Representation By Lindsey Harley, Mel Murray and Harley Angus
Definition The description or portrayal of someone/something in a particular way. Being seen in a certain nature.
Relevant Examples Representations of youth i.e. In Eden Lake – very negative, violent, rebellious etc. Representations of women – sexualized, offering themselves to the viewer and attracting the gaze looking confident i.e. in music videos such as Beyonce – single ladies, she wears a skin tight leotard which enhances her curves and puts the focus on her body features. She also attracts the gaze throughout the whole video. Another example is women on front of magazine. They attract the gaze, portraying them as confident women who are secure about their appearance and how they look. Representations of males – usually masculine qualities, holding weapons or wearing expensive material. The majority won’t attract the gaze of the camera or will look past the camera. An example of this is on the cover of Vibe music magazine where Usher is wearing shades, a watch and a wedding ring – all making him seem wealthy and in with the fashion. Representations of different classes i.e. Eden Lake – middle class couple – wealthy, attractive, dress smart, well paid jobs i.e. woman is a teacher, nice car etc. Contrasts with working class families – mum violent and aggressive towards young son where she hits him, not as much money working an ‘ok’ job, younger working class people hang around, carry knives, smoking and drinking etc. Representations of ethnicity – In the film “The Blind Side” a white family take in a poor Black teenager. When he goes back to his area, the only people seen are black and they are all portrayed as aggressive being included in fights, and even seen as a threat to the white woman. He also wears the same pair of shorts and t-short everyday, being unable to afford clothes, or even a bed. However, when you go back to the white families home, everything is immaculate which highlights their wealth and status within society. They can afford luxuries and although they come across as posh people who look down on others, they actually show a more sensitive side towards those who don’t get the attention, care and support they need.
Laura Mulvey Mulvey argues that women are objectified in the media - women are the object of the gaze, whilst men are the subject of the gaze. This offers the audience visual pleasures and gains a certain response from them.
Like Mulvey’s theory, the men are not resisting the gaze of the camera and are seen with some form of weapon. This connotes masculinity and danger – associating with the theme of the magazine (Bond). The women however, are being objectified as the focus is on her legs and bum. The fact her legs are spread apart suggests that she is sexualised and she is offering herself to the viewer.
Saussure Saussure looked at language – what it signified and what the object connotes/denotes.
Dyer Dyer talks about how people see social groups and how these representations affect their opinions. How stereotypes function in society.