Primary Teachers (including Deputy and Assistant Principal and other Unit Holders) Collective Agreement
Part 9 : Surplus Staffing SUMMARY OF THE PROCESSSUMMARY OF THE PROCESS 9.2 Inform staff and the union field officers that a staffing9.2 Inform staff and the union field officers that a staffing surplus exists / permanent unit reduction required surplus exists / permanent unit reduction required 9.2 Consult with staff9.2 Consult with staff 9A.2 Investigate attrition9A.2 Investigate attrition 9A.4 Carry out a detailed needs analysis9A.4 Carry out a detailed needs analysis 9A.4(b) Disestablish permanent units9A.4(b) Disestablish permanent units 9A.4(c)(iii) Advertise the remaining positions internally9A.4(c)(iii) Advertise the remaining positions internally 9A.6.1 Explore options with teachers in disestablished positions9A.6.1 Explore options with teachers in disestablished positions Inform MoE of option by early DecemberInform MoE of option by early December
Key concepts Transparent process Transparent process Consult – consult - consult Consult – consult - consult Effects on staff – short and long termEffects on staff – short and long term
Surplus Staffing – Surplus Units Question Does the staffing notice show a reduction in units is required? Does the staffing notice show a reduction in units is required? Are there fixed term units that expire at the end of the year?? Are there fixed term units that expire at the end of the year?? Is there a permanent unit holder resigning at the end of the year?Is there a permanent unit holder resigning at the end of the year?
If you have to reduce permanent units. Needs analysis – implementation of units policy units policyNeeds analysis – implementation of units policy units policy Can involveCan involve –Partial loss of units i.e. the DP goes from 4 to 3 –Total loss of units i.e one less syndicate
Fewer FTTE’s Are there ‘fixed term teacher positions’ ending in December?Are there ‘fixed term teacher positions’ ending in December? If not – then a Surplus Staffing process needs to be implemented. If not – then a Surplus Staffing process needs to be implemented. Permanent unit holders not part of process Permanent unit holders not part of process
Important factors to Consider Surplus staffing is about the need to reduce permanent teacher positions at the school due to roll changesSurplus staffing is about the need to reduce permanent teacher positions at the school due to roll changes It is not about competency or constructive dismissalIt is not about competency or constructive dismissal Everyone needs to be compassionateEveryone needs to be compassionate The grieving processThe grieving process SEEK HELP SEEK HELP
9A2 Attrition9A2 Attrition Fixed term Resignation 9A.4 Needs Analysis In consultation with staff identify future: management structure curriculum and other needs charter goals / strategic plan
Appointment process – keep to the normal – look at BOT policyAppointment process – keep to the normal – look at BOT policy Format – CV’s ? Interviews?Format – CV’s ? Interviews? Advice is to find 3 or 4 factors from the needs analysis and use these – mixture curriculum, leadership, pastoral.Advice is to find 3 or 4 factors from the needs analysis and use these – mixture curriculum, leadership, pastoral.
Informing the identified teacher Reactions – grief anger
OPTIONS RedeploymentRetraining ‘ After redeployment and retraining options have been thoroughly explored ’ long service or severance payment
Redeployment up to thirty (30) school weeksup to thirty (30) school weeks at existing salaryat existing salary at current school or at any other school at the request of the teacher and with the approval of the original employer and the BoT at the other schoolat current school or at any other school at the request of the teacher and with the approval of the original employer and the BoT at the other school she/he shall be appointed to a permanent vacancy (same or lower level) which arises at the school (not specialist position)she/he shall be appointed to a permanent vacancy (same or lower level) which arises at the school (not specialist position) special project(s)special project(s) removal expenses provisionremoval expenses provision
Retraining An approved course of study that will enhance or upgrade the employee’s skills as a teacher and be related to education An approved course of study that will enhance or upgrade the employee’s skills as a teacher and be related to education Existing salary for a maximum period of thirty (30) school weeksExisting salary for a maximum period of thirty (30) school weeks Costs and expenses of training, including course fees to be paid by the teacherCosts and expenses of training, including course fees to be paid by the teacher BoT must give one month’s notice prior to ending dateBoT must give one month’s notice prior to ending date
Severance / Long Service Leave Redeployment and retraining could be unsuitable if: Redeployment and retraining could be unsuitable if: the teacher is in poor health or nearing retirementthe teacher is in poor health or nearing retirement the teacher is unable to relocate and there are not suitable opportunities for employment n surrounding schoolsthe teacher is unable to relocate and there are not suitable opportunities for employment n surrounding schools there are no suitable retraining facilitiesthere are no suitable retraining facilities
Identified teacher(s) reviews options / comes to a decisionIdentified teacher(s) reviews options / comes to a decision (may need to check with MoE re retraining course) December (4 -11th) BoT notify MoE of decisionDecember (4 -11th) BoT notify MoE of decision