Clean Power Plan EPA’s Clean Power Plan An overview of EPA’s proposed rules and the implications for the future Presented by: David Crews SVP - Power Supply EKPC 1
Clean Power Plan EPA’s State-Specific Targets Proposed rules require 30% C0 2 reduction (from 2005 levels) Each state has a target; KY to develop an implementation plan by 6/30/2016 State Lbs CO2/MWhr % Reduction from Lbs CO2/MWhr % Reduction from 2012 Idaho244-28% % California % % Kentucky % % Montana % % 2
Clean Power Plan EPA’s Rate Calculation 3
Clean Power Plan EPA’s Rate Calculation 4
Clean Power Plan EPA’s Rate Calculation 5
Clean Power Plan EPA’s Rate Calculation 6
Clean Power Plan EPA’s Rate Calculation 7
Clean Power Plan Options For Utilities The range of options to dilute CO 2 emissions includes: 1.Retiring high CO 2 -emitting units 2.Increasing use of natural gas combined cycle units 3.Increasing use of renewables 4.Expanding energy efficiency and demand-side programs 8
Clean Power Plan EKPC Is: Actively evaluating compliance strategies Consulting with state regulators Consulting with our regulatory counsel Filing comments on the rule Filing new EE tariffs 9
Clean Power Plan Questions? 1