GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France DATA AND PRODUCT SERVING AN OVERVIEW OF CAPABILITIES DEVELOPED IN 10 YEARS Contributing Authors.


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GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France
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Presentation transcript:

GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France DATA AND PRODUCT SERVING AN OVERVIEW OF CAPABILITIES DEVELOPED IN 10 YEARS Contributing Authors F. Blanc (CLS, France) R. Clancy (US Navy, U.S.A. ) P. Cornillon (University of Rhode Island, U.S.A.) C. Donlon (ESA, Europe) P. Hacker (Univ. of Hawaii, U.S.A.) K. Haines (Reading University, United Kingdom) S. Hankin (NOAA/PMEL, U.S.A.) S. Pouliquen (IFREMER, France ) M. Price (UK Met Office, United Kingdom ) T. Pugh (Bureau of Meteorology, Australia ) A. Srinivasan (RSMAS, U.S.A.)

GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France 1. Introducing Godae framework (1) Observations (< remote sensing satellites or in situ instruments) Analyses and forecasts (< modelling and assimilation systems) Data management and communication plan (to deliver regularly and seamlessly, reliable and comprehensive information on the state of the ocean)

GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France 1. Introducing Godae framework (2) Other specificity of data and products : Targeted to Open Ocean global or regional sub-basins at higher resolution Focused on Ocean physics temperature, currents, sea level, salinity, wind/wave, sea ice Data are geo- and time-dependent (X, Y, Z, T) Along an observational swath, or refer to a gridded area. Characterised by spatial and temporal resolution of ocean phenomena: large ocean circulation or eddy-resolving, daily or seasonal monitoring Special care on the time dimension. Various levels of products depending on quality & use From raw data (sensor type, level 0) to ocean summary information (ocean indicator, level 5).

GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France

2. The need for data & product serving (1) depends on product level, operational status & user needs 1.“Privileged users”  computer-to-computer link, no human intervention,  high level availability and quality of service, routine delivery; 2.“Standard users”  on request access to standard products (routinely produced)  tools to search and access products; 3.“Public users”, ie. the general public  for education and public outreach,  a ‘front/demonstration’ window of operational oceanography; 4.“Specific users”, such as. research laboratories  need specific products, which may not be available online  human intervention for product delivery; 5.“Operations”  involved in the system monitoring and supervision

GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France 2. The need for data & product serving (2) User Requirements & Demonstration via Success Stories

GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France 2. The need for data & product serving (2) To understand how oceanographic centres operate each forecasting system  SS1: A common knowledge and understanding of products To identify and converge on technologies required  SS2:Data format and data inventory (for interoperability)  SS3: How to find and discover products? To understand & evaluate products  SS4 : How to better evaluate a product (standalone or federated primary viewing services for data browse and quick evaluation)  SS5: Interactive viewing services (GIS based services or Google Earth for data qualification or science applications) To access and manipulate the data  SS6: How to query and access a product ? (full set or subset extraction capabilities, a chain of web services)  SS7: Data manipulation and analysis (for data qualification or science applications, web portals or desktop toolboxes) To keep track of downloads and usage of a product  SS8: Monitoring and reporting (to better meet the user needs and increase the use of data)

GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France Observations Acquisition Data Processing Ocean Modelling Nowcasts Forecasts Hindcasts Production Integration Delivery Monitoring & Control Information & Quality Assessment Data Management Web Portal Data Assimilation Model Nesting

GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France Success Story 1 Knowledge & Understanding of Products  Mature and Structured Description of products and ocean forecasting systems

GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France Success Story 1 Knowledge & Understanding of Products  Mature and Structured Description of products and ocean forecasting systems JAMSTEC center MERSEA centers

GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France Success Story 2 Data Format and Data Inventory  Adherence to Standards

GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France Success Story 2 Data Format and Data Inventory  Adherence to Standards NCEP center HYCOM center

GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France Success Story 3 How to Find and Discover Products?  Standalone Visibility

GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France Success Story 3 How to Find and Discover Products?  Standalone Visibility NAVOCEANO Data Server GHRSST Data Server BLUELink Product Server AVISO Product Server

GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France  Master Directories to enhance visibility and access at one place many products Success Story 3 How to Find and Discover Products?

GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France  Master Directories to enhance visibility and access at one place many products Success Story 3 How to Find and Discover Products?

GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France Success Story 4 How to Better Evaluate a Product ?  Standalone or federated primary viewing services for data browse and quick evaluation

GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France Success Story 4 How to Better Evaluate a Product ?  Standalone or federated primary viewing services for data browse and quick evaluation BLUELink (Australia) NCOF (UK) ECCO (USA) Mercator Océan (France)

GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France Mersea/MyOcean European Integrated System

GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France Success Story 5 Interactive Viewing Services  GIS based services or Google Earth

GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France Success Story 6 How to Query and Access a Product?  full set or subset extraction capabilities (with user guides)

GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France

Success Story 6 How to Query and Access a Product?  A chain of web services (SOAP architecture & OGC compliance)

GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France Success Story 7 Data Manipulation and Analysis  for data qualification or science applications

GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France Success Story 7 Data Manipulation and Analysis  for data qualification or science applications GODAE Product Server

GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France Success Story 7 Data Manipulation and Analysis  Desktop toolboxes: The Basic Radar Altimeter toolbox (CNES/ESA) The Octave [matlab clone] NetCDF toolbox (Ocean Circulation group, South Florida) The Matlab OPeNDAP Ocean toolbox (NASA) The Ocean Data Viewer (Seadatanet) The Scilab platform for numerical computation (INRIA)

GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France Success Story 8 Monitoring and Reporting  To keep track of downloads and usage of a product, e.g. –Availability and Timeliness of a product –Total Volume of a product & Volume of data transported on the Internet, –Typology and Location of the users, –Preferred Products and Preferred data serving tools, –etc.

GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France Conclusion (1) Achievements in 10 years Measures of success or the instruments to monitor 10 years of cooperative work The GODAE implementation plan and the annual national reports Conferences and summer schools agenda lllustration through 8 success stories  Well defined products and services  Improved design and effectiveness of a global ocean observing system  Enhanced coordination of activities at all levels (observing forecasting, nesting)  Growth of new multi-disciplinary integrated ocean applications serving the ultimate goal of real user applications

GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France Conclusion (2) Achievements in 10 years Well defined products and services Distributed architecture with layered functionalities Agreement upon formats and data distribution mechanisms (the so-called GODAE standards) Essential and generic network functions to discover, visualise and access the data sets  Successful solutions across the GODAE community to create both standalone & integrated internet services  Clear demonstration of operational capabilities (including version tracking, system monitoring and robustness)

GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France Conclusion (3) Achievements in 10 years Improved understanding of the oceans, Improved assessments of the predictability of ocean variability,  Minimised the cost and maximized productivity by drawing together information technology contributed by many partners  Enabled the assessment and operational qualification of ocean forecasting systems Improved design and effectiveness of a global ocean observing system

GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France Conclusion (4) Achievements in 10 years Official links established with large observation programmes like Argo, Sentinel 3 and others Agreement on qualification process, the metrics products (included in the so-called “GODAE standards”) Use of the Global Ocean Prediction System evidenced to support numerous coastal and regional modelling centres, delivering operational boundary conditions (see HYCOM US and Mercator, France) Usability/fitness of Godae products for the purposes of their users and system goals Enhanced coordination of activities at all levels (observing forecasting, nesting)

GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France Conclusion (5) Achievements in 10 years Growth of new multi-disciplinary integrated ocean applications serving the ultimate goal of real user applications  Important applications already within the different national programmes marine safety in Canada to support the coast guard, fisheries in Australia to survey migration of the larvae of rock lobsters to maintain populations, maritime traffic in Japan to predict the Kuroshio large meander, marine pollution in France to monitor oil spill drift and to facilitate protective measures, water quality in United Kingdom to monitor the risk of problems from algae bloom, etc.

GODAE Final Symposium, 12 – 15 November 2008, Nice, France Thank You for your attention Thank You to all contributors