PRESENTATION AIMS AT INTRODUCING Finnish education and training system Finnish labour administration Educational and vocational guidance and counselling as well as career planning services in Finland Clients, cooperation networks and professionals in the field of guidance and counselling in Finland 20.4.2017 Petri Sotarauta
20.4.2017 Petri Sotarauta
FINNISH EDUCATION AND TRAINING POLICY MAIN GOALS ARE TO ensure a high level of education and training to all citizens promote the well-being of citizens ensure that skills required by a changing environment are available in the society ________________________________________________ all citizens entitled to basic general education in Finland instruction given in Finnish and Swedish available also in Sámi, sign language and Romany 20.4.2017 Petri Sotarauta
FINNISH EDUCATION AND TRAINING SYSTEM PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION all children entitled to voluntary pre-school education one year before compulsory education provided by day-care centres or in connection with compulsory schools to improve childrens´s learning abilities and to encourage their independence 20.4.2017 Petri Sotarauta
FINNISH EDUCATION AND TRAINING SYSTEM COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOLS compulsory education begins at the age of 7 comprehensive school (primary and lower secondary education) lasts nine years more than 50 % of those completing comprehensive school go to upper secondary education and almost 40 % to vocational training voluntary education available for those having completed comprehensive school, but not secured a further study place basic education provides pupils with skills and knowledge necessary in life 20.4.2017 Petri Sotarauta
FINNISH EDUCATION AND TRAINING SYSTEM UPPER SECONDARY SCHOOLS no grade levels -> students make their own individual study plan based on available course supply and maximum time allowed for completing studies curriculum consists of 75 courses (i.e. compulsory, optional specialisation and applied courses), each consisting of 38 lessons courses from vocational schools can be included in the curriculum national matriculation examination is eligibility criterion for all post-secondary education (i.e. universities and polytechnics) 20.4.2017 Petri Sotarauta
FINNISH EDUCATION AND TRAINING SYSTEM VOCATIONAL TRAINING FOR YOUNG PEOPLE provides young people with a vocational qualification in all branches leading to an independent profession training is developed in cooperation with trade and industry and it consists of modules all studies include at least six months of on-the-job training admission to higher education possible after completed studies in vocational training apprenticeship training and competence-based qualifications available for young people and adults 20.4.2017 Petri Sotarauta
FINNISH EDUCATION AND TRAINING SYSTEM POLYTECHNICS / UNIVERSITIES OF APPLIED SCIENCES non-university higher education with professional orientation study time 3,5 – 4 years to complete degree programmes provide Bachelor’s degrees but also post-graduate degrees UNIVERSITIES provide lower and higher academic degrees as well as post- graduate degrees of a licentiate and a doctorate 20.4.2017 Petri Sotarauta
FINNISH EDUCATION AND TRAINING SYSTEM ADMISSION TO UPPER SECONDARY AND HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS joint application system the primary way to apply for admission to upper secondary schools, vocational schools, folk high schools, and polytechnics selection based on school certificates and grades aptitude tests can be used completion of upper secondary education qualification gives eligibility for higher education 20.4.2017 Petri Sotarauta
FINNISH EDUCATION AND TRAINING SYSTEM ADULT EDUCATION SYSTEM LIBERAL AND GENERAL EDUCATION folk high schools, study centres, summer universities, physical education centres general upper secondary education designed for adult needs: a whole qualification or only specific subjects VOCATIONAL TRAINING self-motivated training, labour market training, in-service training and apprenticeship training 20.4.2017 Petri Sotarauta
FINNISH LABOUR ADMINISTRATION OVERALL GOALS are to improve the functioning of the labour market develop working life organisations advance employment and integration of immigrants STRATEGIC GOALS are to reduce structural unemployment ensure availability of skilled labour enhance labour productivity form a basis for active labour immigration policy promote entrepreneurship and self-employment 20.4.2017 Petri Sotarauta
THREE-TIER ORGANISATION OF FINNISH LABOUR ADMINISTRATION Ministry of Employment and Economy Labour Market Departments of Employment and Economic Development Centres (15) Employment offices (101) - employment exchange - services for development of vocational skills - measures to promote employment and advice on employment benefits 20.4.2017 Petri Sotarauta
FINNISH GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING SYSTEM EMPLOYMENT OFFICES Vocational guidance and career planning Educational and vocational information services Employment exchange services COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOLS UPPER SECONDARY SCHOOLS VOCATIONAL COLLEGES POLYTECHNICS UNIVERSITIES CENTRE FOR INTERNATIONAL MOBILITY CIMO Euroguidance Finland 20.4.2017 Petri Sotarauta
GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING AT EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOLS national curriculum: goals for guidance and counselling for forms 1-2, 3-6, and 7-9 guidance covers study skills, self-knowledge, further education and training options, occupations and working life, including 1-2 week work experience for pupils at upper stage of compre-hensive school - individual, small group and classroom guidance available school counsellors are trained comprehensive school teachers with specialisation studies in guidance and counselling 20.4.2017 Petri Sotarauta
GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING AT EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS UPPER SECONDARY SCHOOLS curriculum includes one compulsory and one optional course of guidance, both consisting of 38 hrs guidance covers planning of study programme, learning techniques, self-knowledge, further education, occupations and work guidance counsellors are trained teachers with supplementary training in guidance and counselling guidance counsellors, group advisers and teachers are all involved in guidance and counselling 20.4.2017 Petri Sotarauta
GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING AT EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS guidance provides students with individual support in studies, career planning and finding employment school counsellors are trained teachers with a specialisation in guidance and counselling guidance is usually integrated into teaching in classes, also personal and small group guidance available to students careers service to help students enter the labour market 20.4.2017 Petri Sotarauta
GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING AT EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS BASIC AND GENERAL UPPER SECONDARY EDUCATION OF ADULTS goal is to give adults a varied general education and an opportunity to complete their unfinished studies guidance focuses on designing personal curricula, developing study skills, selecting relevant subjects individual, small group guidance and web-tutoring available 20.4.2017 Petri Sotarauta
GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING AT EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS POLYTECHNICS comprehensive guidance and counselling system for planning of studies, career planning, work placements, international exchange opportunities career services unit in all polytechnics offers services to students and employers information about careers, recruitment and job exchange at 20.4.2017 Petri Sotarauta
GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING AT EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS UNIVERSITIES general student counselling for students enrolled in universities and for those seeking admittance to them special office for student guidance: information about studies faculties/institutes: student affairs secretary, academic and other staff members responsible for tutoring and advising career services unit in all universities offers services to students and employers (practical training, jobs, career guidance) website of the Academic Career Services network: (services for students and employers) 20.4.2017 Petri Sotarauta
GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING AT EMPLOYMENT OFFICES VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE & CAREER PLANNING SERVICES available for all young people and adults free of charge vocational guidance psychologists help clients with career choice, professional development and employment -> personal and small group guidance to clients -> psychological tests can be used demand for these services has increased considerably 20.4.2017 Petri Sotarauta
GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING AT EMPLOYMENT OFFICES EDUCATIONAL AND VOCATIONAL INFORMATION SERVICES information to all clients about education, training, occupations and working life as well as about studying and training opportunities abroad education and training advisors answer clients inquiries face-to-face, by phone and by email information services include web-based information system, collection of publications, guidebooks, brochures, videos about education, training and occupations national telephone helpline: Koulutuslinja 20.4.2017 Petri Sotarauta
GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING AT EMPLOYMENT OFFICES EMPLOYMENT SERVICES help job-seekers to find work and employers to find employees employment consultants work either at the information desk, job-centre, basic services or so-called specialised services group training in job seeking given by employment consultants e.g. methods, channels, evaluation of own strengths and skills 20.4.2017 Petri Sotarauta
GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING AT EMPLOYMENT OFFICES VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION for people with disabilities include vocational guidance and career planning, guidance in employment and rehabilitation can include health and aptitude tests, and other support measures includes always individual guidance and counselling provided by specialist employment advisers and vocational guidance psychologists 20.4.2017 Petri Sotarauta
GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING AT EMPLOYMENT OFFICES GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING FOR IMMIGRANTS immigrants residing permanently in Finland entitled to same services in employment offices as Finns employment consultants specialised in serving immigrants at the larger offices personal integration plan for unemployed immigrants 20.4.2017 Petri Sotarauta
GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING AT EMPLOYMENT OFFICES EURES – European Employment Services EURES network consists of EU27, Norway and Iceland EURES advisers responsible for guidance, information and employment exchanges for those seeking work in another European country forum for employers to advertise vacancies and to recruit employees EURES database contains information about working and living conditions in different countries information at 20.4.2017 Petri Sotarauta
GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING AT EMPLOYMENT OFFICES LABOUR MARKET TRAINING primarily for unemployed people for young and adult in transitional periods free of charge, financial support available training can include guidance and counselling, language training consists mainly of initial vocational training, vocational re-training, further or continuing training organised by vocational adult education centres, higher education institutions etc 20.4.2017 Petri Sotarauta
CHALLENGES TO GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE emphasised in all sectors of society -> development of citizens’ career management skills -> increase accessibility of the services -> development of career guidance quality assurance systems -> basic and continuing training of guidance practitioners -> guidance at transitional periods -> personal study plans at higher education -> guidance and counselling of adults 20.4.2017 Petri Sotarauta
CONTACT INFORMATION Head of Department Petri Sotarauta Länsirannikon Koulutus Oy WinNova P.O. Box 49, FI-23801 Laitila Tel. 044 455 8446 E-mail 20.4.2017 Petri Sotarauta