Public Health Data Standards: Partner Perspectives National Association of Health Data Organizations Denise Love March 17, 2004
NAHDO’s Standards Perspective Public health is broader than communicable disease reporting and epidemiology The source of public health’s data is the private sector Technological and political barriers require innovative solutions The Public Health Data Standards Consortium is unique---composed of organizations representing diverse niches of expertise
March 17, 2004 NAHDO and Standards NAHDO is actively engaged in health care data standards activities State health care data systems are based on UB- 92 or the UHDDS plus local fields State health care data needs are evolving: –e.g. nosocomial infections, race/ethnicity –Pharmacy, patient safety, and outpatient data initiatives Balancing reporting burden with benefits: –Reasonable and appropriate reporting requirements –Industry gets something in return or buys into the “public good”
Patient Demographics Patient Status Variables Clinical Variables Linkage Variables Financial Variables Other Variables Race/ Ethnicity County Code Marital Status Patient Living Arrangement Homeless indicator Education Occupation Present on Admission Indicator Do Not Resuscitate Patient Functional Status Number of E- codes Pharmacy Values Gestational Age/newborn Birth weight/ Newborn record Admitting vitals Lab Values Unique Patient ID Physician ID MMR on newborn record EMS Run Number/ record Payer Field Total Provider Paid Amount Dates/Time s of admit, discharge, procedures Physician ID for each operating physician UB-92-based Reporting Plus: Fields added by States and Tracked by NAHDO Data elements in red/bold are sought by National Purchasers for Quality
March 17, 2004 NAHDO’s Standards Activities Support our Base Constituencies AHRQ/HCUP National Data Standards Project (listserv, technical assistance) NCHS/CDC Education materials for Health Data Reporting Guide and E-codes AHRQ and CDC funding for NAHDO’s National Standards Consultant to attend: NUBC, X12N, HL7 Consulting with Consumer-Purchaser Disclosure Group to expand UB-04 to support quality-based purchasing National testimony on state positions Training Workshops: teleconferences and in-person funded by CDC, AHRQ/BRIC, membership funds
March 17, 2004 NAHDO’s National Standards Consultant
March 17, 2004 How the Consortium Fits with NAHDO’s Standards Initiatives NAHDO seeks Consortium support for its members’ health care data agenda NAHDO is a founding member of Public Health Data Standards Consortium The Consortium has the power: –To address cross-cutting standards issues –To combine voices around critical data needs Examples: –Unique patient identifier –Independent assessment of the PHIN and NHII
March 17, 2004 The Challenge Identifying the business model and its niche vis a vis other associations Remaining flexible to rapidly respond to evolving issues Anticipating the future: proactive vs. reactive