VARNA FREE UNIVERSITY “CHERNORIZEC HRABAR” VARNA FREE UNIVERSITY “CHERNORIZEC HRABAR” PROJECT MEETING Network of competence centres for the development CruiseT of cruise tourism in the Black Sea region (Georgia and Ukraine) TEMPUS DE-TEMPUS-JPHES - CruiseT Bulgaria, Varna, –
PROJECT GOAL Development and strengthening of expert networks among the key partners in education, science and tourist business in Black Sea region.
Expert networks for development of sustainable tourist destinations in Black Sea region Education Science Social and business partnership National and local authorities
Project Results Project Results Development of sustainable tourist destinations and establishment of a new Black sea brand Strengthening of cooperation between universities and all stakeholders in Black sea region Integrated development of alternative tourism forms Establisment of regional expert networks Cross-border cooperation Education models’ change in partner universities in the region European added value and transfer to Asian countries
Academic partnership Goals: SSystem knowledge accumulation and development of Black sea tourist cluster ; DDevelopment of cooperation networks in a tourist branch in a Black Sea region; Realization of unity policy set in Bologna process and complete involvement of countries in Black sea region in it.
Potential of academic partnership: synergy of academic and scientific resources, accelerating and expanding the space for the knowledge, science and technology transfer; mutual acquaintance of national cultures and tourism varieties; establishment of Black Sea brand; overcoming socio-cultural, ethnic, religious and language barriers; dissemination and enrichment of good practices; knowledge and skills formation in real conditions of the tourist business, institutions and markets; Expansion and system actualization of training information base.
Scientific research, innovation, technology transfer in tourism field Education activities – qualification and training of human resources Black Sea tourist cluster
Society Branch organizations Business organizations Universities Universities Institutions Authorities Project partners
Targets : Development of suitable educational and scientific infrastructure in a Black Sea region Scientific support of sustainable management of tourist destinations in a Black Sea region Scientific providing and acceleration of innovation and technology transfer in tourist branch in a Black Sea region Training of competent human resources according to professional fitness criteria
1. Creation of new knowledge and updating of academic knowledge Possible academic partnerships: 2. The presence of the Black Sea region in the global interactive presentation of scientific knowledge - Networking 3. Synchronization of the qualification frameworks of professions and specialties 4. Studying the socio-cultural characteristics of the environment for human resources’ development of the region 5. Transfer of science, technology and good practice between key partners in the Black Sea region 7. Mobility, joint student artistic and sports events 6. Education and research for a formation of The Black Sea tourist identity 8. Coordination of procedures for recognition of prior education and lifelong learning 9. Linguistic training
Formation of a transnational space for practices, internships, introduction of cultural heritage, socio-cultural features and linguistic training professional skills regional trails history, culture, art, style of living linguistic training Where do we go?
Coordination of training methods, recognition of training and quality assessment; Joint preparation and implementation of courses with direct orientation to the labor market; Working contacts with European institutions; Joint lobbying to ensure European funding of activities for creating Black Sea tourist cluster. Where do we go?
Specialized Training (University) and experience (tourist organization) Network / Academy/ “Black Sea tourist cluster” 1 semester in 4 universities (total: 4 semesters) Total number of credits Basic Universirty Education – 4 semesters
Network / Academy/ “Black Sea tourist cluster” 1 semester in 2 universities Level of qualification: MASTER – 3 semesters; – 2 semesters. Total number of credits - 90 University 2 and experience (tourist organization)
Level of qualification – Bachelor and Master Level of qualification – Bachelor: Management of Cultural Tourism in the Balkans; Management of Cultural Tourism in the Black Sea Region; Management of alternative tourism; Business Administration in Tourism. Level of qualification – Master: BA in Cruise Industry; Cruise HR Management; Management of Cruise Restaurants; Touroperating in Cruise management; Animation of artistic and cultural heritage; Marketing, management and protection of cultural heritage.
Summer schools and Summer schools and LLL courses: Cultural and historical heritage and the languages of cultural tourism Preservation of the cultural heritage in the Black Sea region Sustainable development of cruise tourism Black Sea Brand management Team Building and Operation management Public private partnership in cruise tourism
An Example of Functioning of the Network Partner university 1 Tourist organization. Partner university 2 Tourist organization. Partner university 3 Tourist organization. Partner university 4 Tourist organization. VFU
Task for specialized training and internship Working in real business environment Getting to know the tourism resources of each country Learning the language of the host country Working in a business team
Advantages for students 1 They get a strong theoretical background at the university, where their training begin 2 They become familiar with the tourism business practice in different countries 3 They become familiar with the specifics of tourist services in the partner countries 4 They study the tourism resources of at least four countries in the Black Sea region 5 They get vocationally oriented knowledge of the languages and cultures of the countries concerned
Advantages for professors, scientists, and researchers 1 Joint educational programs, scientific research and innovation activities 2 Experts consultancy services 3 Transfer of best practices 4 International project teamwork on the priority areas of the countries Building a common space for scientific research and education in the Black Sea region
Advantages for the business 1 Qualified workforce during the active tourist season 2 Involvement of partner universities students in advertising and promotional campaigns 3 Staff with enhanced capabilities who are aware of the demands and socio-cultural characteristics of tourists 4 Human resources professionally suitable for participation in cross-border tourism projects Creating sustainable tourist destinations