Small Business Resource Power Point Series Your Site and Keywords
Why You Need Keywords When searching for a particular product or service on line what is your first logical step? Use a search engine of course! It follows therefore that you must get your web site onto the major search engines, and to do this keywords in your web pages are a necessity.
First, Find Your Keywords Put yourself in your customers shoes. What words would you use to locate your products? Try to get ideas from as many different sources as possible. Ask your staff, customers, suppliers and friends for suggestions.
Rongly Speld? Not everyone is great at spelling or typing so include common mis-spellings in your list. This could include phonetic mistakes such as ‘k’ instead of ‘ch’ (kemist or skool). Or common errors like ‘ei’ (recieve or reciept). Also incorporate figures of speech and synonyms.
Where Are You Based? If you sell your products or services primarily to local people, then your locality is very important. Perhaps your location or the origin of your products is an important selling point. If so then include your town, city, county, and/or country in your keywords.
Add In Your Company Name Your customers may look for your website by entering your company’s name in a search engine so ensure you include it. Also add product and any brand names you sell, but beware! You must get permission from any other company whose trademark or product name you use.
Decide on Key Phrases Now your keyword list is complete use the words to make up a list of key phrases. Create phrases that make up queries, and swap words around to create different combinations. Expand on your descriptions, so instead of having a single word product explanation it becomes three or four words and is more specific.
Some Extra Assistance Consider using a web-based facility such as “WordTracker” which suggests synonyms to your chosen keywords and advises on the popularity of your keywords in recent searches.
How Often Is A Phrase Searched? It is not just important to know what phrases searchers use, but also the frequency a phrase is being searched is very useful in developing keywords. One way of assessing this is by visiting: /suggestion/ Which for a given phrase or word tells you the number of searches in the past month on /suggestion/
Use Only Phrases Unless it’s unique, don’t use single words in your keywords. If you enter a single non-specific word into a search engine such as ‘motorbike’ or ‘cat’ you will get thousands of results, 99% of which are of no interest to you. You wouldn’t search through all these sites and neither will your customers!
Be Specific Stay away from phrases that are too general. There is no point in bringing people to your site who have no interest in purchasing your products. Target your niche group and this smaller audience will supply more profit than a larger indifferent one.
Conclusion Internet use is growing every day, and with it the utilisation of search engines. Research, evaluate, and choose your keywords with care. Search engines will then pick up your site and advertise it for you! Remember the more targeted and less competitive the search the increased chance of a quality visitor who will act.
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