Student Assessment Inventory for School Districts Context setting, assessment scenarios, and communications.


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Presentation transcript:

Student Assessment Inventory for School Districts Context setting, assessment scenarios, and communications

Session Goals 2  Provide an opportunity for district leaders to work together to reflect on their local assessment context.  Map stakeholders critical to the success of the assessment inventory process and how that might influence the makeup of the assessment inventory team.  Address common “problems of practice” in local assessment systems.  Identify common and district-specific needs and next steps for support in assessment inventory planning and use.

 There are legitimate concerns from parents and the public about the amount and frequency of testing.  The volume of testing goes well beyond those required by states, and the layers of state, district, and school assessment do not always add up to a cohesive, aligned, informative whole.  The Student Assessment Inventory for School Districts is designed to assist district leaders in taking stock of their assessments and assessment strategy.Student Assessment Inventory for School Districts  The assessment inventory is designed to spur action to address these valid concerns. Why is an assessment inventory needed and what is it designed to do? 3

 The objective is to determine the minimum testing necessary to serve essential diagnostic, instructional and accountability purposes.  Taking stock and then taking action requires significant district commitment.  The inventory tool is only one element of a thoughtful longer process that both engages productively with concerns about testing and leads to real changes in testing practice.  The inventory is not a one-time event. Districts should regularly re-examine their assessments in light of changing district needs and improvements in available assessments.  The inventory and related resources are free to use and adapt. What is the Student Assessment Inventory for School Districts? 4

District context and stakeholders

District context and goals 6  What is the district and community context in which the inventory is being considered (e.g., implementation of new state standards and/or assessments, implementation of a new teacher evaluation system, parent or school board concern about testing load, new district or board leadership)?  What will indicate to the district and the community that the process was a success?

 Identifying those stakeholders who are most critical in your district to the assessment inventory process.  Determining the current level of support and criticality of support for each stakeholder. Identify and map your stakeholders 7

Stakeholder mapping 2 x 2 matrix 8

Stakeholders recommended to be part of a leadership team and/or consulted during the process 9 District leaders should ensure that they have the necessary district and school staff involved in an inventory leadership team and/or consulted during the process. Districts should think about the role of the following stakeholders:  District Assessment Director/Coordinator  Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction  District financial staff  School board members  Data Coaches or other role that works with school-based staff around data  School leaders including principals, instructional coaches, and lead teachers  Teachers  School counselors  Parents  Students Given that assessment decisions have often been made in silos, it is particularly important that the team crosses offices and responsibilities to ensure a holistic approach

Assessment scenarios

Scenario 1: Two assessments used for similar purposes 11 For the past five years, schools in Harbor School District have been administering two different vendor-developed reading assessments to all students in grades 3-5. Each assessment yields similar information on student performance. Harbor School District’s leadership team for its assessment inventory process has identified these as redundant, and is trying to determine which assessment will be continued and which will be eliminated. What criteria might you use to determine which assessment will be continued or eliminated?

Scenario 2: Teacher-developed, district- wide assessments not aligned to current standards 12 Ten years ago, teachers in City School District developed common district-wide benchmark assessments in English language arts and mathematics for grades 3-8. These assessments are given three times a year to all students, and internal studies showed that they helped predict later performance on statewide summative assessments. Three years ago the state adopted new content standards and a new statewide summative assessment, and the benchmark assessments are no longer aligned to current standards. How would you approach the process of developing options to address this situation? Who would be involved and what role would they play?

Scenario 3: Vendor-developed assessments for teacher evaluation not aligned to current standards and use for instruction is unclear 13 To measure student growth required for the state’s new teacher evaluation system, Western School District agreed to a two-year contract with a testing vendor. The assessment is given to all students twice a year in four subject areas. However, initial feedback in teacher focus groups through the assessment inventory process suggests that teachers may not be confident that the assessments have strong alignment to the content standards. In addition, teachers are unclear how to use the results to inform instruction or even if that is part of the intended use of the assessment. You learn that several neighboring districts are getting similar feedback from teachers. What steps might your leadership team take to address this feedback?

Scenario 4: No assessments identified for elimination or adjustment 14 The Forest School District launched a process to analyze the array of assessments administered. The team’s initial feedback signals that despite the outcry from parents about the volume of testing, there aren’t any assessments they would recommend eliminating or changing. The group provides a rationale for each assessment. What would you recommend the superintendent consider as a next step?

 Was this exercise helpful in thinking through potential assessment scenarios that might arise in your district?  What other types of assessment scenarios might you have to address in your district? Assessment scenarios debrief 15

 Beginning with the end in mind, when would you like to have a new system of assessments in place?  Working backwards from that point, when would recommendations or policy changes have to be made?  Continue working backwards to identify key milestones required to complete the inventory process. Some of these key milestones might include completion of basic assessment information, completion of user feedback (e.g., from surveys, interviews, focus groups, forums, etc.), analysis of the inventory information and feedback, and recommendations.  What will be your immediate next step?  Are there any questions that have not been addressed? Next steps and remaining questions 16

For more information and resources:  Student Assessment Inventory for School Districts Student Assessment Inventory for School Districts  Student Assessment Inventory overviewoverview  Sample teacher, parent, and student focus group and survey materialsteacherparentstudent  Student Achievement Partners assessment evaluation toolsassessment evaluation tools Additional related resources 17