School Safety Workshop Series: Session #1 Keeping the School Environment Safe: Managing Student Conduct and Promoting a Positive School Environment for Learning
A Policy Perspective on School Violence State law requires districts to inform parents and students of policies governing student conduct and discipline. State law requires districts to inform parents and students of policies governing student conduct and discipline. An effective safety program, linked to an effective education program, can help prevent violent incidents and lessen their impact if they do happen. An effective safety program, linked to an effective education program, can help prevent violent incidents and lessen their impact if they do happen.
Characteristics of Policies that Support Responsible Student Behavior Opportunities for inappropriate behaviors that precipitate violence are greater in a disorderly and undisciplined school climate. Opportunities for inappropriate behaviors that precipitate violence are greater in a disorderly and undisciplined school climate. Most effective way to reduce suspensions, expulsions, office referrals, etc. is to emphasize a proactive approach to discipline. Most effective way to reduce suspensions, expulsions, office referrals, etc. is to emphasize a proactive approach to discipline. Establish high expectations and provide support for socially appropriate behavior. Highlight sanctions against aggressive behavior. Establish high expectations and provide support for socially appropriate behavior. Highlight sanctions against aggressive behavior. Develop and enforce school-wide rules that are clear, broad-based and fair. Rules and disciplinary procedures are developed collaboratively by the total educational community. Develop and enforce school-wide rules that are clear, broad-based and fair. Rules and disciplinary procedures are developed collaboratively by the total educational community. The rules and disciplinary procedures are followed consistently by everyone. The rules and disciplinary procedures are followed consistently by everyone.
Board Policies to Foster Safe School Environments
Board Policies to Foster Safe School Environments (cont.)
School-Based Regulations Student handbooks Student handbooks Staff handbooks Staff handbooks Newsletters Newsletters Special meetings with students Special meetings with students Websites Websites
ED 166 Data:
ED 166 Data:
Incident: Harassment (Non-Sexual) / Bullying # Offenses / Offenders as a Percentage of the Total Grade Level Population Grades 5-8
ED 166 Data: Incident: Harassment (Non-Sexual) / Bullying # Offenses / Offenders as a Percentage of the Total Grade Level Population Grades 9-12
ED 166 Data: Incident: Fighting / Altercation
Behavior on the Bus...Infraction K-4Total Personal Safety Vandalism Foul Language Spitting Eating on Bus Littering / Paper Fights Hitting / Fighting Stink Bomb Yelling / Screaming
An Historical Thumbnail Sketch Bullying among school children is no doubt a very old phenomenon. The fact that some children are frequently and systematically harassed and attacked by other children has been described in literary works, and many adults have personal experiences of it from their own school days. Though many are acquainted with the “bully/victim problem,” it was not until fairly recently – in the early 1970s – that efforts were made to systematically study it... in Scandinavia, England, Scotland, Ireland, Japan, Germany, Australia, Canada, and the United States. Blueprints for Violence Prevention Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence University of Colorado, 2000
What is bullying? A student is being bullied or victimized when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other students. Such negative actions include intentionally inflicting, or attempting to inflict, injury or discomfort upon another. These behaviors can be carried out physically, verbally, or in other ways, such as making faces or obscene gestures (“direct bullying”), or intentional exclusion from a group (“indirect bullying”).
Connecticut Definition of “Bullying” Bullying, as defined by Connecticut statute is “any overt acts by a student of group of students directed against another student with the intent to ridicule, humiliate, or intimidate the other student while on school grounds or at a school-sponsored activity which acts are repeated against the same student over time.” Bullying, as defined by Connecticut statute is “any overt acts by a student of group of students directed against another student with the intent to ridicule, humiliate, or intimidate the other student while on school grounds or at a school-sponsored activity which acts are repeated against the same student over time.”
Characteristics of Bullying Bullying is aggressive behavior or intentional “harmdoing;” Bullying is aggressive behavior or intentional “harmdoing;” Bullying is carried out repeatedly and over time; and Bullying is carried out repeatedly and over time; and Bullying occurs within an interpersonal relationship characterized by an imbalance of power. Bullying occurs within an interpersonal relationship characterized by an imbalance of power.
Bullying can take many forms... Inappropriate use of Internet Inappropriate use of Internet Physical violence and attacks Physical violence and attacks Verbal taunts, name-calling and put-downs, including ethnically-based abuse and gender-based verbal put-downs Verbal taunts, name-calling and put-downs, including ethnically-based abuse and gender-based verbal put-downs Threats and intimidation Threats and intimidation Extortion or stealing of money and / or possessions Extortion or stealing of money and / or possessions Exclusion from one’s peer group within the school Exclusion from one’s peer group within the school Inappropriate isolation or exclusion from other students Inappropriate isolation or exclusion from other students Hazing of a student or group of students in any form Hazing of a student or group of students in any form
Why focus on Bully / Victim Problems? Short-term effects on the victims Short-term effects on the victims Long-term effects on the victims Long-term effects on the victims Long-term effects on the bullies, if behavior goes unchecked Long-term effects on the bullies, if behavior goes unchecked School social climate School social climate
Short-term Effects on Victims Suffer pain, humiliation, unhappiness, distressed Suffer pain, humiliation, unhappiness, distressed Lose self-esteem and become anxious and insecure Lose self-esteem and become anxious and insecure May suffer physical injury May suffer physical injury Lose ability to concentrate on learning Lose ability to concentrate on learning View self as failure and devaluation of self, sometimes leading to self-injury View self as failure and devaluation of self, sometimes leading to self-injury
Long-term Effects on Victims Tend to be more depressed Tend to be more depressed As young adults, former victims tend to be more depressed As young adults, former victims tend to be more depressed As young adults, former victims have poorer self- esteem As young adults, former victims have poorer self- esteem
Long-term Effects on Bullies Tend to engage in other anti-social / delinquent behaviors such as vandalism, shoplifting, truancy and frequently drug use Tend to engage in other anti-social / delinquent behaviors such as vandalism, shoplifting, truancy and frequently drug use Tend to carry anti-social behavior into adulthood with potential increase in level of criminality Tend to carry anti-social behavior into adulthood with potential increase in level of criminality
School Social Climate Connection between level of bully / victim problems in a classroom or school and aspects of the school’s social climate Connection between level of bully / victim problems in a classroom or school and aspects of the school’s social climate Students tend to feel less safe and are less satisfied with school life, thus compromising the school as a “learning place” Students tend to feel less safe and are less satisfied with school life, thus compromising the school as a “learning place”
School Variables Known to Reduce Violence... Staff training to apply positive proactive approaches to school discipline; Staff training to apply positive proactive approaches to school discipline; High academic standards, clear positive behavioral expectations; High academic standards, clear positive behavioral expectations; Support for staff and students from administration and related services Support for staff and students from administration and related services Collaboration with family, community and other service providers; Collaboration with family, community and other service providers; Engaging, student-centered instruction; Engaging, student-centered instruction; Collaboration between general and special educators Collaboration between general and special educators Links with other school reform programs; and Links with other school reform programs; and Leadership that does not give up on students! Leadership that does not give up on students!
Best Practices: Remain aware and involved in observing and addressing bully-victim behavior and problems. Remain aware and involved in observing and addressing bully-victim behavior and problems. Assess, periodically, the school’s bully-victim problems / determine scope of issues / effectiveness of current prevention programs Assess, periodically, the school’s bully-victim problems / determine scope of issues / effectiveness of current prevention programs Devote sufficient time to training teachers / students Devote sufficient time to training teachers / students Implement consistent / immediate consequences for inappropriate behavior Implement consistent / immediate consequences for inappropriate behavior Recognize students for pro-social and acceptable behaviors Recognize students for pro-social and acceptable behaviors Review, regularly, school rules against bullying Review, regularly, school rules against bullying Conduct class / school meetings on topic of preventing bullying Conduct class / school meetings on topic of preventing bullying Engage in discussion with bully, victim, parents to communicate anti- bullying policy Engage in discussion with bully, victim, parents to communicate anti- bullying policy Encourage parent participation in school meetings on bullying Encourage parent participation in school meetings on bullying
Best Practices: Implement and maintain the anti-bullying program curriculum / focus on appropriate responses to assertive behavior skills ? Implement and maintain the anti-bullying program curriculum / focus on appropriate responses to assertive behavior skills ? Work to improve communication among administrators, teachers, parents and students on issues of bullying Work to improve communication among administrators, teachers, parents and students on issues of bullying Listen respectfully to bullying concerns raised by students, parents, and staff Listen respectfully to bullying concerns raised by students, parents, and staff Avoid any form of gender-role stereotyping in the school Avoid any form of gender-role stereotyping in the school Identify and eliminate “unhealthy” competition in school Identify and eliminate “unhealthy” competition in school Promote the involvement of students and their classmates in school efforts to alleviate plight of victims and include in group activities Promote the involvement of students and their classmates in school efforts to alleviate plight of victims and include in group activities
School Environment Goals: Bullying Prevention Characterized by warmth, positive interest, and involvement by adults; Characterized by warmth, positive interest, and involvement by adults; Firm limits to unacceptable behavior; Firm limits to unacceptable behavior; Environment in which non-hostile, nonphysical negative consequences are consistently applied in cases of violations of rules and other unacceptable behaviors; and Environment in which non-hostile, nonphysical negative consequences are consistently applied in cases of violations of rules and other unacceptable behaviors; and Environment in which adults act as authorities and positive role models. Environment in which adults act as authorities and positive role models.
Checklist for Investigating Bullying and Harassment Complaints Before the Investigation Before the Investigation Review district policy Contact parents Call child protective services, if necessary Select proper investigator Prepare strategy Arrange for increased supervision for students
Checklist for Investigating Bullying and Harassment Complaints During the Investigation During the Investigation Ask open-ended questions Ask each witness same questions Repeat interviews, if necessary Interview witnesses individually and in private Keep records Ask for written statement Insist on confidentiality by students Keep findings confidential Tell witnesses not to fear retaliation
Checklist for Investigating Bullying and Harassment Complaints After the Investigation After the Investigation Document findings Decide whether policy or state law have been violated Determine appropriate discipline Report to complaining party Report to Superintendent, police, and others if required Follow up
Anti-Bullying Program Goals Promote safe / secure environment free from threat, harassment and any type of bullying behavior Promote safe / secure environment free from threat, harassment and any type of bullying behavior Take positive action to prevent bullying Take positive action to prevent bullying Inform parents / students of expectations and foster “partnerships” to maintain a bully-free environment Inform parents / students of expectations and foster “partnerships” to maintain a bully-free environment Make staff aware of their role in fostering knowledge / attitudes to meet goals above Make staff aware of their role in fostering knowledge / attitudes to meet goals above
Intervention Programs... The basic message of a bullying prevention program should be... The basic message of a bullying prevention program should be... Bullying is not accepted and we will work hard to see that it does not occur in our schools, at school events, or on school buses.
Planning and Implementation of Future Intervention Efforts Conduct needs assessment Conduct needs assessment Develop sequence of intervention activities Develop sequence of intervention activities Identify resources necessary Identify resources necessary Identify staffing / program oversight Identify staffing / program oversight Conduct training of staff Conduct training of staff Provide commitment of staff time Provide commitment of staff time Monitor implementation and treatment integrity Monitor implementation and treatment integrity