Centre of excellence for chemical sector Industrial Training Institute, Jamnagar ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified
(1) Entrance gate of ITI - Jamnagar Industrial Training Institute, Jamnagar ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified
(1) Entrance gate of ITI - Jamnagar Industrial Training Institute, Jamnagar ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified
(2) Sign boards in the campus Industrial Training Institute, Jamnagar ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified
(2) Sign board of ITI - Jamnagar Industrial Training Institute, Jamnagar ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified
(3) Entrance Road to ITI - Jamnagar Industrial Training Institute, Jamnagar ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified
(3) Road within campus Industrial Training Institute, Jamnagar ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified
(4) New & Renovated Center of excellence building Industrial Training Institute, Jamnagar ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified
(5) Landscaping & Frontage Industrial Training Institute, Jamnagar ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified
(5) Landscaping & Frontage Industrial Training Institute, Jamnagar ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified
(6) Entrance of building Industrial Training Institute, Jamnagar ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified
(7) Building corridor Industrial Training Institute, Jamnagar ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified
(9) Conference Room Industrial Training Institute, Jamnagar ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified
(10) Different trade workshop (COE BBBT-2) Industrial Training Institute, Jamnagar ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified
(10) Different trade workshop (COE BBBT-4) Industrial Training Institute, Jamnagar ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified
(10) Different trade workshop (COE BBBT-5) Industrial Training Institute, Jamnagar ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified
(11) Computer laboratory Industrial Training Institute, Jamnagar ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified
(12) Staff dress code (Group photo of Jamnagar ITI Staff under training at MGLI) Industrial Training Institute, Jamnagar ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified
(13) Placement advisory bureau Industrial Training Institute, Jamnagar ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified
(13) Placement advisory bureau Industrial Training Institute, Jamnagar ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified
(13) Placement advisory bureau Industrial Training Institute, Jamnagar ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified
(13) Placement advisory bureau Industrial Training Institute, Jamnagar ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified
(14) Revenue Generation Industrial Training Institute, Jamnagar ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified Ex. Servicemen Computer Training55,000/- Navoday Vidhyalaya Interview for Electrician & Plumbing 7,000/- Brass Part Short Term Courses41,000/- Total1,03,000/-
(15) Website of ITI Industrial Training Institute, Jamnagar ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified Web address:-
(16) Training Materials for each centre of Excellence module Industrial Training Institute, Jamnagar ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified Training material for each COE Module are available on Website of ITI Jamnagar.
(17) Energy Saving Poster in Workshop Industrial Training Institute, Jamnagar ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified
(18) Status of ISO Certification Industrial Training Institute, Jamnagar ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified
(2.4) Amount of Expenditure Incurred up to 8 th Sep Sl. No.Budget Head / ComponentExpenditure incurred (Actual Expenditure) 123 1Instructor Training Honorium of Contractual / Guest Faculty 0 3Raw Material Books for the Library 0 5Training Material for Trainees (Learning Resources) 0 6Industrial Visit of trainees 0 7Maintenance of Equipment and Repair of Furniture Telephone Bills and Internet Connection Equipment for Theory Room and Office 0 10Seminar / Workshop 0 11Environment Management Framework Any other activities as per guideline of DGE&T (Please Specify) 0 Total Rs (67800) = 7,24,432
(2.1) Miscellaneous Expenditure Industrial Training Institute, Jamnagar ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified Sr No ItemDetail 1Provision for the Current Year 29,05,000 2How many Tenders IssuedOne 3How many orders placedBeing placed in a week 4Amount of Expenditure7,24,000 5How much expenditure to be incurred in FY ,05,000
(2.2) Machinery Equipment Expenditure (Provision exhausted) Industrial Training Institute, Jamnagar ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified Sr No ItemDetail 1Provision for the Current Year Nil 2How many Tenders IssuedNil 3How many orders placedNil 4Amount of ExpenditureNil 5How much expenditure to be incurred in FY Nil
(2.3) Miscellaneous Expenditure for Sl. No.Name of Sub ComponantProvison for the year Expenditure incurred Up to June 2009 Total Expenditre to be incurred during Aug to March 2010 (Col. 6 to 14) Total Expenditure to be incurred during the year ( Col. 6+15) Instructor / Staff Training Honoririum of contractual / guest faculty Raw material Books for the Library Training Material for Trainees (learning resources) Industrial Visit of trainees Maintenance of Equipment and repair of furniture Telephone Bills and Internet connection Equipment for theory Room and Office Seminar/Workshop Environment Management Framework (Frontage Development and Landscaping) Total Rs
AdmittedAppeared in Exam YEARBBBT MODULE ADVANCE MODULE BBBT MODULE ADVANCE MODULE (Aug-06) NA93 (July-07) NA (Aug-07) 97 (Aug-07) 98 (July-08) 84 (Feb-08) (Aug-08) 90 (Aug-08) 116 (Aug-09) 85 (Feb-09) (Aug-00) 81 (Aug-00) 94 (Aug - 09 Ex in feb-10 (4) Onroll position in BBBT / Advance Module Industrial Training Institute, Jamnagar ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified Centre Of Excellence, Chemical Sector
(4) Progress in industries specific module No.Name of moduleName of industries identified 01Specialization module for cement industries (1) Digvijay cement industries- Sikka (Jamnagar) (2) TATA Chemical ltd. –Mithapur 02Specialization module for fertilizer industries GSFC – Sikka (Jamnagar) 03Specialization module for inorganic industries TATA Chemical ltd. –Mithapur Industrial Training Institute, Jamnagar ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified
(4) Seats allotted under Apprentices Act 1961 for Advanced Module trainees (COE Chemical sector) No.Name of moduleName of industries identified Seats allotted 01Advanced mechanic (Instrument) TATA chemical ltd. Mithapur GSFC-Sikka Digvijay cement company-Sikka Chemical Laboratory assistant TATA chemical ltd. Mithapur Digvijay cement company-Sikka Industrial Training Institute, Jamnagar ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified
(5) Review of EMF NoDescription of ItemInformation of ITI 01Area available in ITI ( sq. Mt.) Built up area in ITI (sq. Mt. ) Open land available in ITI (sq. Mt.) Length of boundary wall in ITI (sq, Mt.) NO. of live trees in ITI as on Target of plantation of trees in June-July No. of trees ITI during current rainy season How many plants survived replanted Date of indent & no. of trees indented for plantation in ITI to forest department ITI/TLM/09/2875/Dt Cont… Industrial Training Institute, Jamnagar ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified
(5) Plantation 2009
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