A Comparative Analysis of SE to LSS (Lean Six Sigma) William “Bill” Fournier 15 May, 2012
Agenda Abstract/Introduction Method Tools Thirteen LSS Tools Conclusions Future Research Footnotes
Abstract/Introduction Abstract Introduction Lean and Six Sigma –Lean –Six Sigma Perspective SEDC & DoD Track Tie Recent Article
Method Comparative Analysis INCOSE SE Handbook vs. ASQ and MIT LSS Tools = Processes, Methods, or Techniques Shared, Similar, Generic Tools
Tools Shared- QFD, IPDTs Similar- TPM/Control Charts Generic include many and non Technical- Statistical Tools
Pareto’s Law / Poka Yoke/ RACI & LRC Pareto’s Law Concept- 80/20 Usage- Prioritize Risk, Requirements, Verification, Trade studies Poka Yoke Concept- Design in for happy path Usage- Detailed software design RACI and LRC Concept- Role clarity Usage – SE planning
Con. Res. Diag. / Error Proof./ Toyota Conflict Resolution Diagram Concept- Conflict Usage- Trade studies Error Proofing Concept- Design out errors in process Usage- Detailed design Toyota Production System Concept- Reduce waste Usage – Flexibility
Future Reality Diagram / LPI/ TOC Future Reality Diagram Concept- Planning for Change Usage- Upgrades & Future Increments LPI (Lean Performance Indicator) Concept- Metrics for effectiveness Usage- Incentives TOC (Theory Of Constraints) Concept- Resources for Logistics, Performance, and Logic Usage- Trade studies
Quick Change. / Kanban / Takt Time Quick Changeover Concept- Adaptable processes Usage- Requirements and Design flexibility Kanban Concept- Just In Time Usage- Design and Planning processes Takt Time Concept- Balance Process designs for schedule Usage- Design and Planning process
Perspective Perspective Concept- The Blind Men and The Elephant Usage – Expanding Lessons Learned and synergy between disciplines
Conclusion & Future Research Conclusions SE efforts improve use of 13 LSS Tools SEs synergy by know the differences in terms & use Future Research Validate Improve Expand