National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek "Computer science and application of chemistry at the Master degree at the Universities of Uzbekistan" Project TEMPUS Tasis COCUZ http://
Data of project: Department of Informatics and Applied Programming NUU Start date: 1 September 2005 Finish date: September 31, 2008 In carrying out the project involved: Professors -17 PhD, Associate Professors -8
Partners: University of Vienna (Austria) Technical University of Munich (Germany) DANUBE (Austria) National University of Uzbekistan Tashkent Chemical Technological Institute
Development of master's curriculum Computer science with the application in chemistry at the Master degree at the Universities of Uzbekistan in view of the European experience. Introduction to the curriculum of new courses, read in the leading European universities taking into account advances in computer science, with application in chemistry. Develop training programs taught courses. Training for the reading of new courses, according to the curriculum.
In the project involved 17 professors including: Technical University of Munich -4 - University of Vienna -4 - National University of Uzbekistan -5 - Tashkent Chemical Technological University -4 and 7 associate professors from NUU and TCTI Conducted 3 training workshops, where take part 43 students and 40 teachers
Had place 3 training schools and participated in this training schools 43 students and 40 teachers May 10-19, 2006 (Tashkent, NUU,TCTI, topic Algorithm) December 4-14, 2006 (Tashkent, NUU, topic Scientific Computing) November 20-30, 2007(Tashkent, NUU,TCTI, topic Visualization) Institution 10-19 May 2006 4-14 December 2006 National University of Uzbekistan Students 18 25 Teachers and employees 16 24 Karakalpakstan State University 2 3 Samarkand State University - Andijan State University Bukhara State University Namangan State University 1 Navoi State University Technological University of ALMA-ATA (Kazakhstan)
Training materials including lecture notes for new courses : Scientific Computing The theory of measurement, data collection and experimental design Applied Mathematics in Science and Technology Algorithms Parallel computing Visualization Software development Introduction to Programming Chemistry and natural science foundation Parallel Algorithms Modeling in chemistry Simulation and optimization of technological processes Training materials including lecture notes for new courses :
Achieved results of the project Established educational standards, curricula, teaching materials, which have passed the relevant examination and received official approval. (In NUU and TCTI second year is set to graduate in relevant specialties, and the total number of master's degrees, 36 students.) In NUU and TCTI created new classrooms equipped with computers and office equipment purchased with funds allocated by the grant. Retraining courses for specialists from the regions of the Republic (5 universities: - Namangan, Andijan, Ferghana, Samarkand, Karakalpakstan) and the Navoi Institute of Mountain metallurgical industrial complex Teachers NUU (7 people) and TCTI (4 people) were trained in Vienna and in the Technical University of Munich
Teachers and graduate students: - Navoi Pedagocical Institute Navoi Mountain Metallurgical Institute, Kazakh University of Technology, Bukhara Technological Institute, National University of Uzbekistan, Andijan, Bukhara, Ferghana, Karakalpakstan, Samarkand State Universities were trained for several courses, read by European partners (poof. Veis H , Meyer H, H.J. Bundgards from Munich Technical University, Prof. Dikart I., Liberzayt P., P. Wolfshan from University of Vienna). The benefits of the project is beyond doubt, since teachers and masters were able to: - improve their skills; - establish a friendly and working contact with the scientists of the Vienna and Munich Universities; - get Teaching and Methodological material Three students from National University of Uzbekistan and three students from Tashkent Chemistry Technological Institute studied and prepared their masters dissertation during four month at Munich Technical University.
In implementing the goals of the project as effective methods of training and retraining of teaching staff should use the opportunity to conduct joint winter and summer schools at the expense of the project
Necessary to ensure the participation of stakeholders in project management and implementation All stakeholders should actively participate in management and project implementation. Steering and strategic committees together to define the strategy and tactics of the project discussing the different sides of the implementation of the project. Necessary at the outset of the project to define a specific order prepared by the experts. We had a specific order of Uz-chimestry- industry, which held regular consultations with a view towards training.
Involving teachers and students in the process of reforming the educational process. In the process of reforming the curriculum needs to engage teachers and students from other universities. Need to receive feedback on the program from the experts of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, universities and industry. Implement the interaction between the project teams by reading course for partner universities. For example, in our project, Professors Aripov M., Fayazov K.S, Yuldashev Z.K , Abdurakhimov B., Khaydarov A. giving lectures and study hours for students TCTI respectively, the following courses: Introduction to Programming, Scientific Computing, Algorithms, Applied Mathematics in science and technology, Visualization, Software Engineering (Software Development).
Work to improve the skills of foreign languages Education and improving participants' knowledge of the project in English is one of the things the successful implementation of the project. Necessary to provide training for teachers and masters from specially selected for this purpose, a teacher, a good command of the terminology of the industry. The National University of Uzbekistan in the project trained 15 masters and 8 teachers.
. Availability of teaching materials In order to spread the experience of teaching all students and teachers should be provided with abstracts of lectures and electronic course materials Need to plan for the acquisition of modern academic literature on the grant funds. Using the experience of European partners need to develop lecture notes.
Necessary from the beginning of the project to develop a strategy for disseminating results of the project, determine their future as consumers in the participating universities and outside the project consortium. So in our project is planned to extend the results of the project, not only in universities but also in another universities of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. The results were presented to future partners and customers in Alma-Aty Technological University (Kazakhstan), Kazakh partners planned as future partners to extend the experience
Possibility in stable improving It is important setup understanding between the leadership of the university and executives project and get real support from management As a result of our project at the expense of NUU completely renovated space for a computer room area of 112 m sq, consisting of two classrooms and is equipped with furniture, curtains, alarm is all necessary to accommodate the purchase of computers under the European standards. Installed a computer network designed to prepare master's degree.
Implementation of the European experience Through this project, many of the professors of the university working in this project learned new things that have arisen in the diagnostics of mathematics, computer science and applied sciences. Gone are the proper trial practice during visits to European research centers such as University of Vienna (Austria) and the Technical University of Munich (Germany), giving them invaluable practice for the teaching of relevant subjects. Project participants have succeeded in the European partners see the latest advances in computer science, information technology, applied mathematics and chemistry, which are directly used in these universities for teaching students. Because of this we can confidently say that the National University of Uzbekistan is at the forefront of training given direction
Suggestions We use a financial grant opportunities for conducting field training for an invitation from the regions In order to reach a broad training in the new Graduate Program should be created to target courses for distance education as the most acceptable, relatively cheap option of training for our region It should be particularly pay attention to language training at all levels, allowing for integration in informational community NEWS in advance work on the replication of the first stages of project implementation From the beginning of the program we oriented to develop training materials for the Masters in three languages (Uzbek, Russian, English)
Thank you for your attention!