1.Basic knowledge of the process of doing business A Inquiry Enquiry B Replies to inquiry Quotation / offer A B General enquiry Special enquiry Counter.


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Presentation transcript:

1.Basic knowledge of the process of doing business A Inquiry Enquiry B Replies to inquiry Quotation / offer A B General enquiry Special enquiry Counter offer acceptance Terms of payment Orders& their fulfillment Shipment, insurance acceptance declining

1. Inquiry : key sentences of samples Show your interest: 1. We are your men ’ s shirt. interested in sourcing in the market for considering buying ready to purchase

1. Inquiry : patterns & substitution How you know them: 2. We visited your stand at and are now writing you to inquire about your products. Guangzhou Fair, China ’ s Export Commodities Fair, China ’ s Spring Export Commodities Fair, China ’ s Autumn Export Commodities Fair,.

1. Inquiry : key sentences of samples Ask for sth. : 3. Would you please send us details of the products the commodities the goods the captioned goods including pattern 、 model 、 packaging 、 price list 、 a variety of samples 、 your latest catalogue/pricelist 、 your terms of payment,.

1. Inquiry : key sentences of samples Ask for some details: 4. Please state terms of payment and discount price FOB China port (free on board) price CIF Chicago ( cost, insurance, freight),.

1. Inquiry : patterns & substitution place a large order with you. place regular orders with you. If you could quote us your lowest price, Terms of payment and delivery date are satisfactory, If your price is competitive and delivery date is acceptable,, we intend to 5.

Inquiry: exercise II. Key 1. a. not higher than the prevailing market, we shall be ready to place large orders with you. b. reasonable, we shall place regular orders with you. c. in line with the world market and the date of delivery favorable, we shall expect to recommend your products to our branches in the Europe. 2. a. we are sending this fax requesting you to send us the illustrated catalogue and price-list for your T-shirts. b. we recommended your products to our clients here who showed great interest. c. we are willing to ask you for detailed information on the captioned articles and will be grateful for your immediate reply.

Inquiry: exercise II. Key 3. a. Seeing the advertisement you put in this month's issue of “Electric Appliance”, b. Being told by a friend who has just come back from the Guangzhou Fair, c. From the report by our Shanghai Office, 4. a. what sorts of chemicals and pharmaceuticals sell well in your country. b. when you can send us the sample machine. c. if you can quote us on CIF Calais. 5. a. your attending the Guangzhou Fair this autumn. b. helping to promote the products on your market. c. expanding business between us further.

Inquiry: exercise VI. Key Dear Sirs, Our associated company in Paris is ready to buy 5,000 of your Tianjin-made “STRONG”magnetic cups mentioned above (Catalogue No.2369). Please state your terms of payment, FOB Tianjin, including discounts and your delivery dates. If there is a promising market of the products, we may possibly place orders for our branches in Europe. Faithfully yours,

2.Replies to inquiries : key sentences of samples 1. We are enclosing our illustrated catalogue and price-list for your reference. 2. We welcome your enquiry of 20 may and thank you for your interest in our bicycles. 3. We would allow you a trade discount of 30% grant you a 20% special discount on (regular) purchase in/of quantities of not less than in duplicate in triplicate reply discount

2.Replies to inquiries : key sentences of samples 4. will appeal to the most selective customers. The finest materials and the highest craftsmanship introduction 5. Our goods are both excellent in quality and very reasonable in price.

2.Replies to inquiries : key sentences 6. We will make delivery of the goods upon receipt of your order. 7. we can only accept 8. Payment is to be made by L/C (letter of credit) T/T (telegraphic transfer) L/C (letter of credit) T/T (telegraphic transfer) payment and delivery

2.Replies to inquiries : practical sentences exercises 1. 我们的产品质量上乘,价格公道。如果你们的购买数 量不少于 500 打的华,我们将给于 25 %的特殊折扣。 2. 随信附上带插图的目录册和最新价目表,另外品种齐 全的样品我们将马上另寄。 3 .我们出口品种齐全的鞋子。他们材料上乘,技艺精湛。 4.如果你们大批量订货的话,我们只接受信用证付款。 期待你们的订单。 5.对于高质量的产品,我们有很大的需求,价格适中的 产品我们会接受的.

2.Replies to inquiries : practical sentences exercises 1. 我们的产品质量上乘,价格公道。如果你们的购买数 量不少于 500 打的华,我们将给于 25 %的特殊折扣。\ Our goods are both excellent in quality and very reasonable in price. On purchases of quantities of not less than five huandred dozen, we would allow a special discount of 25 percent.. 2. 随信附上带插图的目录册和最新价目表,另外品种齐 全的样品我们将马上另寄。 We are enclosing the illustrated catalogues and latest price list, under separate cover, we are sending you a full range of samples at once.

2.Replies to inquiries : practical sentences exercises 3 .我们出口品种齐全的鞋子。他们材料上乘,技艺精湛。 We export a full range of shoes. They have t he finest materials and the highest craftsmanship. 4.如果你们大批量订货的话,我们只接受信用证付款。 期待你们的订单。 If you place a large order,we only accept L/C. Look forward to your order. 5.对于高质量的产品,我们有很大的需求,价格适中的 产品我们会接受的. There is a great demand for products of high quality. Moderately priced goods can be obtained.

Replies to inquiry: exercise III.  1.  a. receipt of fax dated March 9th.  b. receipt of your samples of May 8th.  c. receipt of your inquiry sent by the Import Dept..  2.  a. We are enclosing a price-list at your request.  b. We shall airmail you a sample under separate cover as soon as possible. c. We shall forward you detailed information upon receipt of your letter.  3.  a. As requested by our manufacturers,  b. At the request of your clients,  c. According to the terms of the offer,

Replies to inquiry: exercise III. 4. a. that we shall let you have the requested information on time. b. that the prices we quote here will give you satisfaction. c. that the brochure enclosed herewith will be of great help to you. 5.  a. As there are substantial orders for this product with its best (finest) materials and finest (highest) craftsmanship As its best (finest) materials and finest (highest) craftsmanship brought us substantial orders b. Because of the shortage of raw materials recently,  c. Since it has kept raining for many days, blocking the roads, Since it is cloudy and drizzly for days, blocking the roads

Replies to inquiry: exercise VII.  Dear Mr.…   We are glad to hear from an old friend again. Yes, we are still making our famous "Narcissus" washing machines, and we are pleased to tell you that we have been able to improve their quality without any increase in price.   We are enclosing our lowest quotation CIF Casablanca.   We can promise delivery within two weeks on our receipt of your L/C.  Please cable us when you receive this letter. We look forward to your order at a n early date.   Sincerely yours, 

 1.谢谢你方十月十八日来信,要求我们给男式衬衫 的目录册及报价单。  2.随函附寄我们插图目录册一式二份,以及最新价 目表一份, 请查收。  3.欣悉对我们的皮包有兴趣,并感谢有此机会向你 们介绍我们的产品。  4.为使你方更好地了解我方的鞋钉,今特选出代表 性的样品包裹航寄你方供你们细阅。  5.我们希望能在你方市场上扩大我方产品的销售, 现随函附上报价单第168号,希望你方能向预期的 买主推荐。 2.Replies to inquiries : exercises (keys)

 6.为复你方八月二十日来信,现随函寄去我方货物类目,并注 明价格和交货期。  7.我们感谢您九月二十一日来信询问。这封信来得正是时候, 因为一段时间以来,我们一直在考虑把我们的出口范围扩大到包 括西班牙。  8.我们收到了你们十月二十三日来信, 并且及时地按照你们的 指示采取了行 动。  9.我们已收到您五月四日询问我们地毯的种类及批量购货之条 件的来函,谢谢。  10.我们盼望你们能接受随函所附的报价,并且向你们保证随 时效劳。

2.Replies to inquiries : exercises (keys)  Dear Sirs,   We welcome your enquiry of 20 May and thank you for your interest in our bicycles.   We are enclosing our catalogue and price-list at your request. Also enclosed you will find details of terms of payment, as well as an illustrated brochure giving you a brief introduction of our company.   Our goods are both excellent in quality and very reasonable in price.   We look forward to your early reply.  Truly yours,

2.Replies to inquiries : key sentences of samples (quotation/ offer) 1. We acknowledge receipt of your letter of In reply to your inquiry of ----,we are sending you our offer as follows: 3. Thank you for your recent fax telling us that there is a good demand for our products in your market. We are pleased to offer them as follows. 4. We are pleased to make/send/forward you a special offer, subject to our final confirmation, as follows:

2.Replies to inquiries : key sentences (quotation/ offer) 5. Place an order for a guaranteed minimum number of the product in return for a special allowance: 6. We feel it would be better to offer you a special allowance on the following sliding-scale basis: 7. We trust you will take advantage of the favorable offer and send us your acceptance at an early date. 8. No special allowance could be given on annual total purchase below Since this is our first transaction with you, we decide, as an exception, to cut the price by 2%.

2.Replies to inquiries : exercises (quotation / offer)  Translate:  依照贵方要求,现报价如下,供参考: 商品:各种颜色和款式的男士衬衫 尺码:大, 中,小 包装: 用包装,装入出口用标准纸箱 价格: 每打 CIF 欧洲主要口岸英镑价, 2 %佣金 大号: 20 英磅 中号: 18 英磅 小号: 15 英磅 装运:收到信用证后一个月内装运 支付:通过保兑,不可撤销信用证,见票即付汇票 EMP: European Main Ports: 意,法,比,荷,英, 德,丹

 Translate:  As you requested, we offer them as follows for your references : Commodity: Men’s shirts in different colors and pattern Size : Large(L), Medium (M), Small (S) Packing: Shirts are wrapped in bags and packed in standard export cardboard cartons Price: CIF C2% EMP per dozen in pound sterling L: £ 20 M: £ 18 S: £ 15 Shipment: within one month after receipt of L/C Payment: 100% by confirmed, irrevocable L/C by draft of sight 2.Replies to inquiries : exercises (keys) (quotation / offer)

 Translate:  很高兴收到你们 10 月 15 日的询价函。我们随信附上你 们所需的圣诞玩具的最新的目录和价目表。我们将另 寄我们的样品。我们相信当你们看到我们的产品时, 就会知道我们的产品质量上乘,价格合理。  如果你们大量订货数量不少于 100 打单品以上的话,我 们将给予最有惠的价格,给予 FOB 汉堡价的 3 %的折扣。 用不可撤销的信用证即期付款方式,我们将立即发货。  期待你们的订货 2.Replies to inquiries : exercises (quotation / offer)

 Dear sirs,  We are very pleased to receive your inquiry of 15 th October and are enclosing our latest illustrated catalogue and price list of Christmas Toys at your request. Also by separate cover we are sending you some samples. When you have examined them you will agree that the goods are both excellent in quality and reasonable in price.  Usually on orders in large quantity of not less than 100 dozen of individual items, we would offer you our best price FOB Hamburg allowing 3% of discount. Payment is to be made by irrevocable L/C at sight and we would ensure immediate shipment.  We are looking forward to your early order. Yours sincerely,

3. counter-offer  Thank you for your quotation:  Do not agree with the offer:  Ask for a reasonable price:  Look forward to reply

 Do not agree with the offer:  1. We are not in a position to accept the offer on your terms.  2. Your price appear to be on the high side.  3. We are obtaining the same quality through another channel at a much lower price than yours.  4. The blouses are available on our market from several other manufactures, the price they quoted is nearly 15% lower than yours.  5. We don ’ t deny that the quality is slightly better, but the difference should not be as big as 10%. 3. counter-offer

 Ask for a reasonable price:  1. We suggest that you make some allowance by 6%.  2. Should you cut down your price by at least 10%.  3. To develop our trade, we trust that you would allow us a higher rate of discount.  4. Since our order is around $300000, it is worthwhile to make a concession.  5. Your concession would push the sales of your goods in our market.  6. You will not lose the chance to benefit from the expanding market. 3. counter-offer

 Look forward to reply:  1. As the market is declining,we recommend your immediate acceptance.  2. We hope you will reconsider your offer / consider our counter-offer. 3. counter-offer

 Translation:  Dear sirs,  We thank you for your letter of August 23 offering us No.546 Copy Machine. However we regret to inform you that the minimum of $5000 per model is too big for this market.  In case you can reduce the minimum to $3500 per model, there is a possibility of our booking orders because a considerable quantity of this machine is required on this market for business firms.  We await your early reply with keen interest.  Yours faithfully 3. counter-offer : exercises

  敬启者,   感谢你方 8 月 23 日信给我们的第 546 号复印机报盘。然而, 很抱歉地告知你方每种型号的最低价 5 , 000 美元的这种行 市太贵。  如果你方能将每型号的最低价格降至 3 , 500 美元,我方 有可能向你方定购,因为本地市场有许多商务公司需要大 量的这种复印机。  殷切盼望你方的回音。    … 谨上

4.declining counter-offer:  We can ’ t comply with your counter-offer:  The reasons:  Make a little concession :  Look forward to reply

4.declining counter-offer:  We can ’ t comply with your counter-offer: 1. In reply to your letter requesting a 10% reduction in price, we regret we find it very difficult to comply with. 2. This is the most reasonable price, any further reduction / concession / discount on our side is out of the question. out of question: 毫无疑问 out of the question: 根本不可能 3. We cannot entertain business even if we meet you halfway.

4.declining counter-offer:  The reasons: 1. The price are closely calculated. 2. Considerable business has been done with many customers at these price. 3. A fair comparison of quality between ---- will convince you of the quotation.

Exercises (Printed Material)  V.  1. a. that there is a good demand for our electric fans in your market.  b. that your prices are prohibitive.  c. that your terms are more favorable than those of the other suppliers.  2. a. in the hope that you will introduce our products to your end-users soon.  b. hoping that you will get for us substantial orders.  c. in the hope of your effort in promoting the sales of our products at your end.  3. a. Since this is our initial transaction with you,  b. With a view to initiate business with you,  c. Because this is our first opportunity of serving you,

Exercises (Printed Material)  V.  4. a. and any further reduction is out of the question.  b. because we have cut it to the limit. (because it has already been cut as fine as possible.)  c. and it is closely calculated and considered moderate.  5. a. we have now come to terms.  b. we now finally have reached agreement.  c. we have come to this happy ending.

Exercises (Printed Material) Dear sirs, Thank you for your letter of March 7 regarding the captioned goods, in which you informed us that your customers had found the quality of our goods satisfactory but the price too high. Normally we don ’ t allow any reduction an order less than US50000 in value. As a matter of fact,we are offering this lot at something near our cost. However, in view of the present market, we agree to further grant you a special discount of 2% in our previous quotation and no counter-offer will be entertained. Your early reply will be much appreciated. Yours faithfully,