QUALITY These slides have been added to the standard MRU PM Cert materials and are made available to students who have attended my class. Robin Hornby Tempest Management 1
QUALITY “Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.” Will Foster 2Robin Hornby Tempest Management
The Nature of Quality In the eye of the beholder... An intrinsic attribute.. 3Robin Hornby Tempest Management
Quality Factors for Software Robin Hornby Tempest Management 4
Intro to the Quality Plan... (ref ) 1.Strategy & Objectives (Goal) 2.Organization, Responsibilities, Resources 3.Special Training, Team Induction 4.Customers (external) 5.Documents & Records 6.Quality Tools & Techniques 7.Procedures & Processes 8.Quality Metrics 6Robin Hornby Tempest Management
TQM Principles Understand your customer’s reqts “Everyone” has a customer Perform to meet reqts Implement defect prevention Measure performance based on cost of quality zero defect target “everyone” accountable to meet reqts 7Robin Hornby Tempest Management
Building a QMS Corporate Mission and Values Office Documentation Quality Manual Policy Statement Inter/National Formal Stds (ISO) Quality Procedures Projects HR Guides Contract Management THE QUALITY COUNCIL Methodology - Quality Plan QA - QC - QR Example of a Quality Management System 8 Robin Hornby Tempest Management
A suggested Solution to solving a Design Problem 1.Carefully define the problem and issues (remove the emotion) 2.Brainstorm for solutions and options 3.Evaluate solutions – CBA, Benchmark 4.Validate assumptions – Focus Group 5.Prepare recommendation. 9 Robin Hornby Tempest Management
10Robin Hornby Tempest Management
Other Project Elements that will Ensure Quality is “Built-In” Grade of Materials Application Methodology Requirements Specs Design Specs Standards Roles, Responsibilities Training Procedures Specific Plans –Communications –Staff Development –Operations, Build, Manufacture, or Assembly... Contract acceptance terms Quality Records 11Robin Hornby Tempest Management
Types of Checklist Robin Hornby Tempest Management 12 CHECKLISTS READ-DO The checklist tells you to do the task and you do it. DO-CONFIRM You do tasks, then at a pause-point, review the checklist to confirm. READ-SELECT-DO You review the checklist beforehand, then select the tasks that are appropriate and then do them.
QP – Highlevel Generic Checklist Reviews Procedures Standards Techniques/tools Re-use Warranty plan Checkpoints Inspections Testing Quality Records Acceptance criteria Owner acceptance 13 Robin Hornby Tempest Management
14 Plan-do-check-act (PDCA) Brainstorming Affinity diagrams Force field analysis Nominal group technique Evaluation/prioritization matrix Quality audits Process analysis Cost-benefit analysis Benchmarking Design of experiments Cost of quality (COQ) Plan Quality & Perform Quality Control tools & techniques Cause and effect diagrams Control charts Flowcharting Histogram Pareto chart Run chart Scatter diagram Statistical sampling Inspection Approved change requests review Quality Summary Robin Hornby - updated by Chris Monk / John Morck THE QUALITY PLAN Zero defects Six sigma ISO 9000 ISO Meets requirements Fitness for use Fitness for purpose Customer satisfaction TO MEET THE GOAL QUALITY CONTROL - Procedures - Techniques - Records QUALITY ASSURANCE - Procedures - Techniques COMMITS TO ASSURE AND IMPROVE QUALITY MONITOR, MEASURE, AND CONTROL QUALITY Cost-benefit analysis Cost of quality (COQ) Benchmarking Design of experiments Proprietary quality management methodologies Additional quality planning tools Cause and effect diagrams Control charts Flowcharting Histogram Pareto chart Run chart Scatter diagram Statistical sampling Inspection Approved change requests review