A presentation by Shubham Tripathi & Harshit Bharija
Promotion is a process of communication involving information, persuasion, and influence. What is Promotion?
Target Audience InformingReminding Persuading Target Audience
Demand Objectives Influence Create, and Maintain Demand Communication Objectives Increasing Awareness Information about the product Distinctive Objectives Competition Based OBJECTIVES OF PROMOTION
1.Identify Target Audience 2.Determine Communication Objectives 3.Designing a Message 4.Choose Media 5.Select Message Source 6.Establish Budget 7.Collecting Feedback Steps In Promotion or effective marketing communication
˃ It is the combination of different kinds of promotional tools used by a firm to advertise and sell it’s products. What is Promotion Mix?
Elements of Promotion Mix Promotion Mix Advertising Sales Promotion Direct Marketing Personal Selling Public Relations & Publicity
What is Advertising? “ Advertising is a paid form of a non-personal communication and promotion of goods & ideas through an identified sponsor ”
1.Paid Form of Communication 2.Non-Personal Presentation 3.Presence of an Identified Sponsor Features of Advertising
Print Media Newspaper Magazine Outdoor Media Bill-Boards Posters Electronic Media Television Radio Internet & Mobiles Media of Advertising Advertising Media
Strengths Wide coverage Attractive Huge impact Limitations Short life High cost Lack of personal touch Strength & weakness
Effects of Advertising Advertising Spending Return on Advertising Expenditures Increasing efficiency as ad budget becomes sufficient Diminishing returns on additional spending
Sales Promotion
Sales Promotion???? According to American Marketing Association, sales promotion include, "those marketing activities other than personal selling, advertising and publicity that stimulate consumer purchasing and dealer effectiveness, such as point of purchase displays, shows and exhibitions, demonstrations and various non- recurring selling efforts not in the ordinary routine." Sales Promotion = SHORT TERM SELLING INCENTIVES….
Types of Sales Promotion Programmes Consumer Sales Promotion Programmes Dealers Sales Promotion Programmes
Generate consumer interest leading to trial Enquiry generation Increase rates of purchase Motivate customer so repeat their choice Objective Of Consumer Oriented Sales Promotion Programes
Mass purchase Customer loyalty Building relation Objective Of Dealers Oriented Sales Promotion Programmes
Samples Discounts or Price Off Gift Offers Quantity Deals or Economic Packages Limited Period Offers Contests Techniques Of Sales Promotion
Direct Marketing
Direct Marketing consists of Direct connections with carefully targeted individual consumers to both obtain immediate response and cultivate lasting customer relationships. And That is??
Benefits to Sellers Customer Relationships Low Cost, Improved Efficiency Access to More Buyers Benefits to Buyers Convenient and Comfortable Additional Choices Extra Information Interactive Services Benefits of Direct Marketing
Direct advertising Marketing Telephone Marketing Direct selling Direct response radio Techniques of Direct Marketing
Personal Selling
What it means.. Personal Selling is a process of assisting and persuading a prospective buyer to buy a commodity in a face-to-face situation. Involves Persuasion of Customers, Winning Buyer’s Confidence, Providing them with Information.
As an Art It Is Bringing about a desired result through application of skills. Denotes Personal Skill Signifies Practical Knowledge Helps in Achieving Concrete Results Creative in Nature As An Art & Science!!
As a Science It is systematic body of Knowledge pertaining to a particular field of enquiry. It is a systematic body of knowledge pertaining to any curriculum of marketing, part of human psychology. As An Art & Science!!
To Customers & Society Demonstration of Product & Given Full Information Education & guidance regarding the features, utility and benefits of the product. Salesmen handle grievances of the customers. They help customers arrive at a correct decision Help in Increasing the opportunity for employment and the aggregate production They are responsible for improvement of standard of living by educating & providing people with new products Benefits of Personal Selling
To Manufacturers & Traders Personal Form of Communication Flexible in operation Minimum wasted efforts Salesman helps in Sales promotion Establishment of Relationships Benefits of Personal Selling
Publicity & Public Relations
Public Relations Building Good Relationships with the company’s various publics by obtaining favourable publicity, building a good corporate image and handling or heading off unfavourable rumours.
Components of Public Relations
Publicity Promotion or Communication of Goods, Ideas without any legal considerations It may be Planned or Spontaneous.
Factors Affecting Promotion Mix
Determinants of Promotion Mix Factors Affecting Promotion Mix Product Considerations Pricing PolicyDistribution Target market Characteristics
Nature of The Product Product Image Stage of Product life-Cycle Packaging Degree of Customisation 1. Product Considerations
PLC StageMarket Situation Sales Promotion Advertising & Publicity Personal Selling Promotion Result Desired Introductio n Consumer Unaware LowHighMediumInduce Trial GrowthConsumer Aware Medium LowWord-of- Mouth Important MaturityCompetition High High MediumIncentives DeclineWithdrawal/ Rejuvenation HighMediumLowSustenance PLC & Promotion Mix
PriceSales Promotion Advertising & Publicity Personal Selling Examples LowHeavy to Medium Supplement to Sales promotion LowColgate, Rotomac Pens MediumMedium to Low HeavyLow to Medium Aquaguard Purifiers, Philips Audio HighLowSophisticatedHeavyMercedes Cars 2. Pricing Policy
TypeSales Promotion Advertising & Publicity Personal Selling Examples 1. IntensiveMostHeavyLeast Coke, Tata Salt, etc. 2. SelectiveMediumHeavyMedium Bata Shoes, Liberty Shoes, etc. 3. ExclusiveLeastMediumMost Raymond, Bajaj 3. Distribution
Level of Competition Geographic Coverage Buyer Readiness Stage Promotional Budget Promotional Strategy 4. Target Market Characteristics
AIDA & Hierarchy of Effects At earlier stages of buyer readiness advertising & publicity are most effective. At later stages, sales promotion or personal selling are more effective. AttentionInterestDesireAction Awareness Knowledge Liking Preference Conviction Buyer Readiness Process
Integrated Marketing Communications
All Communication Activities should be INTEGRATED or coordinated. Advertising Publicity & PR Direct Marketing Sales Promotion Personal Selling Integrated Communicati ons Mix
Advert ising Publici ty & PR Direct Marke ting Sales Promo tion Person al Selling There should not be any confusion among all the communication activities. One activity should support and aid the other. Effective marketing communication is only possible if all promotional efforts are coordinated.
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