYS PUBLIC PROGRAM) SBL 1 MALAYSIA TRG. PROGRAMME (9 TH INTAKE – COMMENCING ON FEB., 3 RD, 2011)
PROFILE MR. SHEKAR Mr. Shekar holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Hartford, Connecticut, USA. In the 20+ years since graduating Mr. Shekar has held various roles of increasing responsibility starting as an Engineer rising upto a Senior Engineering Manager. He is now a Six Sigma Master Black Belt and his last assignment as a Senior Engineering Manager was at Penang Seagate Industries. In his capacity as a Master Black Belt and as a Black Belt before that Mr. Shekar has worked on a multitude of improvement projects in the areas of defect reduction, cost reduction and cycletime improvement. He has coordinated, led and coached several hundred Engineers as Black Belts and Green Belts spanning a period of 8 years. He has contributed significantly in the major turnaround effort of that company where it has effectively doubled its productivity in a span of 5 years since initiating Six Sigma and maintained its leadership position despite significant competitive pressures. He possesses significant Management Qualities, a solid foundation of Engineering Knowledge and is a very people oriented Manager. He is very dependable and passionate about developing people. He is a committed teacher and takes it upon himself in each case to see his students succeed.