EU cooperation, EU projects and their implications Simone Fischer-Hübner Karlstad University.


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Presentation transcript:

EU cooperation, EU projects and their implications Simone Fischer-Hübner Karlstad University

Major EU Research Projects at Karlstad University Current EU FP6/FP7 Projects: EU FP7 integrated Project PrimeLife EU FP7 Network of Excellence NEWCOM++ (Third Party) EU FP6 integrated Project DAIDALOS II EU FP6 Network of Excellence FIDIS Past EU Projects: EU FP6 integrated Project PRIME ( ) EU FP6 Projects WINNER and WINNER II (Third Party, ) EU FP6 NoE NEWCOM ( ) EU Celtic/Eureka BUGYO ( )

Bringing Sustainable Privacy and Identity Management to Future Networks and Services Fundamentally understanding privacy-enhancing identity management ‘for life’ Bringing Privacy to the future web Develop and make tools for privacy friendly identity management widely available – privacy live! Start date: 01 March 2008, Duration: 36 Months Total cost: ,056 €, Total EC Funding: ,000 € Example:

Vision: Privacy, Trust and ID Management In the Information Society, users can act and interact in a safe and secure way while retaining control of their private spheres

PrimeLife: Making PRIME real Beyond data minimization: Address data-intensive scenarios and user-generated content (Web 2.0, virtual communities such as Friendster, SecondLife)‏ Trust building and enforceable data protection (end-to-end policies)‏ Real life privacy (and throughout life)‏ Research focus on main problem uncovered by PRIME: HCI, Policies, and Infrastructures (and some mechanisms) Make privacy-enhancing identity management widely available: Infrastructures, Open Source, and Standards Cooperation with other Projects (Master, TAS3, SWIFT,... ), Education (summer schools, …) Advance State of the Art significantly once again!

Experiences gained Benefits Opportunities to have cooperation with leading European researchers/research labs Leading EU projects have greater impact/visibility than national projects Large resourses available for long time periods NoEs offer more academic freedom, attractive for PhD students Challenges/Issues High costs (travelling, personnel) for writing proposals Selective review process Consortium Agreement/Negotiations are critical Administrative overhead. However, for large projects good planning and reporting are essential Much travelling necessary. Schedules are conflicting with Swedish vacation periods Celtic: Strict conditions for participation of Swedish Universities by VINNOVA

Recommendations for writing a Proposal Attend EC workshops for defining research priorities for research programmes Attend IST networking events Keep close contact to EC officials in charge Write/review proposal in a team in a good time Consortium should have a good mix of participants from academia, industry (large companies, SMEs), and (possibly) public authorities from different countries/regions Better chances if key players are involved, or if proposal builds on a successful previous project Good management important already in the project drafting phase

Means for Cooperation between Swedish Universities Cooperate within a Consortium (e.g, as equal partners or third party/contracter constellations) Share experiences with regard to financial & legal issues Open PhD events (Summer Schools) for external participants Joint workshops of EU projects with related (national) projects

Discussion Your Experiences ? Further Possibilities for Cooperation ?

Erasmus – Lifelong Learning Programme IPICS (Intensive Programme on Information and Communication Security) 2008/2009