Student Diversity
In what ways are students diverse?
Impact of Culture Norms Norms Traditions Traditions Behaviors Behaviors Language Language Perceptions Perceptions SHARED
TB: But, I bearly know U. The internet has helped to break down some cultural barriers.
Who Am I? Write the top three answers that come to your mind.
European American Hispanic African American Asian/Pacific Islander American Indian Shared National American Culture Macroculture
Race/Ethnicity (1995 Projections) European American (67.4) Hispanic (14.6) African American (12.5) Asian/Hawaiian/Pacific Islander3.84.5(4.8) American Indian0.70.8(0.8) Percentages of U.S. Population by Race/Ethnicity Source:
Socioeconomic Status Definition Definition Disadvantages of Low SES Disadvantages of Low SES Role of Child-Rearing Practices Role of Child-Rearing Practices –Parents are less educated role models –Inconsistent parenting –Less value on creativity –More Punishment –Kinds of Parent-Child Activities differ Link Between Income and Summer Learning Link Between Income and Summer Learning
Possible Conflicts Between School and Cultural Expectations
High and Low Power Distance Cultures Majority Powerful Elite Large Middle Class Upper Class Lower Economic Class HighLow Source: Eric Law 1993
Socioeconomic Status Role of Schools As Middle-Class Institutions School Values Mismatched Values Individuality Individuality Group Loyalty Future Time Orientation Focus on Present CompetitionCooperation Control of Nature Respect and Live with Nature Cherish Freedom Cherish Tradition
School and Community Factors -Funding -Desegregation
Ethnicity and Race Why Have Minority-Group Students Lagged in Achievement? Why Have Minority-Group Students Lagged in Achievement? –Socioeconomic Status –Inferior Schools –Instruction Inconsistent with Culture –Low Expectations
Bilingual Programs Bilingual Education Bilingual Education –Advantages »Self Esteem »School Achievement Is Not Dependent On Language Skills »Increased Achievement –Disadvantages »Not Enough Bilingual Teachers »Re-segregates Students
Gender and Gender Bias Assessments Assessments The Maccoby and Jacklin Study The Maccoby and Jacklin Study –Differences Within Sexes Exceeded Differences Between Sexes –Experimenters Could Not Control Sex Assignment –Only Four Consistent Differences Were Found
Gender and Gender Bias The Maccoby and Jacklin Study Results & Updates The Maccoby and Jacklin Study Results & Updates –Verbal –Visual-Spatial –Math –Aggressiveness
Sexism at Home Expectations Reinforcements
Sexism in the Classroom Observations Communication Teacher Chivalry Conclusions
Percentage of Males and Females who Enrolled in and Completed High School Courses
Learning Styles Theories of Learning Styles Theories of Learning Styles –Different Ways of Learning –Field Dependence versus Field Independence (Embedded Figures) –Impulsive versus Reflective –Learning Environment Preference