HS Announcements: Monday, Oct. 29 th High School 1.Next Tuesday, Nov. 6 th, is Picture Retake Day. All Seniors will have their Composite Picture taken. This picture is for the large framed composite picture that goes on the wall in the hallway. We will start first thing on Tuesday. Next Tuesday is also picture retake day for any students in grades 6-11 who were absent on picture day or who need a retake for some reason. 2.Attention Seniors– if you missed the meeting with Jostens on Wednesday, you can pick up a packet from Mrs. Neer in the office. The Jostens representative will return to take orders and a down payment for your graduation supplies on Wed. Oct. 31 st during lunch in the cafetorium. Make sure bring a $75 down payment or pay in full. 3.Attention Freshmen– if you missed the meeting with Jostens on Wednesday, you can pick up a packet from Mrs. Neer in the office. The Jostens representative will return to take orders and a down payment for your class ring on Wed. Oct. 31 st during lunch in the cafetorium. The special discounts apply on order day only. 4.Reminder to students that have completed a fall sports season and want to take advantage of the PE Waiver. Forms can be picked up in the office or guidance office. Once your season is complete, get your coach to sign-off and then turn the form in to the office. 5.The high school boys basketball shoe order has arrived at BOSS. You can pick shoes up at the store before 6:00. Due to the fact that there may be cuts this year, please remember that you do not need to buy the shoes until you are sure that you have made the team. 6.Attention Potential Bowling Team Members: Tryouts will be held at Southwest Bowl in Urbana on Monday November 5th from 4:00 to 5:15, Tuesday November 6th from 6-8, and Thursday November 8th from 4-6. You must attend at least one of these tryouts to make the team. The top 8 boys and girls will make the bowling team by average scores from the tryouts. The last “open bowling” before tryouts will be held on October 30th from 5-6:30. The first practice will be on November 13th from If you are interested in being on the Quick Recall Team, see Mr. Lewis to sign-up. Quick Recall matches start next month. 8.Attention all drama club set members: Today is when set crew needs to start coming to practice. Practice is every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 6 to 8. 9.Attention High School Drivers – students in grades K-5 are NOT to be walking in the parking lot by themselves after school. All elementary students who are riding home in the car with a high school sibling MUST be signed out at the student drop off/pick up area. So if you take an elementary sibling home with you, you must sign them out and walk them to your car. 10.High School Football play-off shirt orders are available in the HS office, Hair Kare N Tan and the Big Orange Shoe Shop. They are due back TODAY. 11.FCCLA is again sponsoring the annual dodgeball tournament on Nov. 16 th in the high school gym. 12.Three graduates from West Liberty-Salem and former FFA members received the American FFA Degree on Saturday, which is the highest degree any member can earn in the National FFA Organization. Members receiving this honor were Taelor Cox, Amanda Williams and Allie Harr. Athletics 1.Congratulations to our Varsity Football Team on their victory over Triad Friday night. This win not only earned WL-S an OHC Championship but also a second consecutive undefeated regular season – for the first time in school history. We will host Dayton Christian in the State Playoffs this Saturday at 7:00pm. 2.Both our high school cross country teams finished third in the Regional Cross Country Meet on Saturday at Troy and qualified to run at the State Cross Country Meet this Saturday at National Trail Speedway in Hebron. This will be the 4 th consecutive State Meet for the girls program which marks the first time in school history that a girls program has qualified for 4 straight state competitions. At Regionals, Meghan Vogel finished 1 st, Jasmine Smith-6 th, Alyssa Strickland-11 th, Shawnda Henault-17 th, and Savanna Shipp-81 st. For the boys Aaron Scott was 9 th, Joey Adams-12 th, Alex Adams-18 th, Chris Buschur-46 th, and Ross Kelley-85 th. This is the second straight year that our boys team has qualified for the state meet. On Saturday, the boys run at 11:00 and the girls run at 1:30.