School District #71 Aboriginal Education Services Supporting the inclusion of Aboriginal services into Comox Valley schools.
To introduce ourselves. To explain who we support. To show how we can support you. To clarify roles and funding. Intentions…
Aboriginal Education Centre th Street, Courtenay, B.C. (Behind Courtenay Elementary School)
Approximate Breakdown of Aboriginal Students in SD71 … and growing!
“An AEEA is a working agreement between a school district, all local Aboriginal communities, and the Ministry of Education designed to enhance the educational achievement of Aboriginal students.” The AEEA is signed by the Superintendent on behalf of all school district employees and all SD 71 staff are expected to work towards meeting these goals. Each school district signs an AEEA with goals specific to that district. SD 71 is operating under its third AEEA, which ends June What is an Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement (AEEA)?
Goal 1: To increase Aboriginal students sense of belonging; including sense of place, identity and self esteem, in a nurturing and inclusive environment Goal 2: To improve the achievement of Aboriginal students Goal 3: To increase the awareness and understanding of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit history, traditions and culture for all students Goal 4: To enhance skills, qualities and confidence in leadership for Aboriginal students Past Aboriginal Education Enhancement Agreement
District Aboriginal Curriculum Support Teachers Can: Share/ Co-teach lessons relating to the curriculum in your classroom Help you develop Aboriginal curriculum Help to arrange special visitors or presenters Work with Aboriginal Support Workers Help to facilitate large events such as the Big House Experience, Salmon BBQ’s or Intergenerational school visits
District Aboriginal Curriculum Support Teachers Continued… Can also: Suggest ideas for Aboriginal focused PLO’s Provide professional development for teachers Facilitate multi-age gatherings of students Elementary: Lynn Swift and Melissa Litke Secondary: Ken Lees, Gail Martindale and Gord McMahon Contact Sallie Crawford (Ab. Ed. Admin assistant)to direct you to the appropriate district staff member:
There are 16 support staff in our local schools. Support Staff titles include: Aboriginal Support Workers (ASWs) Aboriginal Home Support Workers (AHSWs) AbEd Support Staff
The Aboriginal Support Worker is responsible for regular contact with all Aboriginal students in their assigned schools. How this contact looks will vary by school. They can also: Advocate for Aboriginal students Contact parents to discuss progress, concerns, success Help to organize special events or activities Research and present about Aboriginal topics in classrooms* Attend Aboriginal Education staff meetings and training Collect data for accountability measures Work within specific Aboriginal programs The Role of the ASW
“Funded Aboriginal education programs must be additional to any other programs and services to which an Aboriginal student is eligible, including provincial base funding, ELL and Special Education.” All Aboriginal Education Staff in this district are covered under this funding policy. 5BC671C58EAA1534E 5BC671C58EAA1534E Funding
Aboriginal ancestry is determined on a voluntary basis through self-identification. The students do not need to prove they are Aboriginal, nor do they need a status card. School districts report students participating in Aboriginal education programs and services on Form Please be aware that students may know they have Aboriginal background but may not have any cultural or family background knowledge. Self-Identification
Aboriginal Education Website: Facebook: on Aboriginal Education Centre: For more information: