The united Europe and framework programs of the European Commission give new perspectives and new demands for the individual European states and for the European researchers. The human being’ s health and the environment in its all aspects have been the most significant priorities.
A formation of research centers and international groups seems to be one of the best and proper ways for the realization of the integration policy in the closest future. These groups should co-operate and apply for the EC projects as well as participate in them. The more people of the former “Eastern Europe” form the networks and join their efforts, the better results will be gained.
The PGI Centre of Excellence and its project REA may be shown here as an example for a further follow. This positive and good example, as well as the experience gained, should be followed in the closest future due to the newest PGI project and the proposal for the FP 7 call of the European Commission aiming at the effective use of the joint intellectual and technical potential.
PGI working groups Groundwater: sustainable management Marine abiotic environment Geohazards Human induced hazards Global change: climate & environment Geological Aspects of Environment
Centre of Excellence The Centre of Excellence - Research on Abiotic Environment (REA) – was created within the Polish Geological Institute’s organisational structure in 2002 to expand and strengthen the co- operative links in geo-environmental sciences with national and foreign centres
CoE REA tasks To co-ordinate pro-environmental studies carried out by individual specialists and/or groups active in different organisational units of the Institute aiming at development of modern tools for sustainable management of environment and hazard assessment, as well as cost-effective rehabilitation methods for strongly polluted on- and off-shore sites. Other fields of activity of the Centre include a wide array of groundwater issues, global and regional climatic changes in landscape and environment and geological studies related to natural hazards, floods, landslides etc.
Participation of PGI’s Centre of Excellence in the EU Framework Programme 5 In 2002 the project : SUPPORT FOR THE INTEGRATION OF THE Polish Geological Institute’s Centre of Excellence: Research on Abiotic Environment IN THE EUROPEAN RESEARCH AREA Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (Accompanying Measures) EVK1-CT REA was signed. This project totally remained under the co- ordination of the PGI’ s Centre of Excellence.
Framework Programme 5 Accompanying Measures Duration: 3 years, prolonged December May 2006 Budget - around Euro EC contribution : Euro
Project REA organisation The REA programme was organised in seven Work Packages, five of which (WP1-WP5) represented the leading research themes of the five Working Groups of Centre of Excellence. The planned dissemination measures as well as the co-ordination were contained in next separate Work Packages (WP6- WP7).
REA project Objective – integration of PGI CoE in ERA Realization tools: - conferences (organised and participated in) - workshops (organised and participated in ) - training courses - capacity building (training, invited EU lectures) - twinnings and networks (national and international)
Project REA organisation WP1 :Integration of the Polish groundwater research with the European priorities WP2 : Sustainable use of the marine environment and resources WP3: Research on landslides and floods WP4: Research on man-caused environmental hazards WP5: Present and past environmental changes WP6: Dissemination WP7:Co-ordination Project REA objective – integration of PGI CoE REA in ERA
Project realization tools applied in years tasks and 28 deliverables: - conferences, workshops and training courses (organised and participated in ) - capacity building (trainings, invited EU lectures) - twinnings and networks (national and international)
Results of the REA project 11 international conferences/workshops organised by CoE in Poland 10 Abstract volumes (243 abstracts published) and training course booklets 8 printed volumes of Proceedings Participation in European scientific activities (43 events) - numerous oral and poster presentations - papers published
Results of the REA project International thematic conferences, seminars & workshops organised in PGI prior to and by CoE CoE Years Number
Results of the REA project Capacity building : - training of Polish scientists in the Netherlands, France, Germany, Italy, England,Sweden - training in PGI CoE of young researchers from Germany, Czek Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania, Bielarus, Ukraine (grants)
Results of the REA project International European Projects in PGI prior to and by CoE CoE Years Number
Networkings steps, exploratory missions and twinning agreements with the East and West European institutions Results of the REA project
Invited lectures: 24 European lecturers and speakers Public seminars and CoE dissemination materials (17 Newsletters)
Discussion Current realization of a rich programme Research contacts – direct and indirect Exchange of information on activities in different EU scientific centers and participation possibility PGI CoE and self presentation. Language training Scientific integration in the European Research Area is a complicated & long-term process which demands a lot of time and efforts. It should not be limited to three-year-period of AM project. Steps should be undertaken for a further continuation of CoE activities.
Necessities Higher interest of the western institutions in the cooperation, not – the absence of reaction onto the propositions & The implementation of new members to the already existing projects That implies a permanent support not only for individuals to participate a meeting within the project/s, but also for groups involved in the research. Standardisation in the understanding of the meanings, procedures, methods and technology is also an important factor for the integration.
Conclusions Thus it is imperative further to strengthen bi- and multi-lateral long-term efforts by organisation of joint conferences, seminars and workshops, by exchange of information and specialists, reciprocal use of laboratory facilities, advanced training of young scientists and active participation in and organisation of regional and European thematic networks. The network environment - soil - groundwater will be the 2007 activity result joining the East and West European participants and co-workers.
Summing up: A proper management in the field of the environmental sciences should be connected with active European networking comprising Exchange of information on and assistance with organisation of conferences, lectures, summer schools, courses etc. Undertaking initiatives to prepare inter-disciplinary research projects. Creation of a database and exchange of information about accessible measurement equipment and research infrastructure, software etc. Creation of a database and exchange of information about ongoing research projects and their results,
Exchange of information about activities undertaken within the EU and the 7th Framework Programmes including: announcing a search for scientific partners, mutual consulting of the prepared projects, preparing joint projects. Mutual access to address lists of partners and foreign organisations undertaking activities in appropriate thematic priorities towards the EC 7th Framework Programme. Promotion and dissemination of information on research needs within government and local administration and mass-media.
Thank you for attention!