Amendment 66 – Colorado Commits to Kids Campaign Colorado state representatives passed a bill that shifts the way we fund public education in the state, and increases funding by asking voters to raise $950 million in new revenue. If passed in November, we would prioritize the following six areas: Reduce class sizes, offer tutoring interventions to students Individualized Instruction Increase access to the arts Enrichment Programs Length time to enable enrichment and tutoring; reducing summer learning loss Expanded Academic Time School Maintenance Increase funding to maintain the aging facilities that our students learn in 21 st Century Learning Prepare students for 21 st century careers by investing in classroom technology Expand preschool programming to all students Preschool Programs
Superintendent Tom Boasberg
District Expectations for Parent Involvement Parents as active participants in school-based governance councils Parents as active participants on district and community initiatives Parents as academic partners
Superintendent Tom Boasberg
What the research says… Thirty years of research confirms that when parents are effectively engaged in their children’s education, students: earn higher grades receive higher test scores attend school more regularly demonstrate more positive attitudes and behaviors graduate from high school at higher rates and are more likely to enroll in higher education U.S. Department of Education (1998), Family Involvement in Children’s Education
The research is clear… Studies show that, regardless of the economic, ethnic, or cultural background of the family, parent involvement in a child’s education is a major factor in determining the child’s success in school. National PTA, 2002
Lower impact on student achievement Higher impact on student achievement Parent coordinators Parent training events Goal-setting talks Weekly data- sharing folders Potlucks Parent social services Regular, personalized communication Positive phone calls home Home visits Student performances Generic school newsletters Interactive homework, trips, and tools for home learning Classroom observations or mini-lessons Fundraisers Parent volunteering Parent resource rooms Back to school night Parent-teacher conferences
PARENT TEACHER HOME VISIT It started with 1 School
Patsy Roybal Director of Research & Training
Family Engagement Standards What are the Family Engagement Standards and what do they mean?
Family Engagement Standard #1 Standard 1. Creating a Culture that Embraces Family and Community Engagement: School staff creates an environment that values family and community engagement in student learning and is respectful, welcoming, and responsive. IndicatorsExemplary Quality of Implementation Families, schools and communities are active academic partners The principal and school leaders set the expectations that families and community share responsibility for student achievement by developing a school culture with corresponding policies and procedures for an on-going, open, two-way communication between parents, the community and the school. School provides regular progress updates, including successes and challenges, and communicates overall and grade-specific academic expectations and learning to families and community members in the language of the students and their families. The school identifies and integrates resources and services from the community to strengthen school-based services and offerings for student learning and development. The school taps into families' talents, cultural heritage, language, skills and knowledge to strengthen curriculum, student and family activities, and learning. Fosters a respectful, welcoming, and responsive environment School has a communication plan to effectively communicate with parents and the community on a frequent and regular basis throughout the school year, formally and informally, in the languages spoken by the parents and the community. Office staff are trained in culturally responsive customer service and are welcoming and respectful. When possible, office staff should reflect the languages and cultures of the community. o School staff are informed and knowledgeable about all activities related to the school and provide accurate and timely information to parents and demonstrate a commitment to find information that may not be readily available. o The school has dedicated space, venue, and opportunities for families and the community to network and share news, updates, resources, and their needs. The school has an administrator, teachers and additional staff members trained and designated to listen to parents to address their concerns, suggestions and/or positive feedback for school improvement.
Family Engagement Standards #2 Standard 2. Volunteering, Decision-Making, and Collaborating: The school shares responsibility, offers opportunities, and removes obstacles for families to be partners in the school and student learning. IndicatorsExemplary Quality of Implementation Provides opportunities for collaboration and decision-making The school has policies, procedures and processes to actively consult with families from diverse backgrounds and solicit feedback before making important decisions such as changes in curriculum, school policies and new school programs; and communicates decisions to families in a timely and effective manner. Parent, school, and DPS community committees, such as CSC, ELA PAC, and the Superintendent Parent Forum are fully functioning and abide by policies and procedures. Provides opportunities for volunteering and school engagement The school has an effective volunteer and engagement program developed collaboratively with parents which includes: o Assigning a point person(s) to organize and oversee efforts; o Training for teachers and staff on how to effectively utilize parent and community volunteers; o Orientation, training, supervision, support, evaluation, feedback, and recognition of the volunteers; o A variety of opportunities for family and community members to participate throughout the year; o Volunteer and school engagement opportunities that are publicly communicated and open to all. Ensures accessible programming and removes obstacles to participation School staff takes responsibility to identify and remove barriers to family engagement related to race, ethnicity, language, culture, socio-economic status, family structure, religion, and families with special needs. Policies and procedures are in place to ensure that all families and students have access to school-sponsored programs and events, including academic services. Policies and procedures include, but are not limited to: o Locations of the activities are easily accessible and activities are offered during times and dates when families are most likely to attend. o Advanced notice is provided with details of the activities so that families can make accommodations, if needed. o There is no cost or very little cost to participate. o Services, such as childcare and interpretation, are always made available to families to maximize participation and outreach. o When possible, provide food and beverages to create a more welcoming environment.
Family Engagement Standards #3 Standard 3. Supporting Student Learning and Success: The school and families work together to support student learning and success. The school keeps parents informed about their child’s academic progress and how the school is performing; and actively engages parents as academic partners. IndicatorsExemplary Quality of Implementation Develops the family’s ability to strengthen student learning The school has structures in place to offer all parents ongoing trainings and resources to build their capacity and actively engage them in their children's education. All teachers and school staff communicate with parents about specific ways to support their students' academic achievement at home. The school provides multiple opportunities to make individual and positive connections with families to build relationships. Throughout the year, the school creates opportunities for families and students to participate in learning and engaging activities together. Understands and responds to students' background and needs Teachers, school staff and parents discuss students’ individual learning styles, strengths, academic and personal needs. Together they develop learning goals to support academic success at school and at home. Teachers, school staff and parents discuss students’ and their family’s cultural background, language and experiences that may impact student learning and align support to provide opportunities for success. Ensures that teachers and school staff communicate with parents about student progress and link student work to academic standards and learning All teachers and school staff establish and communicate grade-specific learning, expectations, and responsibilities for all - parents, teachers and students. Teachers and school staff provide monthly classroom and student updates, including successes and challenges.
Breakout Session Elementary/ Middle School High School School Spanish- Speaking (10:05-11:15 AM)
Breakout Session Spanish- Speaking K-8 School High School (7:05-8:15 PM)
Save the Date! Tuesday, December 10 th Park Hill Golf Club