Percentages A century is 100 years. A Roman centurion commanded 100 foot soldiers. A US dollar is 100 cents. From freezing to boiling is 100 degrees centigrade.
1% 10% 20% 25% 50%
Food 10% Clothes 20% Mobile 0% Presents 15% Savings 45% Other 10%
10% 10% of £80 £8 10% of £80 = £8
80 10% 25% 20% 30% 15% 5% 1%
120 10% 25% 20% 30% 15% 5% 1%
300 10% 25% 20% 30% 15% 5% 1%
Making a percentages table
Making a percentages table
Where do we see percentages? 25% off! % pay increase - the firemen Prices going up by 5% (inflation) Discounts in the sales “Money off” offers Savings 4% Interest
25% off! Model Mercedes “E” Class - £40 New price?New price? 25% =1/4 1/4 of 40 = 10 £40 - £10 = £30
Find new prices of: Washing machine £200 Trainers £80 TV / DVD £500 Tumble drier £160 25% off!
Find new prices of: MP3 Player £90 CD £12 Bike £200 Computer £600 20% off!
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Sale Percentages ObjectCost Sale %ReductionSale Price Washing Machine£20025% Tumble Drier£16025% Trainers£8025% TV/DVD£50025% 10% MP3 Player£9020% CD£1020% Computer£60020% Bike£20020%
Sale Percentages ObjectCostSale % 10%5% Reduction Sale Price Coat£2015% Tennis Racquet£8015% Shoes£3015% 10% Golf Clubs£30030% Sports Bag£2530% Games Console£15030% Sofa£20030% Clothes£13025% Holiday£32040% Table£7035%