“Workplace Safety” APBA Guardian Angels Thursday, September 12, 2013
RISK MANAGEMENT A pro-active approach to your day-to-day operations to help limit and reduce property, liability, & workers’ compensation exposures for your parish, school, & the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis.
When it comes to safety & risk management… Ignorance is not bliss!!
Why should you be concerned? Injuries are never a good thing ◦ Injured party Disruption in work/life… potentially life-changing Economic impact ◦ Church/School Image/reputation Jobs Fairness to other members of your program ◦ All share in risk & costs ◦ All should work to reduce risk & costs
What type of injuries are occurring at our churches & schools? *Slips, Trips, & Falls -Approximately 50% of our workers’ compensation claims are from slips, trips & falls *Overexertion / strains -Improper lifting -Lifting too much *Repetitive motion -Improper tools / work area *Equipment Accidents -Improper / no safety guards -No / improper training
What category of employees are getting hurt? ◦ *Teachers ◦ *Maintenance Workers ◦ *Food Service Employees ◦ *Child Care Workers ◦ *Administrators
◦ Create a Safety Committee at your Parish Who should be on the committee Parish Business Administrator Principal Maintenance Supervisor Any other parishioner who wants to be involved or has safety experience Consult with Catholic Mutual Group
How can we prevent employee injuries? Implement a Workplace Safety Program
A Workplace Safety Program should include the following… * Method for identifying, evaluating, and documenting hazards *Method for timely correction of safety and health dangers identified *Method for emergency response / first aid *Initial safety orientation on rules, policies and job specific procedures for employees
A Workplace Safety Program should include the following… *Job specific training for employees before they perform potentially dangerous work *Periodic refresher training
Slips, Trips & Falls Common causes of Slips, Trips & Falls *Not watching where you are going – being distracted
Slips, Trips & Falls Common causes of Slips, Trips & Falls *Not wearing proper shoes -No high heels, flip flops, open toe shoes
Slips, Trips & Falls Common causes of Slips, Trips & Falls *Not wearing proper shoes Catholic Mutual Group has a “Shoes for Crews” program with discounts available
Slips, Trips & Falls Common causes of Slips, Trips & Falls *Using ladders improperly
Slips, Trips & Falls Common causes of Slips, Trips & Falls *Using unsafe ladders -All old wooden ladders should be discarded *Obstructions on stairs and walkways *Inadequate lighting *Slippery & uneven surfaces
Slips, Trips & Falls Identifying the hazards *Stairs need to be in safe condition *Stairs should have a non-slip surface *Handrails need to be in place, secure and utilized *Stairways require good lighting Level surfaces can cause falls *Is the area wet or worn? *Is the area snow covered? -Sand & salt at every entrance *Has the area been waxed or polished? *Does the area show signs of grease or spills? -Spills must be cleaned up immediately
Overexertion / Strains Main cause of Overexertion / Strains Improper Lifting Eight Steps to a Safe Lift 1)Size up the load 2)Plan the job 3)Establish base support 4)Bend your knees 5)Get a good grip 6)Keep the load close 7)Lift with your legs 8)Pivot; don’t twist
Equipment Accidents *Getting caught, cut, or pinched by moving parts Avoidance *Never work on equipment without training *Never work on equipment without proper safety equipment & guards *Remove jewelry and loose fitting clothing when working around moving parts - Tie back hair
Equipment Accidents Avoidance *Personal Protective Equipment -Safety Glasses -Gloves -Footwear -Hearing Protection -Lifting Belts