1 UKHTA STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Excellence in education, research and innovation since 1958.


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Presentation transcript:

1 UKHTA STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Excellence in education, research and innovation since 1958

2 Geopolitical place of USTU Ukhta is the motherland of first Russian oil (first petroleum in Russia were found in Ukhta area approx. 270 years ago - its historically and documentary confirmed fact Member of Barents Euro-Arctic Region Strategic path of national and international oil&gas pipelines Location in the Arctic region in Russia (Arctic center in Vorkuta)

3 Quick facts about USTU Our university located in the Ukhta city – industrial and research capital of Komi Republic, population of the city is more than citizens. - about students - more than 3000 academic, research and support staff - University operates multi-level educational system of bachelors, specialists, master, PhD students and other levels of education in 7 directions and 23 specialties on full-time, part-time and distance education - 20 laboratory and educational buildings - 14 student dormitories (+1 in process – 80-apartments house for young families of students and teachers) USTU – is one of the leading technical and oil&gas universities in Russia

4 Management of the university system Top-level administrators in USTU: First Vice-rector (educational policy) First Vice-rector (infrastructure and building) Vice-rector for educational and methodical work and post-graduate education Vice-rector for science and innovations Vice-rector for student development and social affairs Vice-rector for economics Vice-rector for student safety and security Vice-rector (VP) for administration and external affairs – Chief of Staff in the Rectors office Adviser to the Rector for planning and tasks control RECTOR (president) of USTU, professor, Dr. Sc. ; Chairman, Council of the Rectors of universities of Komi Republic; Deputy Chairman, National Alliance of universities and corporations of mineral and oil&gas complexes Professor Nikolay D. Tskhadaya Interesting fact: Rector actively support youth professionals in management: there are 2 Vice-rectors and 2 Directors of institutes under the age of 30 y.o. in USTU

5 Structure of university system On post-graduate and research education: 3 doctoral councils (of 5 in whole Komi Republic) PhD studies department (“aspirantura”) in 7 spheres of research Institute of post-graduate education – independent attestation center of personnel (for specialists and management of companies) On higher education level: Institutes: oil & gas, forestry, economics and management Faculties: geological prospecting, information technologies, architecture and civil building, humanitarian education Center of distance education On professional education and additional professional skills education level: Industrial college College of mining, oil & gas College of forest & economics Center of personnel training of JSC “Gazprom” (one of the best in Russia, with unique industrial equipment and facilities of training personnel and students) Center of personnel training of JSC “LUKOIL” (with branches in Ukhta and Usinsk) On primary education and additional education for schoolchildren's level: Center of professional orientation of youth (with preparatory department) Ukhta Technical Lyceum of a name of G.V.Rassokhin (5-11 class) Primary school “Rostok” (1-4 class) University kindergarten * (* - on planning stage). Campuses of the USTU in other cities of Komi Republic: Usinsk, Vorkuta

6 Institute of oil and gas Development and exploitation of oil and gas fields and underground hydromechanics Design and exploitation of main oil and gas pipelines Industrial safety and environmental protection Machines and equipment of oil and gas industry Well drilling Offshore oil&gas fields production (for the Arctic and Shtokman project) These departments have modern laboratories, which are equipped with support of the leading industrial companies of Russia and Komi Republic. Interesting fact: one of research schools of USTU actively works underground in famous heavy oil mines on cooperation project between USTU and LUKOIL). On this faculty we have a big number of research schools and laboratories, among them we need to underline research school of prof. Ruzin on new technologies of production heavy (high-viscosity) oil with production based on steam heating. Since 2009,we started innovational project in heavy oil on special area of LUKOIL Yarega oil mines (there are only 2 such places in the world, second one is in Canada).

7 Institute of oil and gas – cooperation with business Interesting fact: USTU have its own deposit of oil and gas (village Voy-Vozh) for practice and research work of students, teaching staff. Main strategical partners: GAZPROM, Gaprom transgas Ukhta, VNIIGAZ, Gazprom drilling, Gazprom production (offshore, Yamburg, Urengoy, Nadym), Gazprom promgas, Gazprom oil offshore, Gazprom refinery, Shtokman Development AG, Giprogazcenter and many others; LUKOIL, Lukoil - Komi, Lukoil – Engineering, Lukoil – Ukhta oil refinery plant, Lukoil – North-Western oil products, Lukoil overseas and others; ROSNEFT, Nothern Oil, RN-Drilling, RN – Service; TRANSNEFT, Nothern oil pipelines, Gyprotruboprovod, and many others; ZARUBEZHNEFT (with its branches in Vietnam, Cuba, Middle East and other regions); INTERNATIONAL corporations (Hulliburton, Total, Schlumberger,Baker Huges, MI-Svaco, Mireco, Gaz de France, Ruhrgas, TNK-BP and many others).

8 Mineralogy and geology, geochemistry, geodesy Oil and gas geology Geophysics Main partners: leading enterprises related to geological industry of Russia, ROXAR and other. Faculty organized active scientific work, for example geophysics department have many contracts in sphere of joint technology on intensification of petroleum production with ultrasonic methods. Interesting fact: in 2006 «Nothern Oil» (Rosneft) opened reconstructed and equipped stage and 2 special laboratories at OGG Dept. (with Roxar software) Geological prospecting faculty

9 Forestry engineering faculty ) Forestry engineering Machines and equipment of forestry engineering Main partners: enterprises of forest industry in Komi Republic, Ministry of agriculture and forestry of Finland, Mondi and others. Interesting fact: USTU has special training forest base near the Ukhta city with its own forestry resources and laboratories for practice and research work.

10 Architecture and civil building faculty Architecture Industrial and civil building Heat engineering, heat and gas supply and ventilation Water supply and drainage system Main partners: design and construction companies and state organizations of our region and around the Russian Federation. Interesting fact: diploma project of the Architecture department graduate in 2007 was applied for realization in Sochi-2014 Olympic building program

11 Automated information and management systems in industry and business Information systems and technologies Electrification and automation of technological processes Main partners: Gazpom, LUKOIL, Transneft, banks, IT – companies, Microsoft, Oracle, Cisco, Intel and others. On this faculty we have many research and applied projects with oil&gas enterprises and other industries, different programs of cooperation with leading global IT – companies, industry – related conferences and seminars. Faculty of information technologies Opening ceremony of new laboratory on modeling gas transportation by «Gazprom» Business meeting in USTU on common projects with Head of St.Peterburg office of «Samsung Electronics» Mr. Lee Jae Hong Interesting fact: academic staff of the faculty has unique experience of creating applied technological software for oil&gas pipelines operation and monitoring.

12 Institute of economics and management Economics and management at the enterprise of oil&gas enterprises Finance and credit International management studies (on English) Main partners: JSC «Gazprom transgas Ukhta», Sberbank, Gazprombank, Northern peoples bank, economical and finance departments of oil&gas enterprises, Bodo graduate School of business, Finnmark university college (Norway) and many others. Interesting fact: on this faculty we supported Komi - regional Presidential program of preparation of the administrative and management staff

13 Faculty of humanitarian education Public relations and advertisement Sports and physical culture Main partners: regional mass-media, TV, radio and media agencies, PR offices of companies and enterprises; local and regional government and schools. University television studio weekly TV-news «University planet» (on several regional and federal channels) science, industry and youth programs interviews with leading scientists and specialists, guests Website - Interesting fact: unique international informational &media project «UTime News» - University Time (media alliance of universities and corporations all over the world)

14 Science and research activity In our university we have successful productive work of 12 research schools, research and design institute oil&gas industry and others. We have actual projects and research in new technologies for all leading enterprises of oil&gas and other industries of Russia. University awarded with diplomas and medals for a high scientific and technical level of development at prestigious international exhibitions of Moscow, St. Petersburg, World exhibition of scientific and technological projects «Brussels-Eureka» in Belgium and many other. Head of Autodesk in Russia/CIS A.Tasev and USTU rector, professor N.Tskhadaya R.Kuznetsov, Government affairs, Microsoft Russia on science conference in USTU Interesting fact: university nowadays prepare and develop real projects for oil&gas corporations including certification, government expertise and other issues)

15 Interesting fact: actual questions, problems and perspectives of development of oil&gas and other strategic industries of Russia are discussed actively Science events and conferences USTU organise international and industrial conferences and tech.seminars: - Gas industry conference of a name of G.V.Rassokhin (February) - International scientific youth conference “Severgeoecotekh" (March) - Professional conference for academic and research staff (April) - Humanitarian conference «Communications. Society. Spirituality.» (April) - Conference on heavy (high viscosity) oil (November) and others. Organization of international corporate conferences and technology seminars with our strategic partners – is one of the special goals and tradition in USTU. First deputy Minister of architecture, building and municipal services of the Komi Republic N.Smyshlyaev on the forum in the university

16 Cooperation with industry – investments for the future The university cooperates with all leading corporations of Russia and Komi Republic (oil&gas, geology, mining, forest, building and other industries). USTU signs the agreement on general cooperation with corporate HQ in Moscow and detailed program of cooperation every year. The cooperation with the enterprises organized in different spheres: professional orientation of youth, education (on all levels), science and innovations, design projects and expertise, consulting and industrial safety, social sphere – sports and culture, support childrens without parents. Special laboratories of GAZPROM Signing the agreement with JSC «LUKOIL»; Rector N.Tckhadaya and Vice-President A.Barkov Opening of new special laboratories of TRANSNEFT USTU received a special rank of “Key university-partner of JSC “GAZPROM” which allows us to expand our strategic partnership In different spheres

17 External affairs system in university complex RECTOR (strategy and priorities of partnerships) Vice-rector on administration and external affairs – Chief of staff in the Rectors office Office on cooperation with industry (cooperation with strategic partners) Interesting fact: university museum is working on project of the special museum of First Russian oil, which will imitate first historical oil-field and production International office (including sectors: BEAR affairs, German affairs, USA & Canada affairs, CIS affairs, analytical support Information technology center, responsible for ICT infrastructure, programming, technical support International informational cooperation and projects office Center for mass-media, responsible for university publications, newspapers, TV, magazines and others Center on interaction with graduates Group of special projects and analytical cooperation with Federal government University Directorate for external affairs University Directorate on human resources management University Directorate on documentation processing and control Center of professional orientation of youth

18 International activity in university International activity of USTU targeted on development of educational quality and preparation of specialists in all directions and industries, development of international links and cooperation with partners. Representatives of university regularly meets and discuss common work with partners (government representatives, companies and universities) from foreign countries. Main international partners of USTU are: Germany, Finland, USA, Norway, France, Sweden, CIS countries, China, Canada and others. Interesting fact: nowadays we have more than 110 students who study in our common educational program in the University of the Arctic (additional diplom) Business meeting with First secretary of Delegation of European Commission Discussion possible ways of cooperation with Director-general of Department of forest industry in Finnish Ministry of agriculture and forestry (in Helsinki) Rector of Liaoning Shihua University (China) Z.Shuliang during tour around innovational laboratories of the USTU Vicer-rector USTU G.Korshunov with members of University of Arctic delegation

19 Ways of international cooperation Educational programs (on Russian and English) International projects and programs of cooperation Trainings/seminars for the leading enterprises Educational, cultural and tourist visits Information stands, corners and exhibition halls Conferences in oil and gas and other industries Exchange programs (Norway, Finland, Germany, USA, Southern Korea and other countries) Summer schools «Russia – European Union» On the photo: seminar on new technologies in english language in Syktivkar with assistant attache on english language US Embassy in Moscow Elena Lubnina International education center 1. Intensive courses of the English and German languages 2. Special program for interpreters in industry (1700 acad.hrs.) Cooperation with leading language and international educational organizations is important direction of our daily work. Lecturer from SPE Distinguished Lecturer Program after seminar in USTU A.Haugen, Counsellor of center on international cooperation of Norway on meeting in USTU

20 S.Ponomarenko, deputy Minister of education of Komi Republic O.Sapogova, Intel Corporation Regional youth science conference «INTEGRATION» organized 11 years ago, uniting talented schoolchildren's from many cities of Komi Republic, Arkhangelsk and Vologda regions, YNAO and other regions of Russia. International partnership forum «INTEGRATION» … main event in the field of the international and industry cooperation in USTU, where we have possibility to discuss joint projects in public sector, industry, education and other spheres with all partners. (in cooperation with Ukhta technical lyceum of a name of G.V.Rassokhin) F.Seitz, Consul, Head of Press and Culture Department of German General Consulate in Saint Petersburg D.Paradise, Officer on aeronautics, telecommunications and space of the US Embassy in Moscow

21 Labor education - Student construction groups Each year students from USTU and whole region receive an opportunity to work during summer vacations, joining different teams of Regional student construction union «Severyanin». This unique tradition exists at USTU during many decades. Annually we involve more than 600 students each year in activity of student construction groups. SCG works on construction and repair works of different enterprises of oil&gas industry of Ukhta, other cities of Komi Republic and other regions around our country. Interesting fact: student construction groups worked on the famous oil pipeline East Siberia – Pacific Ocean by Transneft company in Taishet city in 2008.

22 University sport – health of our youth In USTU we develop more than 44 unique types of sports, including: football, basketball, judo, ski sports, running, volleyball, mini-football, boxing, swimming, chess and many others. USTU is proud of achievement of our students – Alexandr Sukhorukov won a silver medal in Olympic Games in Beijing (2008). USTU womens ice hockey team (1 of 8 in RF) is playing in Russian championship. Interesting fact: our professional student's basketball team "Planet - university" plays in Super league of Russian official Championship on men's basketball

23 Social infrastructure of university comlex Student recreation complex «University planet» On special federal program, each month 120 students and teachers could have rest and special healthy courses and procedures on the basis of this student recreation complex. Interesting fact: in the year 2014 university will finish building its own swimming- pool for the USTU students on the highest sports and infrastructure standards

24 University traditions Interesting fact: annual Russian championship on sport dances received highest mark of the First Vice-President of Russian National Olympic Committee Mr. Vasin Russian student championship on classical dances Competition «Miss University» Regional championship on modern dances (Dance Integration)

25 Interesting fact: every year “red diplomas” are given to graduates from the hands of Komi Republic Governor or Head of the State Council of the Komi Republic University traditions Holliday moving of graduates of the University on the main city streets of Ukhta

27 Georgy V. KORSHUNOV Vice-rector USTU on administration and external affairs – Chief of staff in the Rectors office, Member of United Nations Global Alliance for ICT and Development (Champions Network), Director non-commercial partnership “Alma mater - USTU”, Chair working group for information and analytical cooperation and partnerships, National Alliance of universities and corporations of mineral and oil&gas complexes Tel. +7 (8216) ), +7 (8216) , +1 (202) (global ICT-issues) THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! YOUR QUESTIONS AND PROPOSALS? 2013, Ukhta state technical university, Office of Vice-rector on administration and external affairs