Crown Registry and Geographic Base ISO 9001:2000 Slide 1 GeoBC Presented by Paul Quackenbush Crown Registry and Geographic Base Integrated Land Management Bureau Government of British Columbia Victoria, B.C. Canada DEVELOPING SPECIFICATIONS
Crown Registry and Geographic Base ISO 9001:2000 Slide 2 GeoBC Geographic Gateway
Crown Registry and Geographic Base ISO 9001:2000 Slide 3 GeoBC PRESENTATION CONTENT Part I – Crown Registry and Geographic Base (CRGB) Role of CRGB Base Mapping Products Governance Model for CRGB Functional Model CRGB Strategic Goals
Crown Registry and Geographic Base ISO 9001:2000 Slide 4 GeoBC ROLE OF CRGB Stewards of Base Map data Responsible for Geodetic framework Sets standards and specifications for geospatial data Business model changing from hands- on to oversight Client service focus
Crown Registry and Geographic Base ISO 9001:2000 Slide 5 GeoBC BASE MAPPING PRODUCTS Crown Registry & Geographic Base
Crown Registry and Geographic Base ISO 9001:2000 Slide 6 GeoBC GOVERNANCE MODEL Assistant Deputy Minister responsible for GeoBC CRGB Users, Clients, and Partners Crown Registry & Geographic Base Sources of Input: Geomatic Experts, Consultants, Clients, and Others Provincial Base Mapping Advisory Committee (PBMAC) Communities of Practice
Crown Registry and Geographic Base ISO 9001:2000 Slide 7 GeoBC FUNCTIONAL MODEL Inventory Digital Elevation Model Place Names Planimetry (Roads/Rivers / Lakes / Coastline) Air photos Rectified Imagery Business Processes Data exchange arrangements Cost Recovery - Mountain Pine Beetle (MPB) Forest for Tomorrow (FFT) As Built Roads (ABR) & Electronic Petroleum Application Spatial Submission (EPASS) Technology Satellite – Eye in the Sky Global Positioning System (GPS) Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) Digital Camera Infrastructure TRIM database BC Active Control System
Crown Registry and Geographic Base ISO 9001:2000 Slide 8 GeoBC BMGS STRATEGIC GOALS Development of Specifications and the Community of Practice responds to goals through: working with stakeholders to identify business requirements & strategies piloting update process evaluating results making proposals for changes 1. Clients achieve their objectives through convenient access to integrated information 2. Clients receive base mapping that meets their needs in terms of core features and update cycles 3. Further the use and integration of provincial base mapping in all sectors of the economy 4. Clients engage CRGB as a Center of Excellence for geomatic technology
Crown Registry and Geographic Base ISO 9001:2000 Slide 9 GeoBC PRESENTATION CONTENT Part II – Specifications Development Areas of activity Why were specifications required What was required in the specification content Approach used for development of specifications Where Crown Registry & Geographic Base is at Next steps
Crown Registry and Geographic Base ISO 9001:2000 Slide 10 GeoBC AREAS OF ACTIVITY Medium Format Digital cameras LiDAR Aerial Triangulation (A/T) Orthophotos
Crown Registry and Geographic Base ISO 9001:2000 Slide 11 GeoBC SPECIFICATIONS – Please ! Why were specifications required? New, emerging technologies were seen as viable tools Medium format digital cameras LiDAR Soft copy A/T, auto correlation and INS/IMU Clients wanted faster end to end turn around Promising tools but technical issues CRGB – needed to establish leadership to avoid random adoption Change focus to results as opposed to prescriptive process
Crown Registry and Geographic Base ISO 9001:2000 Slide 12 GeoBC SPECIFICATIONS CONTENT What was required in the specification content? Clearly defined deliverables for: Digital air photo and Orthophotos LiDAR A/T Standards for calibration of: non-metric cameras LiDAR calibration Q/A – Q/C processes A software packages that are readily available to all contractors Meta Data standards
Crown Registry and Geographic Base ISO 9001:2000 Slide 13 GeoBC LiDAR SPECIFICATIONS CONTENT Specifics for the LiDAR specification content LiDAR is not an “open” system” – required a different approach A simple means of determining potential system accuracy through error propagation formula Use material from others – FEMA, ASPRS, USGS Define a QA/QC process Require calibration and reports Require data processing methodologies
Crown Registry and Geographic Base ISO 9001:2000 Slide 14 GeoBC DEVELOPING SPECIFICATIONS Approach used to develop specifications Community of Practice (CoPs) Building “buy-in” Engage academia, clients, producers and data custodians Build operational specifications Move research from academia into industry Specifications development from a project manager perspective Create environment of shared knowledge and cooperation
Crown Registry and Geographic Base ISO 9001:2000 Slide 15 GeoBC DEVELOPING SPECIFICATIONS Approach used to develop specifications Community of Practice (CoPs) Building “buy-in” Engage academia, clients, producers and data custodians Build operational specifications Move research from academia into industry Create environment of shared knowledge and cooperation The Community of Practice is made up of academia, data producers, consulting community and clients
Crown Registry and Geographic Base ISO 9001:2000 Slide 16 GeoBC Where is CRGB currently? Where Crown Registry and Geographic Base is at Specifications completion status: Med. Format Digital Camera (MFDC) published LiDAR published A/T published Pilot projects An area was flown using the draft specifications for MFDC LiDAR– now using some test data Multiple A/T testing using expert knowledge
Crown Registry and Geographic Base ISO 9001:2000 Slide 17 GeoBC NEXT STEPS What are the Next Steps? Continue the Communities of Practice Continue development/evolution of the specifications Address colour chip issues
Crown Registry and Geographic Base ISO 9001:2000 Slide 18 GeoBC NEXT STEPS
Crown Registry and Geographic Base ISO 9001:2000 Slide 19 GeoBC NEXT STEPS
Crown Registry and Geographic Base ISO 9001:2000 Slide 20 GeoBC NEXT STEPS Colour Range is very subjective, So which image would best serve the multi-use needs of Clients.
Crown Registry and Geographic Base ISO 9001:2000 Slide 21 GeoBC NEXT STEPS What are the Next Steps? Continue the Community of Practice Continue development/evolution of the specifications Address colour chip issues Integrate digital and film specifications Simplify and consolidate result based specifications (non-prescriptive) Continue to evaluate performance and specification requirements Continue to work with clients to meet their needs Address large format digital camera issues
Crown Registry and Geographic Base ISO 9001:2000 Slide 22 GeoBC NEXT STEPS Large Format Camera The Large Format Camera (LFC) was a high altitude aerial mapping camera scaled up to operate from the Space Shuttle. It was used on one mission in October 1984 The camera weighs about half a ton and a single frame covers 23,400 square miles at about m resolution. What is the definition of a Large Format Camera?
Crown Registry and Geographic Base ISO 9001:2000 Slide 23 GeoBC NEXT STEPS What are the Next Steps? Continue the Community of Practice Continue development/evolution of the specifications Address colour chip issues Integrate digital and film specifications Simplify and consolidate result based specifications (non-prescriptive) Continue to evaluate performance and specification requirements Continue to work with clients to meet their needs Address large format digital camera issues Further work on in-situ calibration sites
Crown Registry and Geographic Base ISO 9001:2000 Slide 24 GeoBC ACTIVITIESACTIVITIES Calibration wall In-situ calibration site External agreements for calibration (BCIT) Continuation of Community of Practice Continue to seek external partnerships and cooperation (University of Calgary, USGS,…)
Crown Registry and Geographic Base ISO 9001:2000 Slide 25 GeoBC And the Survey said Focus of Interviews $ $$ $$$$ Cost & Training commitment Focus of Web survey Tool Tier Tier One Tier Two Tier Three IMapBC IMF applns (Web) Analysis Terminal Server Analysis Tools (ArcView) (ArcInfo) # of Users & target Audience Biologists Forestry Officers Research Officers Non-technical Staff Professional Staff trained in GIS needing additional functionality GIS Analysis Functionality View Query Plot Custom Maps Simple Analyses Complex Queries Modeling & Analysis
Crown Registry and Geographic Base ISO 9001:2000 Slide 26 GeoBC Image Quality
Crown Registry and Geographic Base ISO 9001:2000 Slide 27 GeoBC Down Blackcomb
Crown Registry and Geographic Base ISO 9001:2000 Slide 28 GeoBC QUESTIONSQUESTIONS Questions Thank-you