Scholarship Opportunities in the European Union and EFTA for Western Balkans Students Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports the Czech Republic
Outcomes of the Questionnaires Countries that answered: Western Balkans: Albania, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Republic of Serbia EU, EFTA – Austria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lichtenstein, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland
EU / EFTA countries – current pattern of mobility (academic year 2008/09) between EU/EFTA countries and the Western Balkans IncomingOutgoingTotal Within Bachelor study programmes Within Master study programmes Within Doctoral study programmes Post-doctorate studies Academic and other staff mobility Student mobility in general Mixed programmes
WB countries – current pattern of mobility (academic year 2008/09) with EU/EFTA countries IncomingOutgoingTotal Within Bachelor study programmes Within Master study programmes Within Doctoral study programmes Post-doctorate studies 145 Academic and other staff mobility
EU / EFTA countries – present forms of cooperation with the Western Balkans (academic year 2008/09) YesNo Erasmus Mundus 915 Tempus 618 Government scholarship 1410 Summer schools 915 IPA 123 CEEPUS 618 Visegrad Fund 420 other 618
WB countries – current pattern of mobility (academic year 2008/09) with other Western Balkans IncomingOutgoingTotal Bachelor study programmes Master study programmes Doctoral study programmes Post-doctorate studies 000 Academic and other staff mobility
WB countries – present forms of cooperation with other Western Balkan (academic year 2008/09) YesNo Erasmus Mundus 4 Tempus 4 Government scholarship 4 Summer schools 4 IPA 31 CEEPUS 31 Visegrad Fund 22 other 4
WB countries: Do you have any specific strategy to attract interest of EU / EFTA educational institutions/ public administrations? Do you plan to increase mutual mobility with other Western Balkan countries and EU/EFTA countries and how (if possible please provide the number of scholarships/months envisaged in the next year/s)? Increase in scholarships1 Bilateral exchange programmes1 Sorting out the problem of foreign students accommodation1 Information and training aimed at researchers1 Visits of academic staff at universities abroad1
WB countries: Where can students get the information about study opportunities in your country? Website4 International relation offices2 Students organizations1 Local media1
WB countries: Do you face any problems related to the scholarships in EU / EFTA? Low level of participation of social science faculties1 Poor scholarships funds in some member states2 Visa issue / difficult procedure1 No problems1
WB countries: Do you consider the current regional cooperation in the field of scholarships advanced enough? What changes would you propose? More elaborated long/term scholarship strategy1 Improvement of regional cooperation2 Development of regional database on the Web1 No answer1
EU / EFTA countries: Do you use any specific strategy to attract students from the Western Balkans? If not, do you plan to make one, if yes, do you plan to modify it? New projects, concepts of internationalization, exchange programmes6 Higher education institutions do their best to attract foreign students3 Agreement on cooperation between governments1 Scholarship offers are advertised by the foreign ministries of the countries 2 Personal assistance to individual foreign students1 Government scholarships programme6 Advertising in newspapers and media abroad3 Embassy website1 Extensive alumni network1 No6 No answer3
EU / EFTA countries: Cooperation with the Western Balkans is a priority of the EU. Does your country plan to increase this cooperation? How? Do you plan to increase the number of scholarships offered by your country? Seminars2 Projects, special programmes, grants7 New scholarships6 No8 No answer7
EU / EFTA countries: Where can students get information about study opportunities in your country? Website17 Regional offices3 Embassy2 Agency1 Partner institutions1 No answer2
EU / EFTA countries: Do you experience any problems related to the scholarships for the Western Balkans? WB students don’t respond to the offer3 Lack of coherent information1 Limited financial resources form the state budget and limited number of study programmes 1 The level of student´s knowledge of foreign languages does not alllow for the full exploitation of his/her full academic potential 1 Poor knowledge of language1 Different scientific standards1 Accommodation issue1 No10 No answer5