UCFUCF Non-Discriminatory Interviews at UCF Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Programs
UCFUCF INTERVIEWER CERTIFICATION EO/AA perspective on meeting the university’s goals EO/AA perspective on meeting the university’s goals Goal #4: To become more inclusive and diverse
UCFUCF Your Role in meeting Goal 4 w Practice Affirmative Action by making sure the minimally qualified applicant pool is diverse and applying Veterans’ Preference (VP) for USPS positions. w Do not discriminate or retaliate, intentionally or unintentionally, in the interview/ selection process. w Present a welcoming and inclusive face to applicants.
UCFUCF Your Role in meeting Goal 4 w Make sure minimally qualified applicant pool is diverse- if not, recommend additional recruitment w Diverse pool has at least two females and members of at least two racial/ethnic groups w Use group data in PeopleAdmin Departmental EEO Report w Call EO/AA with questions
UCFUCF Your Role in meeting Goal 4 w Do not consider, directly or indirectly, personal protected characteristics in the selection process when comparing individual applicants. w Do not seek information about personal protected characteristics in the selection process. w If you don’t know about a protected characteristic, you can’t consider it.
UCFUCF Personal Protected Characteristics w Race/ethnicity/color/national origin w Sex (including pregnancy) w Sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression w Religion w Age w Disability, Genetic information w Veterans Status, Marital Status ABOVE MUST NOT BE CONSIDERED (except Veteran’s Preference for USPS positions)
UCFUCF NON-DISCRIMINATORY INTERVIEWS w What is Discrimination, Harassment, Retaliation? Discrimination: w Adverse treatment based on a protected personal characteristic (eg. Deciding not to interview an applicant because she uses a wheelchair), AND w Neutral policies, that have more of a negative effect on applicants with a particular protected characteristic than other applicants and policy is not necessary (eg. requiring applicants to Skype for interview may have a disparate negative effect because of age).
UCFUCF NON-DISCRIMINATORY INTERVIEWS w Harassment: Unwelcome severe or pervasive conduct based on any protected personal characteristic w Retaliation: Must not consider an applicant’s prior complaint about discrimination-even if the complaint was not substantiated.
UCFUCF NON-DISCRIMINATORY INTERVIEWS Planning tips w Review Posting to understand job responsibilities and qualifications w Review Applications w If interview panel or search committee is used it should be diverse at least by sex and race/ethnicity
UCFUCF Interview details Ask same questions of all candidates - including internal candidates or interim appointees NON-DISCRIMINATORY INTERVIEWS
UCFUCF More details! ♦Develop a list of job-related questions and ask these questions of every interviewed candidate ♦Different follow up questions or questions about information on the application materials are OK ♦Ask questions seeking job-related information ONLY NON-DISCRIMINATORY INTERVIEWS
UCFUCF w Do not seek information about personal protected characteristics directly or indirectly. Examples: w Unless job requires weekend work, don’t ask if applicant can work weekends (could solicit info about religion). w Don’t ask whether the applicant has had to take a lot of sick leave (could solicit information about a disability). w Don’t ask if “spouse” works at UCF (could solicit information about marital status). w Don’t ask about native language (natl. origin)
UCFUCF Document the selection, using job- related criteria ♦All information sought should help to determine probable success in the position. ♦Be careful when using subjective criteria such as “professionalism” or “good work attitude” or “good communication skills” ♦Check your “gut feelings” about an applicant. ♦Make sure implicit bias is not infecting these considerations Document the selection, using job- related criteria ♦All information sought should help to determine probable success in the position. ♦Be careful when using subjective criteria such as “professionalism” or “good work attitude” or “good communication skills” ♦Check your “gut feelings” about an applicant. ♦Make sure implicit bias is not infecting these considerations NON-DISCRIMINATORY INTERVIEWS
UCFUCF Well-documented selections include: ♦Record of which applicants are advanced at each round. ♦Record of the job-related criteria used to determine which applicants should be advanced to the next round. ♦Advance all applicants who are equal with respect to the criteria considered at each round or explain why the candidate was not advanced. NON-DISCRIMINATORY INTERVIEWS
UCFUCF Online Do’s and Don’ts ♦Do’s – LinkedIn ♦Don’ts – Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, or other social sites NON-DISCRIMINATORY INTERVIEWS
UCFUCF References (getting) ♦Check for what UCF needs to know – and use it! ♦Consequences of not checking – “negligent hiring” ♦Do not seek or consider past discrimination complaint activity. NON-DISCRIMINATORY INTERVIEWS
UCFUCF ♦Respond accurately and from the record References (giving) ♦Refer callers to HR for employment verification (consistently!) ♦Consider former employees “eligible for rehire” unless documented NON-DISCRIMINATORY INTERVIEWS
UCFUCF Use both written information and interview to select the best qualified candidate! INTERVIEWER NON-DISCRIMINATORY INTERVIEWS
UCFUCF Questions and comments? Thank you! UCFEOAA UCF EO/AA (407) 823-1EEO NON-DISCRIMINATORY INTERVIEWS