After School and Out of School Time (ASOST) Policy and Research Committee Wednesday, October 2,
ASOST Liaison: Roles and Responsibilities Represent EEC on the Afterschool and Out-of-School Time Coordinating Council; Organize and facilitate the ASOST Working Group; Collaborate and communicate with ESE staff members that coordinate the ASOST-related grants: 21 st Century Grant and ASOST Quality Grant; Collaborate and communicate with external stakeholders regarding ASOST-related issues; Provide technical assistance to EEC staff and external stakeholders regarding QRIS and ASOST-related issues; and Provide updates and recommendations to EEC Commissioner and EEC Board regarding ASOST-related issues. 1
ASOST Liaison: June through September Activities External Stakeholders - participated in meetings with various stakeholders to discuss ASOST-related issues: Massachusetts Afterschool Partnership (MAP) Build the Out-of School Time Network (BOSTNet) National Institute on Out-of-School Time (NIOST) The Rennie Center for Education Research & Policy Action for Boston Community Development (ABCD) ASOST Working Group - solicited recommendations from EEC staff and external stakeholders and compiled a list of possible candidates. The Assessment of Afterschool Program Practices Tool (APT) - reviewed and aligned the latest versions of APT tools with EEC’s QRIS standards for ASOST programs: The APT Observation Tool (APT-O) (Grades K-8 Version) – (June 2013) The APT Program Questionnaire (APT-Q) 2
ASOST Liaison: June through September Activities (cont…) Interagency Collaboration: Meeting with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) staff members that coordinate the ASOST-related grants: Karyl Resnick, 21st Century Grant Coordinator Kristen McKinnon, ASOST-Q Grant Coordinator Meetings with the Lawrence ASOST providers to address their concerns with Lawrence Public Schools’ student release time plan. Information Gathering: With the assistance of the EEC Regional offices, in the process of compiling a list of the licensed ASOST providers in the Commonwealth. With the assistance of Harvard University students, in the process of researching ASOST credentialing and professional development practices in other states. 3
ASOST Working Group: Mission Statement “EEC acknowledges the important role quality ASOST programs play in promoting positive outcomes for the school-aged children in the Commonwealth. EEC also acknowledges the significance of integrating the various perspectives of the external stakeholders when developing or reviewing policies that directly impact the ASOST community. As a result, the ASOST Working Group will be charged with providing input, expertise and recommendations to EEC regarding the following ASOST- related topics: Revisions to the Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) standards for ASOST programs Professional development opportunities for ASOST programs QRIS-related challenges posed for ASOST programs Methods of communication and collaboration between EEC, ESE, public schools and ASOST programs” 4
ASOST Working Group: Composition The ASOST Working Group will be comprised of members from the Commonwealth’s mixed delivery system which represent a reasonable geographic and organizational balance. These members will represent the following sects of the ASOST community: Center Based/School Based Public Schools EPS Grant Representatives Head Start MADCA Readiness Centers 21 st Century Grant Representatives ASOST Quality Grant Representatives Special Interest Groups 5
ASOST Working Group: Meeting Schedule Meetings will be held every other month from September 2013 through May Meetings will be held on the 3 rd or 4 th Wednesday of the month from 2:00pm-4:00pm. Participants are asked to make a commitment to attend all five scheduled meetings for this fiscal year. 6 MEETING DATETIMEMEETING LOCATION Wednesday, September 25, 20132:00pm-4:00pm EEC’s Central Office 51 Sleeper Street, 4 th Floor Boston, MA Wednesday, November 20, 20132:00pm-4:00pm EEC’s Central Regional Office 10 Austin Street Worcester, MA Wednesday, January 22, 20142:00pm-4:00pm EEC’s Central Office 51 Sleeper Street, 4 th Floor Boston, MA Wednesday, March 26, 20142:00pm-4:00pm EEC’s Central Regional Office 10 Austin Street Worcester, MA Wednesday, May 21, 20142:00pm-4:00pm EEC’s Central Office 51 Sleeper Street, 4 th Floor Boston, MA
ASOST Issues/Topics QRIS revisions for ASOST programs; EEC’s use of the APT-O and APT-Q; Expanded Learning Time’s impact on the ASOST programs (EEC contracts, transportation and staffing implications); Professional development opportunities available for ASOST program staff; Communication and collaboration between EEC, ESE, public schools and ASOST program providers (e.g., Lawrence Public Schools and staggered release times); Opportunities to prevent summer learning loss; Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) standards; EEC’s Income Eligible Child Care Contract Demonstration Project for Public and Private Schools impact on ASOST program providers; and EEC’s Fingerprinting Policy’s impact on ASOST program providers. 7
ASOST Programs: Participation in QRIS 8 As of September 18, 2013, 753 programs (unique count) have created a total of 1,024 QRIS applications: Level 1 = 598 Level 2 = 217 Level 3 = 5 Level 4 = 3 Blank = 201
ASOST Programs: Participation in QRIS (cont…) 9 As of September 18, 2013, 753 programs (unique count) have created a total of 1,024 QRIS applications: Region 1 (Western) = 175 Region 2 (Central) = 147 Region 3 (Northeast) = 233 Region 5 (Southeast) = 269 Region 6 (Metro Boston) = 200
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