MINOS-EURONET, FP6 SSA, Contract No. 015704 2nd Concertation meeting of FP6 projects in Micro-Nano-Systems, 19 &20 March 2007,


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Presentation transcript:

MINOS-EURONET, FP6 SSA, Contract No nd Concertation meeting of FP6 projects in Micro-Nano-Systems, 19 &20 March 2007, Brussels MINOS-EURONET MIcro-NanOSystems EUROpean NETworking pursuing the integration of NMS and ACC in ERA SSA, Priority 2-IST Contract No , Project coordinator: IMT-Bucharest, Romania Dan Dascalu Claudia Roman

MINOS-EURONET, FP6 SSA, Contract No nd Concertation meeting of FP6 projects in Micro-Nano-Systems, 19 &20 March 2007, Brussels MINOS-EURONET is devoted to stimulating, encouraging and facilitating the participation of New Member States (NMS) and Associated Candidate Countries (ACC) in IST activities. The project has a pan-European focus on one strategic objective in IST, namely micro- and nanosystems. promote the research competences from NMS and ACC relevant for the development of micro-nanosystems field 1. To reveal and promote the research competences from NMS and ACC, namely competences relevant for the development of micro-nanosystems field at European scale. facilitate the participation of NMS and ACC organisations to EU programmes and other activities in the field of micro-nanosystems 2. To facilitate the participation of NMS and ACC organisations to EU programmes and other activities in the field of micro-nanosystems by: specific information a)providing specific information through databases and other electronic or conventional means and direct contacts b) direct contacts through information and awareness events, as well as through brokerage meetings. Extensive networking at pan-European scale 3. Extensive networking at pan-European scale in micro-nanosystems field, especially by networking the organisations in NMS and ACC with a potential for the future development of the field with the established networks in EU. 4. Facilitating progress towards building a future research policy and research direction for micro-nanosystems, micro-nano-technology and converging technologies in NMS/AC. PROJECT OBJECTIVES:

MINOS-EURONET, FP6 SSA, Contract No nd Concertation meeting of FP6 projects in Micro-Nano-Systems, 19 &20 March 2007, Brussels MINOS-EURONET Consortium: National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies, ROMANIA 1. National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies, ROMANIA 2. Institute of Electron Technology, POLAND 3. Kaunas University of Technology, Research Center for Microsystems and Nanotechnology, LITHUANIA 4. University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering University, Ljubljana, SLOVENIA 5. Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Dept. of Electronics Technology, HUNGARY 6. Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, SLOVAKIA 7. Technical University of Sofia, ECAD Laboratory, BULGARIA 8. KOÇ Üniversitesi, Department of Electrical Engineering, Istanbul, TURKEY 9. Eberhard-Karls-Universitaet Tuebingen, Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, GERMANY 10. University of Lancaster, UK 11. Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems, CNRS, Toulouse, FRANCE 12. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica, Barcelona, SPAIN 13. European Technology for Business, Codicote, UK 14. University of Wales Cardiff, Manufacturing Engineering Centre, UK 15. Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique, Département de microTechnologies pour la Biologie et la Santé, Paris, FRANCE 16. Vienna University of Technology, AUSTRIA 17. CMP CIENTIFICA S.L., Las Rozas, SPAIN 18. 4M2C Patric Salomon GmbH, Berlin, GERMANY

MINOS-EURONET, FP6 SSA, Contract No nd Concertation meeting of FP6 projects in Micro-Nano-Systems, 19 &20 March 2007, Brussels Networking at the European scale Essentially, MINOS – EURONET supports a network of networks. Network (consortium) coordinated by MINOS-EURONET Western partners Type of network /consortium Network (consortium) coordinator, Western partner in MINOS-EURONET General Olfaction and Sensing Projects on a European Level (GOSPEL) NoE in FP6, priority 2, ISTEberhard-Karls-Universitaet, Tuebingen Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Germany Advanced MEMS for RF and Millimetre Wave Communications (AMICOM) NoE in FP6, priority 2, ISTLaboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems, CNRS, Toulouse, France Design for Micro & Nano Manufacture (PATENT) NoE in FP6, priority 2, ISTUniversity of Lancaster, UK Material Micro Manufacture: Technologies and Applications (4M) NoE in FP6, priority 3, NMPUniversity of Wales Cardiff, Manufacturing Engineering Centre, UK „A network for bringing NANOtechnologies TO LIFE” (Nano2Life) NoE in FP6, priority 3, NMPCommissariat à l'Énergie Atomique, Département de microTechnologies pour la Biologie et la Santé, France Food Safety and Quality with Microsystems (GoodFood) IP in FP6, priority 2, ISTCentro Nacional de Microelectrónica, Barcelona, Spain Nano scale materials and sensors and microsystems for medical implants improving health and quality of life (Healthy Aims) IP in FP6, priority 2, ISTEuropean Technology for Business, UK “Advanced Methods and Tools for Handling and Assembly in Micro-technology" (ASSEMIC) Marie Curie Research Training Network Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria Database with all partners of the networks coordinated by MINOS-EURONET Western partners in FP6:

MINOS-EURONET, FP6 SSA, Contract No nd Concertation meeting of FP6 projects in Micro-Nano-Systems, 19 &20 March 2007, Brussels National networks - examples: Austria:  Austrian Society for Microsystem Technology  West Austrian Initiative for NANO Networking  Nanonet-Styria Lithuania:  Lithuanian Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Network Poland:  Scientific Network Micro- and NAno- Structures for interdisciplinary applications in electronics, telecommunication, environmental protection, molecular biology, diagnostics and medical therapy MINAS Romania:  Romanian micro and nanotechnology network ROMNET-NANO  Integrated research network devoted to nanobiotechnology for health (Romanian Nanomedicine network) RO-NANOMED  Network of scientific services for nano-scale structuring and characterization, with applications in the development of convergent technologies NANOSCALE-CONV Spain:  Iberic network in Micro and Nanotechnologies  Gas Sensors and Detectors

MINOS-EURONET, FP6 SSA, Contract No nd Concertation meeting of FP6 projects in Micro-Nano-Systems, 19 &20 March 2007, Brussels Dissemination of information especially to Eastern Europe through electronic and conventional publication (web pages, e-newsletters, printed publications) A web-based magazine A web-based magazine is used to disseminate the most interesting information about competencies in NMS and ACC: - national programmes and initiatives - national infrastructures - successful European cooperation - outstanding scientific results - national centres of excellence - profiles

MINOS-EURONET, FP6 SSA, Contract No nd Concertation meeting of FP6 projects in Micro-Nano-Systems, 19 &20 March 2007, Brussels - distributed to addresses - include information about events (conferences, brokerage events, workshops), courses, summer schools, project meetings, new calls for project proposals, databases MINOS-EURONET e-Newsletter and e-Flash news

MINOS-EURONET, FP6 SSA, Contract No nd Concertation meeting of FP6 projects in Micro-Nano-Systems, 19 &20 March 2007, Brussels Micro and Nanotechnology Bulletin Micro and Nanotechnology Bulletin ( quarterly edited by IMT.

MINOS-EURONET, FP6 SSA, Contract No nd Concertation meeting of FP6 projects in Micro-Nano-Systems, 19 &20 March 2007, Brussels NEW! Databases for matching partners in FP7 calls (electronic brokerage) hosted by the Nano-LINK web site: see the left menu and check the “Database” section “Partner matching Databases (FP7 Calls)” link.net/expl.php

MINOS-EURONET, FP6 SSA, Contract No nd Concertation meeting of FP6 projects in Micro-Nano-Systems, 19 &20 March 2007, Brussels Example: ADD Form for “ICT 2007” database Section A: Organization Profile Section B: Selected topics from ICT 2007 calls

MINOS-EURONET, FP6 SSA, Contract No nd Concertation meeting of FP6 projects in Micro-Nano-Systems, 19 &20 March 2007, Brussels LOGIN: username and password provided after registration via ! Search facilities: - search by keywords, topics, country, institution, type of activity

MINOS-EURONET, FP6 SSA, Contract No nd Concertation meeting of FP6 projects in Micro-Nano-Systems, 19 &20 March 2007, Brussels After login - overview of registrations from database! The print icon will send the details page to printer and the save icon will transform the page in a “pdf” file that will be saved on your computer. Editing and Printing facilities click on “View all”!

MINOS-EURONET, FP6 SSA, Contract No nd Concertation meeting of FP6 projects in Micro-Nano-Systems, 19 &20 March 2007, Brussels Brochure of Projects includes: No. of international Projects: Austria 3; Belgium 3; Denmark 1; France 2; Germany 3; Hungary 3; Ireland 1; The Netherlands 1; Spain 5; Romania 2; Turkey 1; United Kingdom 5; National Networks: Germany 1; Lithuania 1; Romania 2; Spain 2; International Networks: France 1; Germany 1; Poland 2; United Kingdom 2 Brochure of Centers No. of Centers: Bulgaria 15, Czech Republic 12, Hungary 15, Lithuania 10, Poland 10, Romania 36, Slovakia 14, Turkey 14. A new, complementary tool was put forward. IMT developed a system of automatically selecting the information from databases and producing a corresponding “pdf” document, which can be distributed electronically (including on CD) or printed. Examples of brochures and CD distributed with the occasion of the First MINOS-EURONET Forum

MINOS-EURONET, FP6 SSA, Contract No nd Concertation meeting of FP6 projects in Micro-Nano-Systems, 19 &20 March 2007, Brussels Information and brokerage events; Forum  Information and awareness events in NMS and ACC, including presentation of the existing micro-nanosystems networks in Europe and promotion of MINOS- EURONET activities.  Brokerage events in NMS and ACC, related to specific calls in EU programmes  Information and brokerage events in MS for the promotion of research competencies from NMS and ACC  Three Forums on relevant strategic fields for NMS / ACC Information and awareness events in NMS and ACC Example: Info day and brokerage event in Warsaw, May 10-11, 2006, Poland Organizer: Institute of Electron Technology, Warsaw, Poland. Presentations, round table and mutual discussions on MNT- related topics were developed during the event, aiming to exchange information on common activities and results in order to establish preliminary partnership towards FP7 applications. 67 participants attended the event.

MINOS-EURONET, FP6 SSA, Contract No nd Concertation meeting of FP6 projects in Micro-Nano-Systems, 19 &20 March 2007, Brussels Brokerage events in NMS and ACC, related to specific calls in EU programmes Examples:  “Cooperation in the Field of Micro and Nano Structures and Preparation for FP7”, May 11, 2006 Organizer: University of Ljubljana, Slovenia  Brokerage event associated with the “Fifteenth International Scientific and Applied Science Conference ET'2006“, June 1, 2006 Organizer: Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria  Joint brokerage event between the MINOS-EURONET Project and the 4M NoE (“Multi- Material Micro Manufacture”), December 18, 2006 Organizer: Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria Information and brokerage events in MS for the promotion of research competencies from NMS and ACC Example: May 5, 2006, Barcelona, Spain - visit of Centro Nacional Microelectronica and Barcelona Science Park; Organizer: Centro Nacional Microelectronica, Spain.

MINOS-EURONET, FP6 SSA, Contract No nd Concertation meeting of FP6 projects in Micro-Nano-Systems, 19 &20 March 2007, Brussels Forum The First MINOS-EURONET Strategy Forum on the impact of converging technologies “High technologies, innovation policy and regional development” at Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania (CCIR), Bucharest, May, 2006 Participants:

MINOS-EURONET, FP6 SSA, Contract No nd Concertation meeting of FP6 projects in Micro-Nano-Systems, 19 &20 March 2007, Brussels The first day was devoted to Research, innovation and competitiveness of Europe. Policies, programmes, initiatives were presented, in the context of the 7th Framework Programme and of the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme of the EU. The experience of NMS and ACC in RTDI strategies and programmes, including technology transfer and innovation was also presented. A poster exhibition was available during the first day. The posters displayed info about participation to EU programmes, national and regional infrastructures for research and innovation etc. Supplementary information was available in a package of printed documents (in English) distributed to the participants. The second day of the Forum was devoted to the potential of integrating/converging technologies (micro-nano-bio-info) for economic growth. Examples of applications were given (at this event there is no particular focus on a certain field). The output of the foresight exercise performed in Romania provided the basis for a “case study”. “Al. I. Cuza” Hall (CCIR) during the Forum

MINOS-EURONET, FP6 SSA, Contract No nd Concertation meeting of FP6 projects in Micro-Nano-Systems, 19 &20 March 2007, Brussels 157 Romanian participants and 27 foreign participants (including 3 representatives of the European Commission) attended the event. Gisele Roesems, Unit of nanoelectronics, Directorate Components and Systems, INFSO/G, EC Dr. Stephan Pascall, Advisor, Information Society and Media Directorate- General, EC Timothy Harper, Cientifica, UK Griet Van Caenghem, Unit Micro- and Nanosystems, Directorate Components and Systems, INFSO/G, EC The event was complex, involving aspects related to infrastructures and applications of micro and nanotechnologies, presenting a vast experience both from Western and Eastern countries. The conclusions were used indirectly by Romanian participants in preparing the motivation for a priority called “Nanoelectronics, photonics and micro-nanosystems” in the new national R&D plan. The Forum provided an excellent background and motivation for the participation of officials and specialists to events dedicated to technology transfer and European technology platforms. Brochures containing information from the databases for specialists and research centres working in the MNT field were distributed to the FORUM attendants.

MINOS-EURONET, FP6 SSA, Contract No nd Concertation meeting of FP6 projects in Micro-Nano-Systems, 19 &20 March 2007, Brussels INFO- AND BROKERAGE EVENT FP7/2007 Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Bucharest, Romania, March 2007 TOPICS. The event is focused on selected NMP/ICT topics in the first calls of FP7. These topics are related to advanced technologies and materials of interest for a wide range of industries and they are also reflecting the interest of some European Technological Platforms. ORGANIZERS. The event is organized by a number of European networks and projects, with the participation of the European Commission and European Technological Platforms. The local organization is provided by the EU project MINOS – EURONET ( INVITED SPEAKERS. The “info” part of the event will allow the participants to attend presentations of key EC officials: Director Nicholas Hartley, Directorate “Industrial technologies”, DG Research; Dirk Beernaert, Head of unit “Nanoelectronics”, Directorate “Components, systems and engineering”, DG Information Society and Media. Representatives of European technological platforms such as: MINAM/Manufuture (micro- and nanofabrication), Nanomedicine, Nanoelectronics etc. are expected to give presentations. Some networks of excellence (NoEs) and other projects (IPs, CAs) acting as co-organizers will have a time slot for brief presentations of the offer of their consortia for FP7 calls. PROGRAMME. Thursday 22nd of March, morning: info event NMP; afternoon, evening: brokerage event NMP/ICT. Friday 23rd of March, morning and early afternoon: info and brokerage. With the support of MINAM, NEXUS, IPPMAN, MINOS-EURONET projects NEW!

MINOS-EURONET, FP6 SSA, Contract No nd Concertation meeting of FP6 projects in Micro-Nano-Systems, 19 &20 March 2007, Brussels euro.net/brokerage