Management- and TQM-system and leadership development Statistics Sweden is of world class standard in refining data to statistical information, adapted to the customers' needs. ”You change the culture of an organization by changing the behavior of its leaders” Management- and TQM-system and leadership development 20120903 Första genomgång hemma ca 16 minuter. Andra genomgång Attached you will find “The brief for the Chairs”, prepared by UNECE. It is a detailed agenda which contains basic instructions for discussants and Chairs. This document is very useful for all of us because it not only shows the roles and responsibilities during the conference but also lets us organize each day of the workshop. As you can see each presentation has a time limit (about 15 – 20 minutes). This is the way to avoid a situation when presentations last too long because it would result in a disorder in the agenda and no time left for discussions. We kindly ask you to check whether the presenter can stay within the time limits. We also ask you to check for your session how much time is prepared for your comments on the papers as well as for a rising questions to the floor and presenters. It will allow us to maintain the balance between time devoted to the presentations and to the discussions. In order to help the presenters keep time limits we prepared yellow and red cards. Yellow color indicates that there are 5 minutes left and red one that there is time to summarize the presentation. We would also like to ask you to prepare questions or statements that will cause discussion, both for each presenter and for the floor. Please share these questions with presenters and me (the undersigned) before the end of this week (as soon as possible). We hope that this will allow for more efficiency during the meeting and it also should launch an interactive discussion. Moreover, I would like to organize a short meeting on Tuesday 4th September at 5.30 p.m. at the hotel in order to discuss the first day of the workshop. I hope that the time spent on the workshop will bring many positive changes for you and organizations that you represent. Attachments: - the brief for the chairs - list of participants - draft agenda I look forward to cooperating with you Best regards Anna Borowska Central Statistical Office of Poland Chair of the first day of the workshop Martin Lagerström Executive Coach, Statistics Sweden
Agenda Why What How Expected results This presentation highlights the why, whats, hows and results – very quick and very brief. More info in the report. The purpose of this paper is to describe a short background to the why, what, how etc. behind Statistics Sweden´s decision to chose a management and total quality management system, what has been done up to this date, and especially its relationship to management and leadership. The objectives are to show that our leaders’ knowledge, skills, attitudes and motivation are crucial factors for success in order to execute our management and total quality management system, and to Statistics Sweden´s ability to consistently deliver high quality statistics (the right content, the right quality, just-in-time and without errors) aligned to our stakeholders' needs, demands and requirements. In practice that ability depends on two important things: • the techniques, methodologies and tools we use for every single part of our statistical production process • the techniques, methodologies and tools we use to work with our leaders, employees, operational plan, partnership and our other processes Why Why has Statistics Sweden chosen a management & TQM system ? Past, Present & Future What What is a management and TQM-system ? It´s strong connection to management/leadership, staff & culture (crucial successfactors) How Expected results Expected results and first steps This presentation highlights what has been done so far, and what Statistics Sweden needs to focus on in the future to initiate a tradition of continuous improvement. For example, what are the major problems for successful implementation? What needs to be done? Why do we need to do it? What results can Statistics Sweden expect as a whole? What do we need to achieve in more concrete terms? How do we achieve this?
Why Quick summary Past, Present & Future ”An organisations true value is determined more by how much more value it gives to its stakeholders than what it take in payment” Past, Present & Future Why Quick summary February 1, 2012
Why - Past, Present & Future ”Worldclass in practice” Leadership Operational planning People Processes Partnership Customers Operation Society Value-based / Objective-based ” Small doses of daily learning and improvement – over time – lead to a tsunami of excellent results” Management & TQM EFQM Six Sigma Brink Revision ”Paradigmshift” - Process orientation Standardization Needs, demands & requirements Transformation Swedish system 1994 Future demands with respect to TQM Reguirements from Government, Ëurostat Statistical defects Increased costs Attracting the best staff Why – Past, Present & Future FROM a Traditional organisation TOWARDS a value-based/objective-based & processbased organisation Our and other statistical agencies main/core business – statistics with high quality, i.e. our ability to consistently deliver high quality statistics (the right content, the right quality, just in time, high efficiency and without errors) aligned to our stakeholders' needs, demands and requirements Statistics Sweden´s Director General made a decision in 2008 to use EFQM as the supporting framework in our organisation’s management- and total quality management system. Statistics Sweden´s TQM system provides the managers in our organisation with an excellent framework that is used to systematically evaluate and continuously improve our operations. It offers a structure for how our organisation should transform its operational plan in order to maximise value for its stakeholders. It also offers a common basis for communication. A world class position requires major changes in knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes and practices, especially when it comes to our leadership at all levels. To achieve our Director General’s intentions, Statistics Sweden´s management and quality work need to change from being conducted in fragmentary ways to be organised and conducted in accordance with an established management and total quality management system. Traditional organisation Grants from government Inflexible organizational structure No fact-based decisions Several systems, metods, tools Lack holistic perspective, Unclear visions, missions, targets Unclear responsibilities, duties Unclear expectations on leaders, people
What ? What to do & What not to do “Focus on the vital few – not the trivial many” What to do & What not to do What ? February 1, 2012
How ? Customers/Users, Leaders & Staff What ?, Who/Whom?, Why? , When? Statistics Sweden is of world class standard in refining data to statistical information, adapted to the customers' needs Customers/Users, Leaders & Staff - Right Quality, Right Content, Just in Time, High Efficiency & No Defects What ?, Who/Whom?, Why? , When? How ?
Statistics Production Process Excellent Figures ? Quality ? Components ?
Statistics Production Process
What? The Other Components of Quality What & How we work with Leadership Strategic (business) planning People Processes Partnership In order to achieve Excellent results Customer Society “ What seperates the best from the rest comes down to habits “
The EFQM Excellence Model On the left side of the EFQM model are the ”Enablers” (Leadership, People, Operational Planning/Strategy, Partnership and Processes). The value or results for the right side of the model, ”Results” (People Results, Customer Results, Society Results and Key Results) depend on how well the “Enablers perform their tasks. In short EFQM states that Statistics Sweden´s ability to consistently deliver high quality products and services (statistics and related services with the right content, the right quality, just-in-time and without errors) aligned to our stakeholders' needs, demands and requirements depends on: What this means in more definite terms (the concept of quality): Our ability to consistently deliver good results according to our stakeholders' needs, demands and desires by constantly produce and refine the statistics that are of appropriate content, of the right quality, always on time and does not contain any errors depends roughly on the following two things : the techniques, methodologies and tools we use every single part of our statistical production process. the techniques, methodologies and tools we use to work with our leaders, employees, business plan, partnership and our other processes ) February 1, 2012
The EFQM Excellence Model Worldclass Criteria Subcriteria From What to How Underpinning the EFQM Excellence Model is a set of 8 core values, which represents a consensus on the key managemant principles and beliefs that will drive the sustainable success of European organizations. The Concept behind the EFQM Excellence Model Leadership and Constancy of Purpose: Excellence is about visionary and inspirational leadership, coupled with constancy of purpose. ”If you do not know where you are going it does not matter which road you take” 2. Continous Learning, Innovation and Improvement: Excellence is about challenging the status q and effecting change by utilizing learning to create innovation and improvement possibilities. 3. People, Development and Involvement: Excellence is about maximizing the contribution of employees through their development and involvement. Partnership Development: Excellence is about developing and maintaining value-added partnerships Customer Focus: Excellence is about creating sustainable customer value Management by Processes and Facts: Excellence is about managing the organization through a set of interdependent and interrelated systems, processes and facts. Corporate Social Responsibility: Excellence is about exceeding the minimum regulatory framework in which the organization operates, and to strive to understand and respond to the expectations of their stakeholders in society Results orientation: Excellence is about achieving results that delight all the organizations stakeholders. The EFQM Excellence Model translates these 8 Fundamental concepts of Managment into a dynamic and non prescriptive operational model by which performance can be measured. The EFQM Excellence Model is a registered trademark of EFQM
Criteria 1 - Leadership Definition Excellence Excellent leaders develop and facilitate the achievement of the vision, mission statements & targets. They develop organizational values and systems required for sustainable success and implement these via their actions and behaviours. During periods of change they retain a constancy of purpose. Where required, such leaders are able to change the direction of the organization and inspire others to follow
Subcriteria Excellence1A-1E 1A How leaders develop vision, mission statement, targets, values and ethics and how leaders are role models in an culture striving towards worldclass 1B How leaders are personally involved to ensure the organisations Total Quality Management System develop, implement and continous improve 1C How leaders cooperate with customers, partners och societys stakeholders 1D How leaders strenghtening the culture by continous improvement of operation/business & People 1E How leaders identify and support areas for improvements.
How ? From words to action Our strategy to achieve all this ”know yourself, know your people and know your business ” “Know what you want, when you want it, why you want it and HOW you intend to get it " How ? From words to action Our strategy to achieve all this February 1, 2012
Mission statement Managers Worldclass ? Our managers are now working from Statistics Sweden´s operational plan and management system in excellent ways in that recognized, proven, and excellent management processes are used at all levels of Statistics Sweden. This means that our managers have moved from words to action when it comes to lead, manage, develop, monitor and continually improve our operations according to Statistics Sweden´s operational plan and management system (transmuted by Statistics Sweden´s leadership profile) This means that our managers are now using good, recognized and proven techniques, methodologies and practical working processes to operate business-oriented, customer-and user-oriented, improvement-oriented, employee-oriented and results-oriented Statistics Sweden now maximizes the value to our users and customers by constantly provide statistics aligned with our users' needs, requirements and preferences with the right quality right content at the right time and without errors Statistics Sweden´s leadership profile for managers is derived from EFQM and other excellent leadership, management and TQM sources. Statistics Sweden´s leadership profile for managers is presented in appendix 1. Our leadership profile for managers states that managers at all levels within the organisation use excellent, recognised and proven techniques, methodologies and practical working processes in management. That means our leaders need to use the best practical working processes in order to lead, manage, develop, monitor and continually improve our operations according to our leadership profile for managers, and our definitions of operational-oriented, customer- and user oriented, improvement-oriented, employee-oriented and results-oriented. “ In other words, the practical working process for the future work follows the structure for excellent vision, mission statements, and goal setting. In short, the long term mission statement above is then broken down into a series of long term-, medium term goals and short term goals (not presented here). Moreover, all our leadership training, workshops etc. are now (August 2012) under total transformation so that each single part of Statistics Sweden´s training is directed towards this mission statement. Mission statement Managers February 1, 2012
How do I coach my staff in excellent ways? How do I increase my own and my co-workers efficiency ? ? How do I coach my staff in excellent ways? How do I lead, guide, develop, monitor and continuously improve myself and my colleagues in excellent, systematic and practical ways ? How do I make good decisions as e.g. recruitment, selection of assignments, competence development etc. that can be verified by others ? How do I conduct excellent performance appraisals with my staff? How do I create visions, targets, action plans etc that motivate, inspire, commit and engage me and others ? How do I delegate in a good way? How do I create a positive, engaging, inspiring team? How do I resolve conflicts in a good solution focused way? How do we work better and more efficiently with our customers and users? How do I develop myself and others so that we achieve our visions, targets in practice ? How do I develop our creativity as e.g. new ideas which can then be realized? How do I communicate and give feedback in a positive and concrete way? How do I develop myself and my employees' knowledge, skills and abilities in a strategic way ? How do I identify risks and opportunities in excellent ways naturally into our daily operations ? Managers How do I lead myself & my co-workers through changes in an effective way ?
How we will achieve this ”From what to how and why ” What gets measured gets managed and what gets managed gets done” As a Manager at Statistics Sweden you are… That means that you… What does this mean in more definite, precise and detailed terms ? Operationalisation step by step How do I do this in practice ? 360 degrees -Brutal Self-Inventory How do we measure and follow up on this more specifically? Indicators ? What approaches, methods and tools do we use to go from what to how and why Operations oriented Customer- & user oriented Improvement oriented Employee oriented Results- oriented From What to How and Why The table below presents the overall strategy and the activities needed to achieve the mission statements and goals for Statistics Sweden´s managers and leaders. The arrow indicates the direction of the strategy "from what to how and why / results" indicate what and in what order and how this should be done gradually. All the knowledge, skills and abilities that our managers and leaders need to develop to achieve the target image in practice are highlighted in general terms in figure below. A detailed presentation of training etc. is available in an internal working document at the Personnel Department. It is important to understand that one unit within Statistics Sweden has well-proven and well-functioning practical working processes, techniques, methodologies and tools. This unit has already achieved the mission statement and can verify the results in definite economic terms for different stakeholders such as customers, users, staff etc.
Expected results What our unit achieved (verified by solid facts) Results EFQM & Stakeholders Economy 40% productivity & efficiency From a loss 1 mkr to a steady surplus 1 mkr Customers & Users Increased Quality & Quantity Satisfaction Employee 100 % Satisfaction Purpose, joy & meaning Involvement & engagement Exciting work International Sweden´s image Helping other countries Partnership SMED-consortium See Part II What our unit achieved (verified by solid facts) Statistics Sweden 135 mkr Security of employement More leaders Managers 100% Satisfaction Coaching employee National National objectives Environment Tourism February 1, 2012
First steps Reinforcement Ability Knowledge Desire Awareness Change Management (subcomponent Managementprocess) Awareness What´s in it for me ? How does all these things concern me ? Desire What am I evaluated on in more definite terms ? What should I be evaluated on ? Am I evaluated on this today ? What will I be evaluated on in the future ? Knowledge What approaches, methods & tools can I use to go from what to how ? Ability How do I apply these approaches into practice ? Reinforcement How do we get the people to perform in a certain way ? How do we reward performance that is in the direction we wish and disregard performance that is not Awareness Desire Knowledge Ability Reinforcement First steps The first important step concerns change management according to the ADKAR model. This means that we need to raise the awareness (A) Statistics Sweden´s leadership profile for managers among top management, department managers and unit managers. The next step is to raise the desire (D) among managers (external and internal motivation) by presenting the mission statement for our leaders in general and specific terms, the general and detailed strategy for how we are going to work with it, our Director General’s commitment etc. The third step is to present required knowledge, skills and abilities that are related to the mission statement for our leaders (K A), and that our organisation will be evaluated on in the future (R). Knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes and motivation The mission statement for Statistics Sweden´s managers and leaders is thus the basis for the knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes and motivation that our managers / leaders need to develop. To go from words to accomplished deeds concerning our training, workshops etc., we need a transformation that is directed towards this mission statement.
How do I create goals in a good way? How do I increase my own and my co-workers efficiency by at least 5 percent within a month ? ? How do I create goals in a good way? How do I lead, guide, develop, monitor and continuously improve myself and my colleagues in excellent, systematic and practical ways ? How do I make good decisions as e.g. recruitment, selection of assignments, competence development etc. that can be verified by others ? How do I conduct excellent performance appraisals with my staff? How do I create visions, targets, action plans etc that motivate, inspire, commit and engage me and others ? How do I delegate in a good way? How do I create a positive, engaging, inspiring team? How do I resolve conflicts in a good solution focused way? How do we work better and more efficently with our customers and users? How do I develop myself and others so that we achieve our visions, targets in practice ? How do I develop our creativity as e.g. new ideas which can then be realized? How do I communicate and give feedback in a positive and concrete way? How do I develop myself and my employees' knowledge, skills and abilities in a strategic way ? How do I identify risks and opportunities in excellent ways naturally into our daily operations ? Managers How do I lead myself & my co-workers through changes in an effective way ?
The most crucial success factors ”A culture of constant and never-ending improvements” Underpinning the EFQM Excellence Model is a set of 8 core values, which represents a consensus on the key managemant principles and beliefs that will drive the sustainable success of European organizations. The Concept behind the EFQM Excellence Model Leadership and Constancy of Purpose: Excellence is about visionary and inspirational leadership, coupled with constancy of purpose. ”If you do not know where you are going it does not matter which road you take” 2. Continous Learning, Innovation and Improvement: Excellence is about challenging the status q and effecting change by utilizing learning to create innovation and improvement possibilities. 3. People, Development and Involvement: Excellence is about maximizing the contribution of employees through their development and involvement. Partnership Development: Excellence is about developing and maintaining value-added partnerships Customer Focus: Excellence is about creating sustainable customer value Management by Processes and Facts: Excellence is about managing the organization through a set of interdependent and interrelated systems, processes and facts. Corporate Social Responsibility: Excellence is about exceeding the minimum regulatory framework in which the organization operates, and to strive to understand and respond to the expectations of their stakeholders in society Results orientation: Excellence is about achieving results that delight all the organizations stakeholders. The EFQM Excellence Model translates these 8 Fundamental concepts of Managment into a dynamic and non prescriptive operational model by which performance can be measured. The EFQM Excellence Model is a registered trademark of EFQM