ENGINE Final Conference February Vilnius Lithuania Future Project Proposal on Geothermal Education and Training Marcel Rosca University of Oradea 1.Background 2.ENGINE Results 3.Project Proposal 4.Financing Possibilities
ENGINE Final Conference February Vilnius Lithuania Future Project Proposal on Geothermal Education and Training From initial exploration to final utilization, geothermal projects need a specialists in a wide range of expertise fields. Basic higher education in fields related to geothermal exploration, exploitation and utilization available everywhere. Limited, rather low, number of universities offer specific geothermal programs, courses, or even include topics in the relevant courses. High level advanced training available in Iceland (UNU GTP and University of Iceland), expensive, fellowships available for students from developing countries only. IGA (ERB) ISS for the Direct Application of Geothermal Energy, with small financial support from the IGA, larger from the WB but limited to GeoFund program eligible countries. In-house training in research, consulting or industrial entities still most common (reasonable for many reasons, would be easier to have better trained new employees and support in organized short training courses). 1.Background
ENGINE Final Conference February Vilnius Lithuania Future Project Proposal on Geothermal Education and Training Many geothermal research and demonstration projects have already been finalized or are in final stages, with or without financial support from the EC, in many topics related to exploration, exploitation and utilization (both direct and indirect – power generation). Information on the results is available on the INTERNET (project web sites, conference proceedings, etc.), therefore it can be used to be included in the relevant courses if considered interesting or useful. The available information is mainly “what has been done”, and less “how was it done” or even “how can it be used”. Short courses for training future geothermal specialist should be very useful if the geothermal business will develop as expected (at a rate similar to how it is already developing in Germany). 1.Background
ENGINE Final Conference February Vilnius Lithuania Future Project Proposal on Geothermal Education and Training The only regular geothermal training program is the 6 months UNU GTP, running for 30 years in Reykjavik, Iceland. B.S. diploma in a relevant field required for admission. Fellowships only available for developing countries (and CEE?). Starts with an initial general course on geothermal for all students (6 weeks), followed by specialised training in one of the 9 offered lines of study: Geological exploration; Borehole geology; Geophysical exploration; Borehole geophysics; Reservoir engineering; Drilling technology; Environmental studies; Chemistry of thermal fluids; Geothermal utilisation. Can be continued with a M.S. course at the University of Iceland, Reykjavik University, or, starting this fall, at the Reykjavik Energy Graduate School of Sustainable Systems (REYST). There are some possibilities to obtain fellowships. 2.ENGINE Results – Proposed Route
ENGINE Final Conference February Vilnius Lithuania Future Project Proposal on Geothermal Education and Training EXPLORATION Generally available B.S. programs in Earth Sciences: Geology, Geophysics, Hydrogeology, etc. M.S. and Ph.D. programs oriented to geothermal available in few countries (e.g. Iceland, Germany, Greece, Turkey). Other universities intend to start M.S. programs which include geothermal (e.g. Université de Lausanne, Switzerland). 2.ENGINE Results – Proposed Route
ENGINE Final Conference February Vilnius Lithuania Future Project Proposal on Geothermal Education and Training EXPLOITATION B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. programs available in many countries in Oil and Gas (Petroleum) schools, with specialization in: Well drilling, completion and exploitation, Well testing and logging, Reservoir engineering. Specific aspects of geothermal reservoirs, EGS included, are usually not presented (some exceptions). M.S. program including courses on Deep drilling technology, Borehole geophysics and Reservoir engineering available at the Geothermal Centre of the University of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschule) Bochum, Germany. M.S. and Ph.D. available at the Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey. Stanford University: B.S. program in Petroleum Engineering was no longer very attractive and has been renamed to Energy Resources Engineering and oriented to renewables, mainly geothermal, followed by a M.S. program with the same name that also includes geothermal resources. 2.ENGINE Results – Proposed Route
ENGINE Final Conference February Vilnius Lithuania Future Project Proposal on Geothermal Education and Training UTILIZATION B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. programs available in Mechanical Engineering (heat engines, etc.), Civil Engineering (heating systems, etc.), Energy Engineering (Power plants, Thermal energy engineering, etc.), but most of them do not include specific courses on the utilization of geothermal energy. Some known exceptions: M.S. program at the Geothermal Centre of the University of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschule) Bochum, Germany; M.S. program in Renewable energy engineering (including geothermal) at the University of Iceland, Reykjavik; B.S. program in Thermal energy engineering oriented to renewable energy sources, including geothermal, M.S. program in Utilization of geothermal and solar energy, Ph.D. including geothermal energy utilization at the University of Oradea, Romania. Ph.D. on geothermal energy utilization might be available elsewhere too. 2.ENGINE Results – Proposed Route
ENGINE Final Conference February Vilnius Lithuania Future Project Proposal on Geothermal Education and Training 1.Capitalize the ENGINE material by making all the collected information easily downloadable from the website (e.g. the CD’s of all workshops and conferences); 2.Use the ENGINE network to compile existing trainings by creating a list of the universities offering higher education programs of all levels in fields of interest for geothermal exploration, exploitation and utilization, with contact people potentially interested, to be informed about the project; 3.Encourage the ENGINE partners to contact the IGA Secretariat and register for the IGA Roster of available lecturers, if willing to share their knowledge at training events organized or sponsored by the 4.Create a consortium, possibly based on the ENGINE consortium, to prepare and submit to the EC for funding a proposal for a series of summer schools focused on specific topics of geothermal exploration, exploitation and utilization. This consortium should have close links with all EC funded projects related to geothermal energy, to facilitate the inclusion of newest research results in the appropriate existing courses and to develop new courses. 2.ENGINE Results – Recommendations
ENGINE Final Conference February Vilnius Lithuania Future Project Proposal on Geothermal Education and Training 3.Project Proposal General concept: Prepare a proposal to organize a series of 5 short courses (summer schools) on geothermal exploration, exploitation and utilization; One short course should last about one week, about 8 hours per day, including lectures, seminars (preferably hands-on), possibly a field trip; Each course should be organized in a different location, preferably in a different country, in areas of high interest for the topic of the respective course; Lecturers should be reputed experts in their respective fields, participants in the relevant research projects, and willing to share their knowledge and experience; Suggested coordinators and partners (local organizers): BRGM, Orleans, France; CRES, Athens, Greece; IGG CNR, Pisa, Italy; GFZ, Potsdam, Germany; ISOR, Reykjavik, Iceland; UOR, Oradea, Romania (partner only) and other universities.
ENGINE Final Conference February Vilnius Lithuania Future Project Proposal on Geothermal Education and Training 3.Project Proposal Proposed course (summer school): GEOTHERMAL EXPLORATION Suggested topics: Geophysical exploration; Geology; Geochemistry; Geo-hydrology; ???
ENGINE Final Conference February Vilnius Lithuania Future Project Proposal on Geothermal Education and Training 3.Project Proposal Proposed course (summer school): GEOTHERMAL EXPLOITATION Suggested topics: Well drilling, completion, and maintenance (scaling and corrosion); Well testing and logging; Reservoir modeling and simulation; Reservoir stimulation; ???
ENGINE Final Conference February Vilnius Lithuania Future Project Proposal on Geothermal Education and Training 3.Project Proposal Proposed course (summer school): GEOTHERMAL POWER Suggested topics: Geothermal steam power plants; Low enthalpy geothermal power plants (ORC, Kalina); Co-generation and tri-generation; ???
ENGINE Final Conference February Vilnius Lithuania Future Project Proposal on Geothermal Education and Training 3.Project Proposal Proposed course (summer school): DIRECT GEOTHERMAL USES Suggested topics: Space heating and cooling, district heating systems; Greenhouse heating, agricultural uses; Industrial uses; Balneology; ???
ENGINE Final Conference February Vilnius Lithuania Future Project Proposal on Geothermal Education and Training 3.Project Proposal Proposed course (summer school): SHALLOW GEOTHERMAL (GSHP) Suggested topics: Horizontal underground heat exchangers; Borehole (vertical) heat exchangers; Heat pumps (including reversible); ???
ENGINE Final Conference February Vilnius Lithuania Future Project Proposal on Geothermal Education and Training Estimated number of participants: 10 – 15 lecturers; 40 – 60 students. Estimated cost: about 100,000 € / short course (summer school). The courses should preferably be financed 100%. If not possible, other (complementary) sources have to be identified (national funds, sponsors). IGA might offer a small support, larger if courses are to be held in WB GeoFund countries (if it will continue long enough). Cost to be covered: travel, accommodation and meals for participants, maybe a reasonable fee for lecturers. Facilities should be offered by the local organizer/partner (free of charge). 4.Financing Possibilities
ENGINE Final Conference February Vilnius Lithuania Future Project Proposal on Geothermal Education and Training In the 6 th Framework Programme of the EC, the Marie Curie action “High Level Scientific Conferences” included calls under which it was possible to submit project proposals of this type: series of short courses / European Summer Schools. This possibility (action) does NOT exist in the 7 th Framework Programme. It is possible to apply for financial support for conferences, in the specific programme Cooperation or Capacities, as Coordination and Support Actions, or in the specific program People, Marie Curie Actions, Marie Curie Initial Training Networks, but apparently not for a series of short courses / summer schools. It seems reasonable that the EC should support the large scale use of the results obtained in financed research projects for training. On this basis, a lobbying campaign should be started as soon as possible, if this proposal is accepted by the ENGINE partners. 4.Financing Possibilities
ENGINE Final Conference February Vilnius Lithuania Future Project Proposal on Geothermal Education and Training GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF US ! AND THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION !