Governor Introductions How long since your appointment? What type of governor and school? How many meetings attended so far? What do you hope to get out of this course? What questions do I want the answer to? Module 1 – Roles and Responsibilities 1
Know about the main purposes and three core functions of governing bodies Understand your role in school improvement Have practised the skills involved in becoming an effective governor Know how to access further information and support After this Course you will... 2
The Strategic Functions (The Future) From 2013 the three core strategic functions are: 1.Setting the vision and strategic direction of the school to include engaging stakeholders; meeting statutory duties 2.Holding the headteacher to account for achievement, teaching, behaviour and safety; performance management; and contributing to school self evaluation 3.Ensuring financial resources are well spent to include the pupil premium and other funding streams (Department for Education, January 2014)
Role of chair Role of clerk Powers of chair Committees Quorum Register of interests Governing Body Structure 4
Vision and ethos Strategic direction High standards and children’s well- being Holding the head to account Quality of provision Budget, funding streams; value for money, staffing structure Governing Body Responsibilities 5
Governing body has legal status Can sign contracts, employ staff, control budget No individual governor authority No personal liability Decisions corporate Corporate Responsibility 6
Governing Body Policies Statutory Policies requiring education legislation include: capability of staff; charging and remissions; school behaviour; sex education; SEN, teacher appraisal and pay Statutory Policies requiring other legislation include: data protection; health and safety Other Statutory documents include: admission arrangements; accessibility plan; central record of recruitment and vetting; complaints; freedom of information; governors allowances et al ov%20update2013_gw.pdf
“Governing bodies have formal responsibility for the financial management of their schools, and so the standard is primarily aimed at governors” Optional for academies, required for others Set of 23 statements Governing body signs off Review annually Schools Financial Value Standard - SFVS 8
Personnel Matters The GB may delegate all of its functions relating to staff employment with the exception of: Establishing a selection panel to appoint a head or deputy head Responding to any report from the LA that raises concerns about the head’s performance Making sure heads comply with any duties imposed on them within the STPCD Establishing procedures for the regulation of conduct and discipline of staff Making sure that safer recruitment procedures are applied
Curriculum and Assessment National Curriculum: maintained schools must follow and should be “balanced and broadly based” Promote and prepare for later life Religious education, collective acts of worship, careers and sex education Special Educational Needs Assessing attainment and achievement (Governors’ handbook, January 2014)
Self Evaluation: Key Features 11 It is an ongoing process which should involve the whole school community Written document is recommended Brief summary of words is necessary No suggested template but Ofsted judgments is a good basis Governors must be meaningfully involved
The governing body works to improve the outcomes for children and families by: Agreeing a strategy for improvement Monitoring progress Evaluating outcomes Building working relationships Receiving and providing reports Securing best value Agreeing targets/objectives In Conclusion 12