ASSEMBLY OF EUROPEAN REGIONS (AER) Influence, Knowledge, Action Klaus Klipp Conference: „Networking as a basic tool for lobbying” East Poland House, Brussels,


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Presentation transcript:

ASSEMBLY OF EUROPEAN REGIONS (AER) Influence, Knowledge, Action Klaus Klipp Conference: „Networking as a basic tool for lobbying” East Poland House, Brussels, 23 February 2011 Assembly of European Regions, 6 rue Oberlin, F Strasbourg, Tel ,

AER IN BRIEF Date of foundation: regions, 33 countries 16 international organisations Geographical Europe: 70% EU regions, 30% from outside EU Secretariat in Strasbourg, offices in Brussels (B) and Alba (RO) Membership fees: 0, EUR / inhabitant; 25% reduction for members with GDP < 50% of AER-avarage

Assembly of European Regions, 6 rue Oberlin, F Strasbourg, Tel ,

COMMISSION 1 Economic development Cohesion Energy Sustainable tourism Rural developement Environment Regional airports Assembly of European Regions, 6 rue Oberlin, F Strasbourg, Tel , POLITICAL PRIORITIES 2011 COMMISSON 2 Health & Social Affairs Demographic changes Emergency planning Gender equality Preventing alcohol- related harm COMMISSION 3 Cultural policies Interregional & international cooperation Education & training Youth IA Communicating Europe Regional governance Regional democracy European desicion-making

Examples of our achievements : Creation of the Committee of the Regions Lisbon Treaty -Regional identity -Subsidiarity -Vote by unanimity National governments: Ukrainian Association of Regions Cohesion policy: territorial cohesion, Barroso’s non-paper, ESF Common Agriculture Policy: European Network for Rural Development Regional airport: de minimis rule Cross-border Healthcare Assembly of European Regions, 6 rue Oberlin, F Strasbourg, Tel , INFLUENCE

Support for development of regional policies: -Eastern Partnership -Training Academies -Peer reviews: energy, tourism, health -Competitions Funding trackers Our achievements: Awareness raised New strategies developed People trained Competitiveness increased Assembly of European Regions, 6 rue Oberlin, F Strasbourg, Tel , KNOWLEDGE

Summer schools Eurodyssee - 1st European trainees exchange program AER Youth Regional Network EU projects Citizens fora Assembly of European Regions, 6 rue Oberlin, F Strasbourg, Tel , ACTION Examples of our achievements:

Assembly of European Regions, 6 rue Oberlin, F Strasbourg, Tel ,