Useful Presentation of Data: Letting the Data Speak Ariel Barak Rock County DMC Data Analyst 1 DMC Action Network – Technical Assistance Series: DMC Coordinators Seminar One
2 Overview of Presentation 1.Graphing Best Practices 2.Explaining System Flow and Definitions 3.Seasonal Effects on the Juvenile Justice System 4.Raw Reductions vs. Rate Reductions 5.The Importance of Current and Local Data Population changes over time – Census Data vs. School Enrollment Data Specificity - Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) vs. Law Enforcement Records Management Systems (RMS)
3 Graphing Best Practices
4 Scale All Graphs to Start at Zero
5 Graphing Best Practices
6 History of the Dow Jones Industrial Average: Issues with this graph?
7 Graphing Best Practices
8 Same Data, Different Graphs Showing the same data in different graphs can add context
9 Explaining System Flow and Definitions Why should this be done? Empower non-system agents with knowledge Educate system agents as to what happens outside of their sphere of knowledge Ensure everyone is talking about the same decision point or issue
10 Explaining System Flow and Definitions What is important? Explain the usual path a case takes, not each and every possible outcome Explain what a term means - Apprehension Request vs. Capias Explain the implication(s) of a decision
11 Explaining System Flow and Definitions Arrest Juvenile Probation District Attorney Juvenile Court Not Guilty Formal Supervision (Probation) Corrections Placement Restitution and or Community Service AlternativesConsent Decree Impose and Stayed Citation Fine
12 Explaining System Flow and Definitions Examples from Site Coordinators
13 Our Business is Seasonal
14 Our Business is Seasonal Which comparison makes more sense? October 2009 vs September 2009 October 2009 vs October 2008
15 Our Business is Seasonal
16 Our Business is Seasonal Which comparison makes more sense? September 2009 vs August 2009 September 2009 vs September 2008
17 Review: How a Relative Rate Index (RRI) value is Calculated Black Relative Rate Index Value Example at Point of Arrest: 526 White Arrests 1,252 White Youth X 1,000 = Black Arrests 739 Black Youth X1,000 = = 1.20
18 Raw Reductions vs Rate Reductions (RRI) Almost any comparison of yearly data will fit in one of the boxes above
19 Raw Reductions vs Rate Reductions (RRI)
20 Raw Reductions vs Rate Reductions (RRI)
21 Raw Reductions vs Rate Reductions (RRI)
22 Raw Reductions vs Rate Reductions (RRI)
23 Raw Reductions vs Rate Reductions (RRI) Examples from Site Coordinators
24 Shifts in Population Examples from Site Coordinators
25 Shifts in Population: A Rock County Example
26 Shifts in Population – Why It Matters
27 Shifts in Population – Why It Matters
28 Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Arrest Data Issues with UCR Data Does not require collection of Ethnicity - Hispanic / Non-Hispanic Arrest information regarding Age, Sex, and Race is not all kept in the same table Juvenile Arrests include youth 0-17, regardless of local age of majority Very aggregated - no names, addresses, times, or statute specificity
29 Local Law Enforcement Agency Arrest Data Benefits of Local Arrest Data Collects Ethnicity - Hispanic / Non- Hispanic Arrest information regarding Age, Sex, Race, Name, Address, Time, Statute, and UCR Category is kept Allows you to answer more specific questions and present more meaningful data analysis
30 Questions?
31 Ariel Barak DMC Data Analyst