Presented by Paul Nijensohn & Sarah Sebert Illinois State Board of Education 2008 Nonpublic Special Education Conference on Best Practices
What will we review? Goals and outcomes Compliance activity game Number of programs both in-state and out Number of students by state Number of students by county Number of students claimed by disability What’s New? On-site monitoring form & self-evaluation New report SEDS database: Phase 1 (program applications) Application renewal dates review & warning SEDS database: Phase 2 & 3 (future developments) Website Random Thoughts Trends in schools with positive results
Goals and Outcomes ISBE GOALS Every student will demonstrate academic achievement and be prepared for success after high school. Every student will be supported by highly prepared and effective teachers and school leaders. Every school will offer a safe and healthy learning environment for all students PROGRAM GOALS Unique, yet connected to common purpose. What are your goals? How are you measuring progress? What do you do if you don’t see progress?
Compliance review…. How well do you know the rules, compliance, and what we look for? – Let’s see……
Number of approved programs including: residential homes, residential treatment centers, combination programs and day only schools 1
8 Number of Students placed through School District or Individual Care Grant – Out of State:
Number of programs by county
Number of students claimed by disability vs. 2007– – 2007 Claim Data Mental Impairment (MI): 864 Physical Impairment (PI): 21 Specific Learning Disability (SLD): 661 Visual Impairment (VI): 5 Hearing Impairment (HI): 53 Deafness (D): 7 Speech or Language (S/L): 8 Emotional Disturbance (ED): 4068 Other Health Impairment (OHI): 524 Developmental Delay (DD): 13 Autism (AUT): 785 Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): 22 Multiple Disabilities (MD): 71 TOTAL = – 2008 Claim Data 880(+16) 20 (-1) 702(+41) 5(no change) 55(+2) 6(-1) 10(+2) 3986(-82) 579(+55) 3(-10) 923(+138) 29(+7) 91(+20) TOTAL = 7289 (+187)
Claim data thru
What’s New? New Forms: Self-evaluation Monitoring report SEDS Phase 1 Phase 2-3 Website
SEDS Monitoring System
Blank Application
Main Screen
Summary Tab
Staff Tab
Non-IEIN Staff Page
IEIN Staff Page
IEIN Staff Submitted
Students Tab
Visit Dates Tab
Program Tab
Compliance Tab
Administration Staff
Teacher Staff
SEDS Phase 2-3 Overview ISBE Portal and Welcome Page Program Overview & Search Engine Choose Approved Program school profile including: Ages and categories approved to serve Current approved IPCRB rate Program Goals Current Approval Status (PUBLIC VIEW) Last Monitoring Report (SECURED) Application (SECURED) s from this database: Expired license / certification State Fire Marshal Application Deadlines
New ISBE web-site location and information Information regarding programs can now be found at: Information consists of Part 401 rules Initial approval and application information Self evaluation reports Overview of programs Comparisons of Public and Private school responsibilities Search engine for approved schools (Harrisburg now, future ISBE engine coming soon) Access to individual approved program profile Individual program’s access to application, monitoring review, etc. Resources and links to ISBE divisions (certification, assessment, etc.) Contact information
Random thoughts…….. Part 401 Rules, program application, and student roster should always be available, legible and current. Statements of intent (certification/forms/etc.) New director’s conference Always call/ us first….. If it doesn’t make sense to you, ask us
Similarities common throughout positive programs (not in order of importance) Clear vision & mission that is translated to line staff Program is student-driven, based on evaluation of individual student. One size does NOT fit all All staff have a clear and consistent understanding of policies & procedures Staff interactions with both adults and children remain consistently respectful, empathetic, and positive High expectations for student achievement are in evidence These are foundations of the program, not add-ons On-going training and understanding of current trends Knowledge of programmatic effectiveness is based on data Staff turnover is minimal