Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 1 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 Human Resources and Mobility in the 6th Framework Programme (FP6) Marie Curie Actions Marc Loher European Commission
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 2 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 Outline of the Talk 1 - Introduction : ERA and FP General objectives 3- General principles for implementation 4 - Overview of the Marie Curie Actions 5 - Contractual and financial Aspects 6 - Questions ?
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 3 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 1 - Introduction ERA : a political framework –Communication on ERA : to integrate the national research systems to create an internal market for research –HLGM report : overview of the situation in MS identification of the obstacles to mobility of researchers (legal, administrative, cultural obstacles : taxation, visa, pensions, …) strategy to overcome these obstacles
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 4 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 –Communication on mobility strategy for researchers : web portal + european assistance network –Communication on 3 % objective : towards a knowledge based society and economy
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 5 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 FP 6 : a financial tool designed in coherence with ERA
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 6 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 7 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 8 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 EC INTEGRATING EUROPEAN RESEARCH STRUCTURING THE ERA Research and innovation 290 Human resources Research infrastructures 655 Science and society 80 STRENGTHENING THE FOUNDATIONS OF ERA 320 EURATOM TOTAL Budget (million euros) Framework Programme
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 9 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 Specific programme “Structuring the ERA”: 1,580 m euros dedicated to HRM activities Work programme : 12 Marie Curie Actions Calls for proposalsCalls for proposals : 17 december 2002 FP 6 Reminder
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 10 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 2 - General Objectives of the programme Specific programme : “to provide broad support for the development of abundant and dynamic world-class human resources in the European research system, taking into account the inherent international dimension of research.”
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 11 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 Specific objectives of the programme 1 - To increase the number and the quality of researchers in Europe Rationale : –Maintaining researchers in the profession and in the European research area by giving favourable career development prospects and a positive image of the researcher's profession –Attracting more students to research, in particular through the increase in financial incentives –Attracting international researchers to Europe and developing international dimension of scientific careers
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 12 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 Marie Curie Actions : Accent on the initial training for Early Stage Researchers by host institutions : –MC Research Training Networks (balance between early stage researchers and experienced researchers), –Hosts fellowships for Early Stage Research Training (ESR) –Conferences and training courses
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 13 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 2 - To train experienced researchers at crucial stage in their research career development Rationale : Response to the individual needs of experienced researchers for complementary training (including in management, communication ethics, …), training at crucial stage of researchers career, concept of life-long learning, boost towards autonomy of researchers,... Marie Curie Actions : –MC intra european fellowships, –MC Outgoing International Fellowships, –MC Incoming International Fellowships.
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 14 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 3 - To encourage the promotion and recognition of excellence Rationale : –support to he creation/extension of excellence team built around a researcher having early in his/her career a potential of excellence –recognition of excellence attraction of the best researchers in the world Marie Curie Actions : –MC Excellence grants –Marie Curie awards –Marie Curie Chairs
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 15 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 4 - To encourage the Transfer of Knowledge and intersectorial collaborations Rationale : –support the Transfer of Knowledge (acquisition and transfer of new knowledge) in particular less favoured regions MS/AS –support the intersectorial long lasting collaboration between Academia and industry Marie Curie Actions : –MC Development Scheme : hosting researchers and sending out staff members –MC Industry-Academia Strategic Partnership Scheme : exchange of researchers; mutual benefit/collaboration
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 16 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 5 - To give added value to mobility period and to fight against brain-drain Rationale : –give added value to mobility period –fight against brain-drain Marie Curie Actions : –MC International reintegration grants –MC European reintegration grants
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 17 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 Some good reasons to take part in MC Actions…. To invest in HR = (means) to invest in intellectual capital, base of the knowledge economy To attract the best competencies from abroad (EU/AS/Third countries) To benefit from brain circulation (and from free movement of ideas) To create synergies with other research centres To benefit from a financial contribution up to 100 %
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 18 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 And last but not least …...
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 19 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 History of Fellowships Mobility Measures
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 20 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 3 - Implementation General principles
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 21 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 Main Features: continuity and evolution Coherent approach, (initial training, advanced training, excellence, reintegration) "bottom-up" approach i.e. all fields of science and technological interest for the European Community Multidisciplinary projects are encouraged Promotion of female participation : “objective of at least 40 % selection of women” Personal circumstances relating to mobility, particularly with respect to the family, career development and languages Marie Curie label: a common identity Opening of schemes to 3 rd country nationals & hosts Full participation of Associated States
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 22 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 Definitions of researchers No age limit but experience criterion Early-stage Researchers –at the beginning of their career; –< 4 years of active research experience (e.g. researchers undertaking a doctoral degree); Experienced Researchers –at least 4 years of active research experience; –or, have obtained a doctoral degree; –Note that for some actions, researchers with >10 years experience will be ineligible;
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 23 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 Contractual links Host institutions = Participants (contractors) Eligible researchers = Third parties (do not sign contract with the EC)
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 24 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 Host Driven Actions Host institutions applies for a number of researchers Host’s proposal is evaluated Selected host advertises fellowship position and selects researchers Contract duration with host, usually 4 years Fellows’ stay depending on Action (up to 3 years) Individual Driven Actions Researcher applies jointly with host Fellows’ stay depending on Action Fellows withdrawing cannot be replaced Distinction between Host and Individual Driven Actions
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 25 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 Which researchers can take part in different MC actions?
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 26 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 Which organisations can participate (as contractors)? PARTICIPATIONFUNDING Candidate countries YES Other (e.g. Switzerland, Israel) ABOVE MINIMUM THIRD COUNTRIES YES (host driven actions) IF ESSENTIAL European interest (e.g. CERN, ESA, ESO, EMBL etc.) Others (e.g. WHO, FAO, …) YES ( = third countries) IF ESSENTIAL OTHERS Joint Research Centre of the European Commission YES INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS YES Member States Associated Countries
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 27 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 Opening of the program to the international dimension European interest International Organisations = MS Other International Organisations = Third countries
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 28 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 Host institutes from third countries = –participation to multipartners actions (RTN, EST,…) above the minimum number of participants + financing only if essential –no participation to individual actions (specific action : possible reintegration phase of Incoming Fellowships)
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 29 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 Researchers from third countries = –eligible to all host driven actions + excellence promotion (within the 30 % limit) –eligible to a specific action : incoming Fellowships
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 30 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 Criteria for Nationality and Transnational Mobility Must not be a national of the State in which they plan to be appointed and carry out their research; Exceptions : –European researchers working outside the EU for 4 years in the last 5 years –Reintegration Mechanisms (may return in country of origin) –Multiple nationalities (if not resided in the last 5 years) –International Organisations Must not have been resident or worked/studied in that country for more than 12 months out of the 3 years immediately prior to either the time of application (individual Actions), or the start of work (host Actions)
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 31 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 4 - Overview of Actions
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 32 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 Host Fellowships for Early- Stage Conferences and Training Courses Research Training Networks Chairs Advance d Lifelong Training and Excellenc e Early- Stage Training Profile of Fellows 4 years experience or Ph.D. < 4 years experience Team s Awards International Fellowships Host Fellowships for Transfer of Knowledge Development Action Industry- Academia Partnership Intra-European Fellowships Return and Reintegration
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 33 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 Host Fellowships for Early Stage Research Training Marie Curie Research Training Networks Marie Curie Conferences and Training Courses Initial Training
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 34 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 Fellowships: Variable duration, early and intermediate career stages Focus: Trans-National networks for training of ESR and Experienced researchers. Teams with a common research goal - at least Teams from at least 3 MS or AS (with at least 2 MS or CC). Funding: (Min of 65% of funding on researchers’ costs) Researcher – salary, mobility, career exploratory allowance Host – funding for researcher networking, general organisation and management of the project, audit and management costs (7%), overheads (10%), some equipment costs Duration: Fellowships from 3 months - 3 years; 4 year network MC Research Training Networks
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 35 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 Fellowships: For researchers in the early stages of their career (PhD) Focus: Acquisition of scientific and technical competencies and other complementary skills, inc. research management, ethics Single or Multi-partner Team (min 3 teams in 3 countries) Funding: Researcher – salary, mobility, career exploratory allowance Host – Funding for researcher networking, general organisation and management of the project (€250/month), audit and management costs (3%), overheads (10%) Duration: Fellowships of 3 months to 3 years, possibility to gain PhD MC Host Fellowships for Early Stage Research Training
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 36 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 Target: All organisations and student groups. Support for conferences, training courses, summer schools, laboratory courses, workshops, virtual events etc. Funding: Series of conferences: Researchers – travel and subsistence, fees for attendance Hosts – organisational expenses, management activities (7%), equipment where necessary Large conferences: Researchers – Subsistence costs and attendance fees Hosts - Management activities (3%) Duration: Few days up to several weeks for summer schools - series of events over many years (4 events in 4 years) MC Conference and Training Courses
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 37 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 Overview of Actions Host Fellowships for Early-Stage Conferences and Training Courses Research Training Networks Chairs Advance d Lifelong Training and Excellenc e Early- Stage Training Profile of Fellows 4 years experience or Ph.D. < 4 years experience Team s Awards International Fellowships Host Fellowships for Transfer of Knowledge Development Action Industry- Academia Partnership Intra-European Fellowships Return and Reintegration
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 38 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 Transfer of Knowledge Actions Development Scheme Industry-academia Strategic Partnership Scheme
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 39 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 Target: Organisations in need of developing new areas of Competence or Organisations in the LFR of the EU Fellowships: For experienced researchers to allow transfer of knowledge, competencies and technology Funding: Development Scheme: One team with seconded staff member – salary and travel for staff member, host receives management costs (3%), overheads (10%) and training costs (€800/month max) Hosted researchers – salary and travel costs, programme expenses €1200/month max) Industry-Academic Strategic Partnership Scheme: At least two teams - salary costs, management costs (€800/month max) Duration: Fellowships of up to 2 years MC Host Fellowships for the Transfer of Knowledge
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 40 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 Overview of Actions Host Fellowships for Early-Stage Conferences and Training Courses Research Training Networks Chairs Advance d Lifelong Training and Excellenc e Early- Stage Training Profile of Fellows 4 years experience or Ph.D. < 4 years experience Team s Awards International Fellowships Host Fellowships for Transfer of Knowledge Development Action Industry- Academia Partnership Intra-European Fellowships Return and Reintegration
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 41 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 MC Intra-European Fellowships 1-2 year Fellowships for experienced researchers to work in a different EU Member or Associated State MC Outgoing International Fellowships (New) Up to 3 year Fellowships for European experienced researchers to work in a Third Country research centre (2+1) MC Incoming International Fellowships (New) Aimed at ‘top-class’ researchers from Third Countries to work in a European research centre (2+R awards) Fellows - salary, travel and mobility costs, career exploratory allowance. Costs for training and for research costs (managed by host) €750/fellow/month (€500 for non-lab based) Hosts - Management costs (3%), Overheads (10%) MC Individual Fellowships
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 42 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 Marie Curie Excellence Grants (up to 4 years) To set up or extend teams of the highest level Leading edge or interdisciplinary research Marie Curie Chairs (up to 3 years) Top level teaching appointments Particularly for researchers who wish to resume their career in Europe Marie Curie Prizes Prizes for excellent researchers who have benefited from Marie Curie Actions Excellence Promotion and Recognition
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 43 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 Overview of Actions Host Fellowships for Early-Stage Conferences and Training Courses Research Training Networks Chairs Advance d Lifelong Training and Excellenc e Early- Stage Training Profile of Fellows 4 years experience or Ph.D. < 4 years experience Team s Awards International Fellowships Host Fellowships for Transfer of Knowledge Development Action Industry- Academia Partnership Intra-European Fellowships Return and Reintegration
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 44 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 Following a 2-year Marie Curie fellowship EU and Associate Country fellows Reintegration of country of origin or elsewhere Obligation for host to offer minimum 2-year work contract and research project Following a stay outside Europe European researchers who have been outside Europe for 5 years Reintegration Grants
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 45 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 5 - contractual and financial aspects
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 46 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 Community Contribution Benefit of the researchers -Living allowance (by researcher category and country) -Travel costs -Mobility allowance -Career development allowance -Costs of eligible researchers Benefit of the host organisations -Contribution to programme expenses (organisation, co- ordination...) -Overheads -Management costs (incl. audit certificate) -Other eligible expenses Not all contributions apply to all Actions
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 47 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 Community Contribution To the Researchers I Contribution to researchers -Living allowance (reference, cost of living index 100) Correction factor for cost of living to be applied
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 48 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 Community Contribution To the Researchers II Contribution to researchers (cont.) -Travel costs depending on distance: 250 € € /year -Mobility allowance 600 € /month (no family); 900 € /month (family) (Correction factor for cost of living to be applied) -Career exploratory allowance 2000 € /fellow (min. 1 year stay) -Training/research costs of eligible researchers 250 € -750 € /fellow-month (depending on Action)
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 49 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 Community Contribution To the Host Institutions Contribution to host institutions -Specific projects costs (organisation, co-ordination…) -actual costs incurred (max. depending on Action) -Overheads -generally max. of 10% of direct costs -Management costs (incl. audit certificate) -(including audit certification): 3% or 7%, depending on Action -Other eligible expenses Not all contributions apply to all Actions
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 50 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 Proposal Submission Electronic Submission (EPSS) –Register on Web for login & password –On-line proposal writing –You may update your application anytime until deadline. CD Rom-Diskette submission –Download tool from Web –(Register on Web for login & password) Paper submission –Download tool from Web or use paper form Application must arrive before or on the deadline
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 51 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 Calls for Proposals
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 52 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 Evaluation Procedure Eligibility Individual Evaluation Consensus Thresholds Ranking by Commission Negotiation Negative Result Ethical Issues Commission Funding Decision Proposal Rejection
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 53 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 Thank you for your attention! Marc Loher DG Research European Commission Tel. :
Science, research and developmentEuropean Commission HUMAN FACTOR, MOBILITY AND MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Page 54 Marie Curie Schemes - Proposal for FP6 6 - Questions ?