IIMS/CTSA IIMS Application for Funding Areas of Emphasis Health disparities in the South Texas region Collaborations with regional partners, especially in military/veteran health San Antonio Military Health System South Texas Veterans Health Care System Building clinical research networks through the TRCC Enhancement and diversification of the translational science workforce Mentoring New Translational Science PhD program Career development programs Active engagement with community stakeholders Practice-Based Research Networks Development of novel therapeutics Center for Innovation in Drug Discovery (UTHSCSA-UTSA partnership)
IIMS/CTSA Summary of the Review Overall very positive comments and scores Scoring patterns – 6 reviewers per section High marks from 4 or 5 reviewers Less enthusiasm from 1 or 2 reviewers Overall score of 25 Ranked 10 th out of 29 submissions 15 centers were funded
IIMS/CTSA Areas of Concern or Perceived Lack of Clarity Diffuseness – 13 partner institutions But the range of partners was also seen as a major strength Imbalance among partners All 4 PIs from UTHSCSA (but 2 also from VA) Majority of resources utilized at UTHSCSA Lack of clarity Resource allocation Plan for withdrawing resources Program Income System
IIMS/CTSA Uniformly Highly Rated Aspects Serving our vulnerable Hispanic population Strong military affiliations – DoD and VA Sustained success and growth areas Clinical Research Units Practice-Based Research Networks Education and career development programs Community engagement programs Translational Pilot Project Program Continuous quality improvement using Lean Six Sigma methods