Management Overview of ISO 9001 : 2000 Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
Consolidation of the ISO 9000 Series ISO 9001, ISO 9002 and ISO 9003 are now integrated into one certification standard, ISO 9001:2000. All organizations will now be ISO 9001 certified. The differentiation of design / no design will be done through the scope statement on the ISO 9001 certificates. Exclusion of any activities (i.e. design) must be stipulated and justified in the Quality Manual. Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
Consolidation of the ISO 9000 series Previous 20 standards now replaced by four: ISO 9000: QMS Fundamentals & vocabulary ISO 9001: QMS Requirements ISO 9004: Guidance for QMS performance improvement ISO 19011: Guidelines for auditing To be further supported by technical reports (ISO 9000-2, ISO 9000-3, etc.) Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
The Use of ISO 9004 as a Management Tool ISO 9004 includes all of ISO 9001 plus additional items to consider for improvement ideas. ISO 9004 should be regularly used throughout the organization to lead beyond the basics of ISO 9001 and improve the QMS during: QMS Development, Internal Audits, Preventive Action, Management Reviews. Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
ISO9000:2000 Management Overview New Structure & Focus The ISO 9001:1994 model for Quality Assurance and the familiar 20 elements did not adequately achieve the intent to ADD VALUE. The ISO 9k2k Standards are now modelled for Quality Management with 5 Major clauses: Quality Management System (QMS) Management Responsibility Resource Management Product Realization Measurement, Analysis & Improvement Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
ISO9000:2000 Management Overview New Structure & Focus Significantly less emphasis on procedures and records. Significantly more emphasis on management involvement and a system that works to achieve the goals of your business. Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
Quality Management Systems vs. Business Management Systems: QMS BMS Quality Management Systems vs. Business Management Systems: Your BMS = QMS+ FMS+ HS&EMS+ ERP+ HR Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
Quality Management Systems vs. Business Management Systems: Your QMS is not something you do separately from your BMS “because ISO requires it”! QMS BMS Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
ISO9000:2000 Management Overview New Structure & Focus ISO 9001 & 9004 are based on the 8 Management System Principles: customer focus leadership involvement of people process approach system approach continual improvement factual approach to decision making mutually beneficial supplier relationships Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
ISO9000:2000 Management Overview New Structure & Focus Food for Thought: Your business is a set of interactive processes, not 20 elements of ISO 9000... Your QMS is the means of controlling these processes and ensuring that the desired output is effectively and efficiently achieved... Why would you define and manage your QMS based on 20 fragmented elements of a standard? Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
ISO9000:2000 Management Overview The Process Approach “A desired result is achieved more efficiently when activities and related resources are managed as a process.” Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
The Process Approach Controls Inputs Process Activities + Resources (e.g. procedures, operators, gaging, tooling, maintenance, etc.) Inputs Process Activities + Resources Outputs Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
The System Approach to Management “Identifying, understanding and managing interrelated processes as a system contributes to the organization’s effectiveness and efficiency in achieving its objectives.” Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
ISO9000:2000 Management Overview The System Approach The organization must identify the sequence & interactions of the QMS processes in the Quality Manual. Process A D B C Inputs Outputs Controls Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
System Approach of ISO 9k2k U S T O M E R C U S T O M E R Continual Improvement of the Quality Management System S a t I s f c o n Management responsibility R e q u I r m n t s Resource management Measurement, analysis, improvement Product Product Input Output Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
ISO9000:2000 Management Overview Customer Focus “Organizations depend on their customers and therefore should understand current and future customer needs, should meet customer requirements and strive to exceed customer expectations.” Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
ISO9000:2000 Management Overview Customer Focus Information on Customer perception as to whether the organization has met their requirements must be collected, reviewed and appropriately acted upon (8.2.1). The methods of doing this are not prescribed by the standard but should be objective, representative of the customer base, and ADD VALUE. Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
ISO9000:2000 Management Overview Customer Focus The most common methods of collecting Customer Satisfaction data are customer surveys and customer report cards (when provided). Other methods include measuring repeat orders, market share, industry benchmarking, capturing info. from sales visits, focus groups, and hiring consulting firms. A good system will use multiple methods and compare data from multiple sources to comprehensively understand customer perceptions and balance out any potential biases. Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
ISO9000:2000 Management Overview Customer Focus Additionally, the organization must demonstrate that effective arrangements for communicating with customers are in place in relation to: Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
ISO9000:2000 Management Overview Customer Focus Product Information (7.2.3-a): How well do you communicate your product information to your customers? Consider the experiences of using your favorite store Catalogue, or browsing or ebay... Were you satisfied with these experiences? How do you know what your customers think about your ability to communicate information that they are looking for? Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
ISO9000:2000 Management Overview Customer Focus Enquiries, contracts, and order handling, including changes (7.2.3-b): Now consider the “buying experience” with these same companies and ask the same questions… How do you think your customers feel about the ordering experience with your company? What about your quoting and order amendment processes? Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
ISO9000:2000 Management Overview Customer Focus Customer feedback, including complaints (7.2.3-c) Consider that a customer can be more loyal when you handle their problems to their satisfaction (or delight) vs. them never having a problem at all. Your want to know whether your customers are satisfied with how you handle their feedback (even positive) and complaints. Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
Factual Approach to Decision Making “Effective decisions are based on the analysis of data and information.” Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
Factual Approach to Decision Making Plan Do Check Act Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
Analysis of Data & Measurement More Food for Thought: Consider all the records and data that you collect and store in your company... How are each of these used for analysis, training, and improvement purposes? If you can’t answer this question for nearly every record you spend time and money collecting then why do you do it? Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
Comprehensive Measurement & Improvement Model Effective Communication Planning & Resource Management Quality Policy Strategic QMS Objectives / CSAT Metrics QMS Process / Departmental Metrics and Objectives Project / Product / Individual Metrics & Objectives Factual & Logical Approach to Decision Making Identification, Collection & Analysis of Records / Data Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
Analysis of Data & Measurement The Quality Policy must provide the framework for establishing strategic objectives (5.3). Measurable, documented, tactical objectives at relevant functions and levels of the organization must be established to support the strategic objectives (5.4.1). Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
Analysis of Data & Measurement The QMS Processes must be Monitored and/or Measured (8.2.3). Product specific objectives must be established (7.1-a). Customer Satisfaction must be measured (8.2.1). Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
Continual Improvement “Continual improvement of the organization’s overall performance should be a permanent objective of the organization.” Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
Continual Improvement The organization shall implement actions necessary to achieve planned results and continual improvement of the QMS processes (4.1-f). Top management shall provide evidence of its commitment to the development and implementation of the QMS and continually improve its effectiveness (5.1). Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
Continual Improvement (8.1) The organization shall continually improve the effectiveness of the QMS through the use of the… Quality Policy quality objectives internal audits analysis of data corrective and preventive actions management reviews Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
Analysis of Data, Measurement & Improvement Plan Do Check Act Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
Strategic Quality Planning Analysis of Data, Measurement & Improvement Strategic Quality Planning Top Management shall ensure that: The planning of the QMS is carried out in order to meet the requirements in 4.1. - NOTE: Take some time to review 4.1! Plans are in place to achieve the quality objectives (5.4.2-a). No requirement for plans to be documented - Caution: verbal plans are only effective in certain situations. Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
Analysis of Data, Measurement & Improvement Tactical Quality Planning Top Management shall ensure that: any changes to the business that affect the QMS are identified and that planning occurs to ensure that the integrity of the QMS is maintained (5.4.2-b). changes that could affect the QMS are identified in Management Reviews (5.6.2-f). Examples: New IT/MRP systems, new / updated equipment, new or changed products / processes, organizational changes, etc. Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
Leadership & Involvement of People “Leaders establish unity of purpose and direction of the organization. They should create and maintain the internal environment in which people can become fully involved in achieving the organization’s objectives.” “People at all levels are the essence of an organization and their full involvement enables their abilities to be used for the organization’s benefit.” Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
Leadership & Involvement of People Top Management shall ensure that appropriate communication processes are established within the organization… (5.5.3) Specific requirements for communicating information regarding the effectiveness of the QMS and the importance of meeting customer and regulatory requirements (5.5.3 & 5.1-a). Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
Leadership & Involvement of People The organization shall ensure that all personnel are aware of the relevance and importance of their activities and how they contribute to the achievement of the quality objectives (6.2.2-d). Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
ISO9000:2000 Management Overview Resource Management Management must determine and provide the resources needed to implement, maintain and continually improve the QMS, and to enhance customer satisfaction (6.1). Top Management shall provide evidence of its commitment by… ensuring the availability of resources (5.1-e). Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
ISO9000:2000 Management Overview Resource Management Resource needs are a required Management Review item (5.6.3-c). Infrastructure (buildings, equipment, utilities, IT, communications, etc.) needs to ensure quality must also be determined and provided (6.3). Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
ISO9000:2000 Management Overview Resource Management A system to determine competency needs and evaluate employee competencies must be established. The effectiveness of any actions taken to satisfy competency needs must be evaluated (6.2.2-c). Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
Evaluation of Competence Competency requirements must be determined for all positions / people that affect quality (6.2.2-a). Examples – Qualification criteria in job descriptions, defined in QMS procedures, project plans, performance reviews… Appropriate records to demonstrate that competency requirements have been met must be maintained (6.2.2-e). Examples – Employment applications, resumes, degrees, professional certifications, training records, performance reviews... Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
Evaluation of Competence Organizational Competency considerations: Future demands (customer, technology, market) Anticipated management and workforce succession needs Changes in the processes and equipment Individual competencies needed Statutory and regulatory requirements, standards, directives, etc. (ISO 9004 :2000) Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
Evaluation of Training Effectiveness Consider Four Variables in the Training Equation: 1. The Trainee – Did they learn? Controls – Qualification criteria, pre/post testing, trainer / supervisor assessments, performance reviews… 2. The Trainer – Could they Teach? Controls – Qualification criteria / training for trainers, Trainee / management assessments of trainer performance, course evaluations… Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
Evaluation of Training Effectiveness 3. The Material – Did it adequately convey the necessary information? Controls – Trainee / Trainer assessments of materials, internal audits, course evaluations, benchmarking… Consider the ability of an interactive video to convey information vs. pictures only vs. a written procedure only vs. verbal instruction only vs. a combination of all? 4. The Environment – Was it conducive to learning the material? Controls – Defined environmental requirements and monitoring (temperature, noise, lighting, distractions, etc.), trainee evaluations… Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
Comprehensive Measurement & Improvement Model Effective Communication Planning & Resource Management Quality Policy Strategic QMS Objectives / CSAT Metrics QMS Process / Departmental Metrics and Objectives Project / Product / Individual Metrics & Objectives Factual & Logical Approach to Decision Making Identification, Collection & Analysis of Records / Data Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
On Time Delivery example Comprehensive Measurement & Improvement Model On Time Delivery example In order to achieve any improvement in OTD you must first collect and analyze appropriate data in order to understand the primary causes of late deliveries and establish realistic improvement goals. Metrics, improvement objectives, plans and resource needs will then be identified and communicated throughout the organization. By engaging the entire organization in this process and using the PDCA cycle you will ultimately achieve your OTD goals and increased customer satisfaction and organizational efficiency. Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
ISO9000:2000 Management Overview Course Summary Say what you do… Do what you say… And make sure that it works! Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
Course Summary The majority of the efforts needed to demonstrate compliance to ISO 9001:2000 lie with the management team. Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview
ISO9000:2000 Management Overview Course Summary Run properly, by management, your QMS will help you achieve your business goals. Revision: 8-Feb-2003 ISO9000:2000 Management Overview