eLMIS & LMU - Strengthening the Supply Chain
Presentation overview The objectives of this presentation are to: Provide the development partners with a deeper understanding of the eLMIS and how it will be used to improve supply chain decision making. Inform all key stakeholders of the role the Logistics Management Unit (LMU) will play in the implementation of the eLMIS.
What kinds of problems do you experience with data management? Infrequent adherence to reporting groups Stockouts Overstock Expiry Wastage Late reported orders Difficulties with ordering and reporting Data accessibility and accuracy HMTs require logistics data for supervision support Absence of facility level data for decision-makers
Tanzania’s eLMIS vision An effective and sustainable electronic logistics management information system (eLMIS) should be user friendly and facilitate that adequate quality and quantities of health commodities* are always available at the point of service to meet patient demand. The eLMIS must provide integrated access to: Accurate, timely and routine consumption data Real-time logistics management capabilities covering point of origin to point of consumption Demand forecasting, capacity planning & modeling based on consumption (* vaccines, medicines, medical & diagnostic supplies, etc.)
How can we addresses some of these problems? Trained people (LMU), consistent processes and … e L M I S electronic Logistics Management Information System An electronic tool for managing orders and logistics data
September 12-13, 2011 eLMIS visioning workshop Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
January 24-27, 2012 MOHSW and MOH eLMIS collaboration Lusaka, Zambia
September 12-13, 2011 October 13-20, 2012 eLMIS visioning workshop Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania eLMIS Development Kickoff Lusaka, Zambia
What are key eLMIS features? An integrated data repository where all report and requisition (R&R) data can be entered An analytical tool which can process the raw data for decision-making A custom reporting tool for administrators, managers, policy and other decision-makers Ability to interface and exchange data with other MOHSW approved MIS solutions Improving availability health commodities at SDPs
eLMIS business processes Requisition Order Processing Transport (order tracking) Receiving Inventory management Dispensing (HMIS) Forecasting Overview of the business processes of the eLMIS An integrated data repository that will provide a data entry module for all R&R’s and other routine logistics data All programs Interface with other e-systems Provide real time logistics data for decision makers at all levels of the system Inform quantification process Adjust procurement plans Improve availability of health commodities at SDPs
eLMIS information flow Facility will create paper R&R District will receive paper R&R and enter into eLMIS LMU/MSD will receive approved R&R and review before entering in to E9 Central level will view reports and dashboards and receive alerts Share and Review Reports instant paper Review changes Send R&R eLMIS for Incorrect Order 3 2 District Send and Review Reports eLMIS 1 Send R&R E9 LMU/MSDZone ILS Gateway Data ILS Gateway Data 1 LMUs Health Facilities District Deliver Proof of Delivery notification Central/MOH accesses ILS Gateway and eLMIS data instantly. Deliver Consignment instant Zone Deliver Deliver Consignment 4 2 eLMIS / ILSG Central / MOH
How is the eLMIS changing the way we do our jobs? Key Stakeholders Key Stakeholders Instantly view key reports and dashboards indicating system performance Monitor consumption of commodities Send teams for data collection to identify supply chain challenges and collect logistics data Issues data based quantification Today Phase I Use additional system reports to improve timeliness and quality of supply chain decision making Coordinate and allocate resources more efficiently No real time data Lack of comprehensive data for decision making Lack of comprehensive consumption data for quantification Problems Phase II
Which reports will the eLMIS provide? Order fill rate and Item fill rate Supply status by product Stock status of warehouse Supply status by facility Summary district consumption by product Stocked out report Dispensed to user report Quantity ordered discrepancy report Consumption average by product Non-reporting facilities Stock imbalance by product and facility Aggregate stock movement by level
eLMIS councils training progress 69% Councils Trained
Planned sensitization trainings, continued Phase 1 DATE May – July 2014 May - July 2014 July – Sept 2014 GROUP MOHSW MOHSW MOHSW TARGET GROUP Program Managers, Logistics Officers Management Team RHMTs and DEDs, DMOs # PARTICIPANTS N = TBD N = TBD N = 108 (27 Regions @ 4 pax) N = 254 (127 Districts @ 2 pax) KEY CONTENT System overview Process overview Task completion demo Report filters Navigation Dashboards and reports System overview Process overview Task completion demo Report filters Navigation Dashboards and reports System overview Process overview Task completion demo Report filters Navigation Dashboards and reports STATUS Planned Planned Planned
Planned sensitization trainings Phase 2 DATE June – August 2014 May 2014 May – July 2014 GROUP Development Partners MSD MSD TARGET GROUP Technical teams Area Managers, CS Manager, M&E, Inventory Analysts MSD EMT # PARTICIPANTS N = 40-60 N = 15 N = 8 KEY CONTENT System overview Process overview Task completion demo Report filters Navigation Dashboards and reports System overview Process overview Task completion demo Report filters Navigation Dashboards and reports System overview Process overview Task completion demo Report filters Navigation Dashboards and reports STATUS Planned Planned Planned
What about the E9 and ILS Gateway? Orders data ILS Gateway eLMIS E9 Shipment details A mobile health alert and reporting system designed to increase the visibility of logistics data and improve product availability A system that allows for electronic ordering and reporting A system that integrates Sales, Procurement, Finance, and Logistics functions into one place to facilitate transparent and efficient operations for MSD
eLMIS - Integrating people, process & technology Requisitions and Reports (R&R) Orders Shipments Hospitals HC DSP √ R&R R&R ARVs R&R R&R HIV tests R&R R&R OI R&R R&R ILS ILS-G NTLP TB Capturing data ILSG reminding people to order on time LMU looking at data quality – using the data for decision making (representative from all programs/levels of the health system) As a result of this, the order processing will greatly be streamlined MSD ERP EPICOR IVD eLMIS LMU Service Delivery Point District Region Medical Store Department
What is a Logistics Management Unit? Identifies supply chain problems, develops interventions to address those problems, and implement interventions Strategically: Solidifies supply chain management as a national priority Acts as a focal point for attracting dedicated supply chain resources Uses those resources to identify, prioritize, and implement system strengthening activities Manages supply chains holistically, in the case of segmented supply chains
Overview of the LMU Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MOHSW) recognized need to establish a LMU that would be responsible for organizing, monitoring, and supporting all supply chain activities within all logistics systems in the country. Key functions of the LMU include: Logistics Data Management Quantification Monitoring & Evaluation Coordination and Collaboration Supply Chain Intervention Planning Training & Capacity Building Supervision
Geographic spread of LMU staff ZONE JSI STAFF GLOBAL FUND STAFF Dar es Salaam 9 6 Dodoma 5 2 Iringa 1 Mbeya Moshi 8 Mtwara Mwanza Tabora Tanga 4 TOTAL 57 18
The reach of the LMU National AIDS Control Program National Malaria Control Program Reproductive and Child Health Program National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Program Expanded Program on Immunization Food and Nutrition Center Logistics Management Unit Medical Stores Department MOHSW programs MOHSW divisions MOHSW agencies MOHSW units Implementing Partners Development Partners/ Funders/ Donors Service Delivery Points District Pharmacists / DMOs Global Fund UNICEF Global Drug Facility USAID DFID JICA DANIDA WHO Preventive Services Curative Services (and diagnostic and health care technical services section Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority JSI USG Implementing partners UNICEF PSI CHAI BMAF Procurement Information, Technology, and Communication
LMU data management tasks Act as primary users of the electronic logistics management information system (eLMIS) Receive and review submitted R&R’s for accuracy, completeness, timeliness, and validity and take necessary corrective action Enter R&R’s into the eLMIS for MSD order processing Follow up on missing reports and prepare routine feedback reports (central, intermediary, and facility levels) Aggregate, analyze and interpret logistics data to produce reports on logistics system performance
R&R’s created in the eLMIS to date
Number of health facilities visited and provided training by LMU staff Jan-Mar
With the help of the LMU, the eLMIS will ensure that… Data is more ACCURATE. Based on access rights, DATA VISIBILITY is increased. Data is available in ‘REAL-TIME’. Data is TRANSPARENT. supply chain DECISION MAKING is strengthened