1976 Establis hed in Taiwan By Stan Shin 1987 Changed name to Acer Put into strategies in USA 2000 Divided off PC Establishing new division 2002 Incorporated as Wistorn Corporation History
The types of PC desktop laptop netbook Tablet PC Ultra- Mobile PC Pocket PC
Industry Analysis
Acer Global expansion&Challenge
Major target Markets Multi-Brand strategy Brands of Acer Inc: Advantages from Implement the multi- brand strategy worldwide with differentiated multi-brand products to satisfy diverse customer and market segments. Expand Acer Group’s global PC market share. Maintain control and minimize operating expenses. Global expansion
In 2007,Acer used $710 million to acquire Gateway. Get experience from Gateway Enjoy the Gateway’s market share Acer in America Global expansion
Asia In china, Acer ranks No.2 in terms of sales incoming. Acer via sponsors series of sports events to improve brand recognition Europe In 2008, Acer announced it had acquire 75% stakes of Packard Bell. At same year, Acer has 38.9% growth for sale, the 15.7% of market share growth Global expansion
Challenge Highly competitive, many competitors such as HP, Lenovo, TOSHIBA, Dell, Apple Economic crisis & PC market shrink The period of computer industry update is becoming shorter and shorter-----quickly as computer obsolete and depreciation Keep innovation
SWOT Analysis
Economic recession Mainland China market Many competitors all over the world Substitute products
Lenovo Perfect and efficient service Good performance in Chinese market
Short-term Recommendation
Long-term Recommendation