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Presentation transcript:

MARIE SKLODOWSKA-CURIE ACTIONS (MSCA) in Horizon 2020 Research Support, Faculty of Humanities, SDU

Horizon 2020

Marie Skłodowska-Curie RATIONALE “Ensure excellent and innovative research training as well as attractive career and knowledge-exchange opportunities through cross-border and cross-sector mobility of researchers to best prepare them to face current and future societal challenges”

MSCA in Horizon 2020 Operates in a “bottom-up” basis Open to all research and innovation domains – from basic research to market take-up Mobility is a key requirement Aim: develop new knowledge / enhance skills of people behind research and innovation Dissemination and public engagement through public outreach activities

MSCA in Horizon 2020 DEFINITIONS Early Stage Researcher (ESR) At the time of recruitment (ITN) the researcher must be in the first 4 years (full-time research experience) of their research careers and have not been awarded a doctoral degree Experienced Researcher (ER) At the time of the call deadline (IF) the researcher must be in possession of a doctoral degree or have at least 4 years of full-time equivalent research experience.

MSCA in Horizon 2020 Innovative Training Networks (ITN) Early stage researchers only Minimum 3 participants from different MS/AC Maximum 540 research months equals 15 full ph.d-projects Timespan of project – 48 months Individual Fellowships (IF) – EF or GF Experienced researchers only Sole applicant 12-24 months (plus 12 months return phase for GF) From any country to MS/AC – EF Secondment from MS/AC to third country (GF)

ITN Innovative Training Networks “Aim to train a new generation of creative, entrepreneurial and innovative researchers, able to face current and future challenges and convert knowledge and ideas into products and services for economic and social benefit” Competitively selected joint research training/doctoral programmes implemented by partnerships of universities, research institutions, business, SME´s and other socio-economic actors from across Europe Focus on scientific / technological knowledge through research on individual / personalised projects Transferable skills training e.g. communication, research management, IP, ethics, entrepreneurship, societal outreach Exposure to non-academic sector

ITN Beneficiaries (Participants level 1) Innovative Training Networks Beneficiaries (Participants level 1) Signatory to the grant agreement Full partner of the network Contribute directly to the implementation of the training programme by supervising, hosting and training ESR Provide secondment opportunities Partner organisations (Participants level 2) Do not sign the grant agreement Provide training and host ESR´s during secondment Both academic and non-academic organisations can take part in an ITN either as a beneficiary or as a partner organisation

Non-academic sector participation - why and how? To broaden the traditional academic research training setting and eliminate cultural and other barriers to mobility. In all cases the involvement of the non-academic sector must be meaningful and appropriate to the implementation mode and research field.

ITN Activities Research & Innovation (Ph.d projects) Networking Summer schools Intersectional secondments and visits Career development of reserchers Dissemination and public engagement Courses providing transferable skills Workshops for the network

Mobility – very important Transnational & Inter-sectoral Researchers can be of any nationality. They are required to move from one country to another when taking up their appointment. One general rule applies to the appointment of researchers: “At the time of recruitment by the host beneficiary, researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of their host beneficiary for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the reference date.” In all ITN modes, recruited researchers can be seconded to other beneficiaries and/or to partner organisations for a duration of up to 30% of their recruitment period.

Individual Fellowships - IF “Aim to enhance the creative and innovative potential of experienced researchers wishing to diversify their individual competence in terms of skill acquisition at multi- or interdisciplinary level through advanced training, international and intersectoral mobility” Supports Experienced Researchers only Opportunities to acquire new knowledge and work on research in a European context, or outside Europe Specific support for return and reintegration of researchers to Europe who have previously worked here

Individual Fellowships - IF Optional intersectoral secondment that should significantly add to the impact of the research project Must take place in a MS/AC Must occur during the fellowship Secondment phase can be a single phase or divided into shorter mobility periods

Timetable Call Opens Closes IF 2014 12 MAR 2014 11 SEP 2014 ITN 2015 13 JAN 2015 IF 2015 12 MAR 2015 10 SEP 2015

Award criteria Evaluation scores awarded for each criteria from 0-5 Each award criterion has a weighting Total score is subject to a threshold of 70 % Proposals ranked and funded in ranking order Evaluation summary Reports provided No restrictions on re-application (yet!) Excellence (50 %) Impact (30 %) Implementation (20 %) June 2012

What about the money?

Funding arrangements ITN IF ESR living allowance 2.900 € / month + co-efficient 4.650 € / month + co-efficient ESR mobility allowance 600 € / month ESR family allowance 500 € / month Host research, training and network 1.800 / person /month 800 / person /month Host management and overheads 1.200 / person / month 650 € / person / month

Contact Research support at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Southern Denmark EU Advisor Lone Ladegaard Laursen Phone: 6550 2188 or 2477 90009