Famous quotes “I think there is a world market for maybe five computers” – Thomas Watson, IBM, 1943 “640K should be enough for anybody” – Bill Gates, 1981 “32 bits ought to be enough address space” – Vint Cerf, 1977
(Hundred milion) 2,502,939, June 4,294,967,296 Limitations faced!!
Korea Internet Volunteers Global Leader, U - Korea
Problem Korea Internet Volunteers Global Leader, U - Korea IPv4IPv6 Nation It is difficult to change once
Solution Korea Internet Volunteers Global Leader, U - Korea The direction of the future is using IPv6 future is using IPv6
◆ Next Generation ICT Network (UBWN : Ubiquitous, Broadband, Wireless Network) will require almost INFINITE NUMBERS of IP Address - People to People Communication (P to P) - People to Machine Communication (P to M) - Machine to Machine Communication (M to M) - Things to Things ( T to T) ◆ Things That Think and Smart Space Smart Tags (RFID) will smear in to Daily life (Road, Grocery, etc…) “ User Centric Calm & Smart IT age ” Ubiquitous Shift of Communication Paradigm
Connect Everything to the Internet Simply (Plug & Play) and Safety Enjoy Internet Everywhere & Anytime Play, Learn, and Live on the Internet for Everyone Peer to Peer (P2P) Global Reachability Home Information System We need One Internet Global Communications enhances business, trade, research
Contents Distribution Mobile Computing Pet and Cattle Home Computing Network Computing Logistics And Shipping Remote operation Private and Governmental Sector Mobile Device Car (ITC) Mobile Device Music Cinema Pet Cattle Server & Storage PC’s Logistic s Private Sector Government and Military Home Networks Medical Sector Hospital
Supplier Grocery Stores Shipping Doc Receiving Doc Products and Logistic Information Server Smart Kitchen IP Tagged (IPv6) Grocery and Smart Kitchen
IPv6 solves the address depletion problem IPv6 solves the international address allocation problem IPv6 restores end-to-end communication IPv6 has more efficient forwarding IPv6 has built-in security and mobility IPv6 uses scoped addresses and address selection
Features of IPv6 Much wider address space IPv4 (32bit) IPv6 (128bit) 2^32 <<<<<<<<<<<<< 2^128 4,300,000, ,282,366,920,938, ,374,607,431,768,
Features of IPv6 Much wider address space For example, Korea Internet Volunteers Global Leader, U - Korea Assume One IP address = 1g IPv4 IPv6 4,200t The weigt of the earth 567 hundred million times
Features of IPv6 Automatic Generation Korea Internet Volunteers Global Leader, U - Korea If the IPv6 era comes, PC, telephones, PDA, Refrigrator, PC, telephones, PDA, Refrigrator, Washing machine and so on Washing machine and so on All customer electronics devices can be Connected to the Network !! It is Ubiquitous It is Ubiquitous
Kenya IPv6 national task force The Kenya’s IPv6 taskforce was formed by the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Information & Communications (MoIC) on the 13 th of August 2008 as a multi stakeholder partnership. There is representation from Government, Private Sector, Civil Society, Academia and Industry. Its main mandate is to develop strategies for the eventual nation-wide deployment of IPv6.
Vision of the national IPv6 task force To develop policies and guidelines to make the country achieve a nationwide transition to IPv6 by Mission of the national IPv6 task force To explore the required milestones leading to the eventual nationwide transition to IPv6 by 2012.
Focus Areas of the national IPv6 task force The Taskforce focuses on the following key areas: Awareness creation Capacity building and skills development Research and Policy development
Terms of Reference (TORs) The terms of reference of the Taskforce are: Developing a strategy for IPv6 awareness in the areas of technology, policy and business; Developing an IPv6 capacity building strategy; Identifying suitable transition mechanisms; Identifying and driving projects in IPv6 product development among others.
Achievements Over the last few years, the task force has; Held several IPv6 training workshops at the KENIC offices. Invited international guest speakers to share experiences during several breakfast meetings to various stakeholders. An IPv6 Lab training equipment stationed at the KENIC offices where the trainings are scheduled twice a year. Liased with the Kenyan Standards Body (KEBS) to ensure that equipment being procured in Kenyan market is IPv6 compliant.
RECOMENDATIONS Procurement of IPv6 capable products in Government; That Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to government shall make available IPv6 services native in order to support the large number of mobile devices; Internet content and applications shall be reachable using both IPv4 and IPv6 (Dual-Stack environment);
The industry should be made aware of the impending migration in order that they are able to offer support to equipment and software; Establishment of a Government Centre of Excellence to create IPv6 awareness by training, educating, advising and sharing of best practices. Ministries to review current programmes and upgrade to ensure IPv6 compliance.
Dual-Stack Solution Dual – stack 6 to 4 Tunnuling Stimulate
Tunneling IPv6 IPv4 Region IPv4
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