Chapter 13 Section 2 The North’s People
1. Northern Factories Addition to textiles and clothing factories produced… Shoes dresses Watches Bored games Sewing machines Agricultural machinery All of the above are true
2. Working Conditions Many people suffered injuries from… a) Fast moving machine belts b) Falling off of high machines c) Getting hit by machinery d) Slipping from oil spill
3. Working Conditions Many workers lost or broke their… a) Fingers b) Nose c) Toes d) Legs e) Arms f) Bones
4. Workers’ Attempts to Organize What did workers want from their employers? (Multiple answers) Better working conditions Discounts on goods they produced Work day limit of 10 hours Higher wages Free health care Food for their family provided by the employers
5. Workers’ Attempts to Organize Why did the Massachusetts court rule that workers had the right to strike? Bananas aren’t blue, so therefore workers who had bad working conditions had the right to strike. The first amendment of the Constitution required them to. Workers forced the state to allow strikes. The eleventh amendment of the Constitution required them to.
6. African American Workers
7. African American Workers
8. Women Workers Sarah G. Bagley… (2 answers) a) Sold woven bags b) Founded the Lowell Female Labor Reform Organization c) Was a weaver from Massachusetts d) Petitioned for a 10-hour work day in 1856
9. Increase in Urban Population What location didn’t profit from its waterfront location? St. Louis Pittsburgh Cincinnati Louisville Chicago
10. Immigration Immigrants… A. Increasingly came to the U.S. during the 1840s through 1860s B. Were mostly of Chinese descent C. Were forced to work as slaves in the south D. From Germany came to America because of religious prosecution
11. Immigration
12. The Impact of Immigration European Immigrants… a) Came between the years 1921-1950 b) They changed the country c) They brought languages, religions, and customs d) They caused war
13. The Impact of Immigration Which of the following is false? a) Many catholic Immigrants settled in the northwest b) German Immigrants brought language c) German immigrants found their own publication d) Church’s provided spiritual guidance
14. Immigrants Face Prejudice What did nativists believe about immigrants that caused them to dislike them? (Multiple answers) Worked for lower wages Smelled weird Brought disease Brought crime They (the immigrants) hated My Chemical Romance Stole American jobs They (the immigrants) supported slavery
15. The Know Nothing Party The Know Nothing Party… Was actually named the American Party Wanted stricter Gun laws Was split between the North and the South Branches Wanted to extend an immigrants waiting period for citizenship to 42 years