Regional Training – Day One SBSR Version 5.0 Stephen Sergis Senior Support Officer – Connected Learning Next Practice Unit Curriculum & Learning Innovation Centre
2 Outline of the briefing – Day 1 A clear description of what SBSRv4 software will deliver to schools and why it has been developed An outline of what school preparation is required prior to using the software within CRD and ERN An understanding of the various roles that must be allocated to users of the SBSRv4 program
3 What is SBSRv4? SBSRv4 is a software application that: has been developed by DET ensures compliance with DET policy on reporting to parents* is web-based and can be used from any computer with internet access and appropriate browser is available free to government schools * Note: Version 3.0 (released 16 October 2006) requires use of A-E scale. Version 3.1 (available 6 November 2006) will allow use of either A-E scale or word descriptors Version 3.2 available Feb 2007, Version 3.3 July 2007 and Version 3.4 Feb 2008 Version 4 2 nd March Version 4.7 Allows reporting of VET
DET Policy - Written reports i.use plain language ii.provide information on a student’s learning in each of the key learning areas or subjects student’s achievement against state-wide syllabus standards using a A-E scale or equivalent word descriptors iv.teacher comments identify areas of student strength and for further development v.student attendance at school vi.student achievement in relation to school programs that extend or are additional to syllabus requirements vii.student’s social development and commitment to learning
5 Adopting SBSRv4 in 2011 – Decision-making Process for Principals KEY QUESTION 1 Is this a suitable time for our school to change to SBSR4? RELATED QUESTIONS How easily can our current reporting system be made compliant with DET requirements without SBSR4? What other important priorities do we have? How will my staff adapt to the change? Are procedures in place to assign A-E? YES
6 KEY QUESTION 2 Do we have the resources to change to SBSR4? RELATED QUESTIONS How familiar is my staff with computerised systems? How accurate is our ERN data? Do we have the necessary skill sets to adopt SBSR4? Do we have the physical and personnel resources to adopt SBSR4? YES
7 KEY QUESTION 3 Can we fill the designated school-based roles for SBSR4? RELATED QUESTIONS What are our IT strengths? Who would fill the roles of SBSR School Coordinator, SBSR Year Coordinator, Reviewer and Approver? What training might these members of staff need? YES
8 KEY QUESTION 4 If we adopt SBSR4, can we meet our reporting timeframes? RELATED QUESTIONS When do our parents expect reports? If we map backwards from that point, can we meet deadlines for training, setting up, entering data, reviewing, approving and printing? Can I realistically allocate additional roles and responsibilities within our current workload?
9 Software features: 1.Reports for 7-10 and 11/12 2.Allows for the Reporting of VET courses 3.Web based, so no installations and reduced set up 4.Present information appropriate for roles of users 5.Linked to the ERN for data extracts and imports 6.Can be accessed from any computer that can run the browsers Internet Explorer 7 or Firefox v Central data storage, no need to protect local data 8.Help desk support and specific online help guides
10 SBSR templates Two template types can be used: /12 VET Report
11 Selecting and setting up a template Years two templates, A-E grades for courses (no page limits) : the default the default – each course has 1 page with editable label ability to select and add to listed of areas of learning grade allocation for each area of learning in a course comment block for each course tables for Social development (SD), Commitment to learning (CTL) for each course report content list, attendance and Other school activities (OSA) per student on additional page effort scale optional option option – as above with two courses per page – Social development (SD), Commitment to learning (CTL) added to additional page
12 Selecting and setting up a template Years two templates, marks boxes (no page limits) : the default the default – each course has 1 page with editable label – option to add A-E grades ability to select and add to listed of areas of learning grade allocation for each area of learning in a course comment block for each course tables for Social development (SD), Commitment to learning (CTL) for each course report content list, attendance and Other school activities (OSA) per student on additional page effort scale optional option option – as above with two courses per page and Social development (SD), Commitment to learning (CTL) added to additional page
13 Selecting and setting up a template Additional templates are available for ESL, Life Skills, Learning Adjustments and VET students within SBSR. Year group ESL Learning AdjustmentLife Skills VET Yrs Yrs Yrs
14 SBSR is Role Based 1.System has a set of user roles 2.Each role has access to selected processes 3.Each role has access to appropriate views and tasks 4.One person can have one or many roles 5.The same roles can be allocated to several people at the same school
15 Setting the roles in SBSR Principal, logs into Access Management Utility (AMU) to identify teachers, to approve SBSR login and allocate roles in SBSR SBSR User Roles SBSR School Coordinator, chooses the template sets up any options and defines the “reporting period” dates SBSR Year Coordinator, checks and adjusts links of the ‘Reporting Groups’ – groups of students. Sets reporting groups ready for teacher data entry. Responsible for EBOS extract for VET courses Teacher, enters student achievement grades and comments for KLAs/subjects as well as Social Development / Commitment to Learning and Other Activities Reviewer, adjusts or advises changes to the reports and makes additions where appropriate Approver, reviews and confirms that the reports are ready to print
Additional AMU Roles ERN Role (Enrolment Registration Number) Student Administrator. Setup groups and courses which will be reported within SBSR software. Setup ‘other activity ‘ groupings for the school. Creates ESL and Learning Adjustment groupings CRD role (Curriculum Reference Data) Curriculum Offer Manager. Customise curriculum for schools. Adjust learning areas as required
Using AMU to allocate roles
18 Allocating Permission in AMU
19 Accessing SBSRv4
20 Accessing SBSRv4 Independant of Portal Instructions on how to access the software can be found at the ‘Time to Teach’ website… each/index.htm URL address for SBSR….
21 Navigation Bar
22 Navigation Button – My Profile
My Profile Activity... Log on to SBSR training environment Change your preferences for using SBSR software. Consider changing : Time out from the DET portal Default warning sound Turning off the “Please Wait Guy” 23
Curriculum Reference Database (CRD) 25
What is the Curriculum Reference Database? 26 CRD is a web based database that stores all curriculum taught by schools. The curriculum includes state wide DET offerings and “in house” school offerings The database also links “Curriculum Offers” to Scholastic Years and Academic Periods “Curriculum Offers” to “Learning Areas” “VET Curriculum Offers” to “Units of Competency” “Learning Areas” to “Comment Starters” “VET Units of Competency” to “Comment Starters” Note A Curriculum Offer can be linked to multiple courses/classes from ERN
Curriculum Maintenance – High Schools 27 High school may wish to... Create an additional piece of curriculum not already included within SBSR for reporting purposes. Edit the default learning areas linked to a piece of curriculum. Create learning areas linked to a piece of curriculum. Create comment starters and link them to either a ‘Learning Area’, or a ‘Curriculum Offer’ Bulk clone all ‘Curriculum Offers’ from one ‘Academic Period’ to another
Curriculum Maintenance VET – High Schools 28 High school may wish to... Create /clone VET ‘Curriculum Offers’ and link them to an appropriate ‘Qualification’ Select ‘Units of Competency’ associated with a VET ‘Curriculum Offer’ Write a ‘Course Description’ for a VET ‘Curriculum Offer’ Create ‘Comment Starters’ and link them to either a ‘Curriculum Offer’ or ‘Unit of Competency’
Classification of Curriculum – DET offer 29
Classification of Curriculum - Cloned DET offer 30
Classification of Curriculum – In house offer 31
Checking and Customising School Curriculum 32
Curriculum Maintenance – Learning Areas 33
Curriculum Maintenance – VET Units of Competency 34
Curriculum Maintenance – Comment Starters 35
Curriculum Maintenance Activity... Customise or create a piece of curriculum for your school. To do this task you may need to: Clone a DET “Curriculum Offer” Create a “VET Curriculum Offer” from scratch Edit “Learning Areas”. Add a “Comment Starter” to a “Unit of Competency” 36
Place Management – ERN Student Group Offers 37
Place Management (ERN) – Student Group Offers 38 Place management allows.. schools to create & link courses/classes to curriculum offers. transfer students between courses and created groups create “other activities” groups to be used within SBSR reports
Place Management (ERN) – Student Group Offers 39 Curriculum offerings
Place Management (ERN) – Student Group Offers 40
Place Management (ERN) – Other Activities
Checking ERN Data prior to SBSR Setup Student Group Listing report enables schools to check if enrolment and curriculum data required in the SBSR Located under the ‘Reports’ navigation button Reports can be generated for Roll classes, House Groups, Course Class Information Other Activities information, number of courses students are enrolled in and identification of students in multiple roll classes
Checking ERN Data prior to SBSR Setup
Contact Information Brian ElliottGroup Leader Learning Policy Curriculum & Learning Innovation Centre Telephone: Ric Cilona Senior Curriculum Policy Officer, Assessment and Reporting Curriculum & Learning Innovation Centre Telephone: Sadie Gow Senior Curriculum Policy Officer, Assessment and Reporting Curriculum & Learning Innovation Centre Telephone: Website: