1 FP7 Specific Programme « People » Policies and Marie Curie Actions Sanopoulos Dimitris, Mobility NCP, CERTH Coordinator of the Greek ERA-MORE Network.


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Presentation transcript:

1 FP7 Specific Programme « People » Policies and Marie Curie Actions Sanopoulos Dimitris, Mobility NCP, CERTH Coordinator of the Greek ERA-MORE Network

2 FP7 – Specific Programmes Cooperation – Collaborative research People – Human Potential JRC (nuclear) Ideas – Frontier Research Capacities – Research Capacity JRC (non-nuclear) Euratom +

3 Structure of the presentation I. Introduction:  Policy context II. Explaining the ‘People’ Programme  Marie Curie Actions III. The CALLS  Overview IV. Specific Actions  to remove obstacles and enhancing career perspectives

4 Policy Introduction- The German Presidency  Angela Merkel, the President of the EU, was very clear in her talk to the EU Parliament a month ago  Creating the conditions of growth for Europe  means “Technology, Talents, Tolerance”  The quote of the three Ts is taken from Richard Florida, an American expert on regional economics  …and “People”, the Marie Curie Actions, will continue to actively contribute to create these conditions in Europe

5  Mobility of researchers across the 33 countries associated to the FP is a condition to make the European Research Area (ERA) functioning.  Europe needs to build excellent research careers and link them to EU research initiatives.  From the traditional concept of “brain drain” versus “brain gain” to the acknowledgement of the fact that excellent science careers are international - “brain circulation or “brain exchange”.  From a “Mobility” programme to an active “career development” programme acquiring additional qualifications and targeted trainings through transnational mobility. The Policy context: Human resources in R&D

6 FP7 → Significant Budget increase The “PEOPLE” programme will receive 4,7 bn € under FP7 over 7 years How to cope with this budget increase:  Administration: 6Outsourcing of the People Programme into an executive agency: More staff to follow the individual contracts – better response  From individual fellowships to co-funding of programmes: More structural impact

7  Guiding Principles:  Continuity of FP6,  with focus on structuring impact  increased private sector participation  Strengthened international dimension  Balanced gender objective, also reintegration  No thematic priorities II. The People Programme – Marie Curie Actions II. The People Programme – Marie Curie Actions

8 1. Initial training: Networks for Early stage researchers 1. Initial training: Networks for Early stage researchers 3. Industry dimension: Industry-academia partnership and pathways 3. Industry dimension: Industry-academia partnership and pathways 2. Life long training and career development: Intra European Fellowships European Reintegration Grants Co-funding of national programmes 2. Life long training and career development: Intra European Fellowships European Reintegration Grants Co-funding of national programmes 4. International dimension: Outgoing fellowships Incoming fellowships International reintegration grants International staff Exchange Programmes 4. International dimension: Outgoing fellowships Incoming fellowships International reintegration grants International staff Exchange Programmes People – Marie Curie Actions 5. Specific actions Such as: ‘Researchers’ Night’; Marie Curie Awards, ERA-More, networking of NCPs

9  No individual fellowships but Trans-national networks  Linking training programmes of high quality standards together - with mutual recognition of their trainings and diplomas  Allowances for “early-stage” ( up to four years after graduation) researchers and senior « visiting scientists » positions;  Containing short training events (conferences, summer schools, training courses),  also open to researchers from outside the network  Direct or indirect involvement of private business sector 1. Initial training: Marie Curie Networks for early stage training 1. Initial training: Marie Curie Networks for early stage training

10 In two modes 1.Traditional mode: selection/funding of fellows through call at EC level 2.New « Co-funding » mode:  Selection for « co-funding » of existing or new national, regional and international fellowship programmes  Normal call with clear evaluation criteria (no country quota)  Minimal conditions for programmes: trans-national ; selection of fellows based on peer review; minimum social security coverage  Researchers apply to the co-funded national programmes; programmes operate following own standards  Community funding: % of fellowship costs of trans-national researchers; contribution to overhead costs 2. Life-long training & career development: Marie Curie fellowships for career development 2. Life-long training & career development: Marie Curie fellowships for career development

11 Comparison ERC «Advanced Grants » – Marie Curie « Individual fellowships »  Marie Curie for additional career elements  MC has temporary nature (max 2 years)  MC fellowship for researcher alone  Mobility requirement for MC only  ERC to stimulate frontier research projects led by a “Principle Investigator”  ERC aims at longer term integration (up to 5 years)  ERC grant for whole research team Common objectives for Marie Curie and ERC : Support for career development No target in subjects, all topics may be addressed, address individual experienced researchers Differences between Marie Curie and ERC :

12  Enhance sustainable cooperation between both sectors on joint project  2-way staff secondments / hosting of experienced researchers from outside the partnership  Organisation of workshops/conferences, including for researchers from outside the partnership  Special measure: equipment costs for SMEs 3. Marie Curie Industry partnerships and pathways

13 Two action lines: 1.Career development/life-long training for EU researchers :  Outgoing individual fellowships, with return fellowship  Return and reintegration for European researchers abroad 4. Marie Curie International dimension 1

14 4. Marie Curie International dimension 2 2.International co-operation with researchers from 3rd countries :  All Marie Curie host driven actions open to 3rd country nationals  Incoming individual fellowships to Europe with optional return for researchers from less developed economies  In preparation: Staff exchange scheme

15 Staff exchange scheme In preparation  Co-funding of exchange programmes between Europe and 3 rd countries  Only for EU neighbouring countries and S&T agreement countries  Single programme for one country?  Coordination of the existing fellowship programmes to Europe

16 Through Calls for Proposals 1.Researchers’ Night 2.Marie Curie Awards (five prizes per year) 3.Trans-national collaboration among ERA- MORE members 4.Trans-national cooperation among National Contact Points 5. Implementation of Marie Curie “Specific Actions”

17 III. Over view on Calls with deadlines/cut-off lines 2007 Value of calls on budget* Deadlines for submission Subject of calls for proposals Initial training NetworkITN Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development IEF European Re-integration grantsERG 9, Co-funding of Regional, National, and International Programmes COFUND Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways IAPP 38, International Outgoing Fellowships for Career Development IOF International Incoming FellowshipsIIF International Re-integration grantsIRG 14, Researchers' NightNIGHT 3, AwardsAWARDS 0, ERA-MORE 1, National Contact PointsNCP 2, Subtotal 428,65 Non-call based actions 5,30 Total

18 IV. Specific actions to remove obstacles and enhancing career perspectives 1. Mobility Portal 2. ERA-More Network 3. ERA LINK for the diaspora

19 1.The Mobility web portal

The redesigned European Researcher’s Mobility Portal ( The redesigned European Researcher’s Mobility Portal (

21 2. ERA-More “Help Desk and Customised assistance”  ERA-MORE, the European Network of Mobility Centres.  The network displayed on the portal  As a researcher you have free access to a Europe wide customised assistance service offered by ERA-MORE  These 200 centres in 32 countries assist researchers in all matters relating to professional and daily life, including  information on legal issues,  social security,  health and  taxes,  everyday life  as well as family support.  Click on the country you are interested in to contact the local Mobility Centre.

22 3. ERA link – A model network of European researchers, scientists and scholars in the US  A multidisciplinary network of researchers abroad  ensuring that they are also recognized as an important resource for the European Research Area,  researchers at all stages of their careers  whether they remain in the their present country or choose to return.  The ERA-Link network reinforces research, information, support and collaboration across and with Europe.

23 What is ERA-Link?  It provides information about  research in Europe,  European research policy,  opportunities for research funding,  for international collaboration  and for trans-national mobility.  Membership is free.

24 v. Additional Policy Elements 1.European Researchers Charter 2. & Code of conduct for the recruitment of researchers 3. Scientific visa

25 To be implemented.... on a voluntary basis To be implemented.... on a voluntary basis

26 The Aim of the Code and the Charter  Enhancement of quality  Clarify commitments and obligations  Ethical standards and professional responsibility  Accountability and supervision  Working conditions  Funding and salaries  Gender and equal opportunities  Selection and transparency  Recognitions of qualifications etc…

The «Charter&Code» section ( ) The «Charter&Code» section ( )

28 The «List of undersigning organisations» (http : //ec.europa.eu/eracareers/europeancharter)http : //ec.europa.eu/eracareers/europeancharter The «List of undersigning organisations» (http : //ec.europa.eu/eracareers/europeancharter)http : //ec.europa.eu/eracareers/europeancharter

29 3. "Scientific visa"  A European Directive (adopted by Council October 2005) to set up a specific procedure for admitting third-country researchers coming into Europe to carry out a research project.  The main concept is to create a specific residence permit for foreign researchers independently from their contractual status (employee, self-employed, "stipendee").  In the new system, a non-EU researcher wishing to carry out a research project in Europe will have to sign a "hosting agreement" with an accredited public or private European research organisation.

30 Hosting Agreement  The "hosting agreement" is a contract specifying the researcher's status  as well as his/her possession of the necessary  scientific skills,  financial means  and health insurance.  On the basis of that contract, and provided that the researcher fulfils some standard conditions (e.g. absence of threat to public policy, health and security, possession of valid travel document)  the immigration authorities of the host country will rapidly deliver the residence permit.

31 Further Information Seventh Framework Programme: Newsletter Europe4Researchers: European Researchers - Mobility Portal EU research: Information requests ( ):

32 Thank you for your Attention!