Facility Usage Brought to you by: Your School Board, Building Services, and School Dude
Policy KG FILE: KG Critical COMMUNITY USE OF SCHOOL FACILITIES Policy Statement – The Board of Education believes that the public schools are owned and operated for its patrons and that the schools are an integral part of the community's intellectual and social expression and development. The Board encourages the public use of school facilities consistent with the provisions of the Board’s policies. Authorization for use of school facilities shall not constitute an endorsement of or approval of the activity, group or organization. Use of School Facilities Generally – Use of School District facilities shall be governed by this policy and Administrative Guidelines which shall be consistent with this policy. The following general rules shall govern the use of District facilities: 1. Organizations which desire to use a District facility must contract with the District in advance of the activity. Arrangements shall be made through the District’s Business office consistent with Board of Education policies and Administrative Guidelines. 2. Use of District facilities shall not conflict with school or school sponsored programs or activities.
3. District facilities shall not be used for the purpose of advancing any doctrine or theory subversive to the constitution and laws of the State of Missouri and/or of the United States or for any purpose that may be detrimental or destructive to the District’s grounds, buildings, furniture, fixtures or other equipment. 4. Any organization which is granted the right to use District facilities shall be responsible for the direct supervision of the activity. 5. Authorization for use of school facilities shall not constitute an endorsement or approval of the activity, group or organization. Use of School Facilities by Non-public School Organizations – School facilities may be used by the following organizations: 1. Non-for-Profit Organizations - District facilities may be used by not-for-profit corporations and established not-for-profit organizations which are located within the School District for civic, social and educational purposes. Before such usage shall be permitted, the organization shall agree in writing to pay a fair and adequate consideration established by the District for such facilities. The organization shall carry comprehensive public liability insurance in such amounts as required by the District, shall file a certificate showing that the District has been included as an additional insured in such policy and shall agree in writing to indemnify the District for any loss occasioned by the use of the facilities.
2. Governmental Organizations - Governmental organizations such as the City of Springfield, County of Greene, State of Missouri and the United States Government and their respective governmental agencies, may be permitted to use District facilities. The governmental body shall carry comprehensive public liability insurance in such amounts as required by the District and shall file a certificate showing that the District has been included as an additional insured. In lieu of this requirement, the governmental body may elect to agree in writing to indemnify the District for any loss occasioned by the use of the facilities. 3. Other Organizations - There are non-sectarian, non-political, not-for-profit, membership unrestricted organizations which complement and support the organized educational program of the public schools. Such organizations shall be allowed to use District facilities for meetings without charge in accordance with approved Administrative Guidelines. 4. For-Profit Organizations - The Board of Education may, on a case-by-case basis, contract with a for-profit corporation or entity which is located within the District for use of District athletic facilities for athletic purposes. The organization shall, at a minimum, be required to carry comprehensive public liability insurance in such amounts as required by the District, file a certificate showing that the District has been included as an additional insured and shall agree in writing to indemnify the District for any loss occasioned by the use of the facilities. Adopted: August 21, 2001 Legal Refs: , R.S.Mo. Springfield R-XII School District, Springfield, Missouri
Fundraising Guidelines ts/FundraisingGuidelinesforPrincipalsOctober pdf Page 12 Administrative Practices and Procedures nistrativepracticeandprocedures pdf 8.3 Page 68
Rental Pricing Structure Group1-Internal All Springfield R-12 Public Schools approved school-affiliated activities and organizations, including student and staff organizations that use District accounts for all accounting functions. All Springfield Public School activities take precedence over any outside organization. Group1 Internal are typically no charge, unless the event occurs outside normal working hours, then the site or internal organization is responsible for half the actual custodial personnel charges.
Group 3- Scholarship Organizations or staff that charge students or staff for participation in educational/athletic activities. Examples include (but are not limited to) tutoring, athletic or academic camps. All must provide and keep current a certificate of liability naming Springfield Public Schools as additional insured or certificate holder through the Building Services Quality Assurance office. All must have a rental contract in place that defines the times of use and space being used. A minimal charge as it relates to the space being used will apply. If outside normal working hours, standard rental rates apply. Group2-Educational Organizations that contribute to the education of Springfield R-12 students or staff, but are not directly associated with Springfield Public Schools. Examples include (but are not limited to) YMCA, SPARC, Boys and Girls Club, Boy and Girl Scouts, PTA. All must provide and keep current a certificate of liability that names Springfield Public Schools as either additional insured or certificate holder through the Building Services Quality Assurance office. These groups are allowed to hold meetings and sports practices in the facilities at no charge during normal working hours. For any event requiring additional custodial support (outside normal working hours, if event will have spectators, or if there is an admission fee), these organizations will be responsible to arrange a rental contract for use and will be charged a flat rate custodial overtime charge which includes a minimum amount to cover utilities and administrative costs associated with generating the contract.
Group 5 - Government Any government organization which includes (but is not limited to) other school districts, Springfield Police Department, Springfield Fire Department, and the City of Springfield. All must provide and keep current a letter of indemnity or certificate of liability naming Springfield Public Schools as additional insured or certificate holder through the Building Services Quality Assurance office. All must have a rental contract in place that defines the times of use and space being used. Group 4- Local Civic Any not-for-profit or for-profit organization not otherwise defined. Examples include (but are not limited to) private schools, churches, businesses. All must provide and keep current a letter of indemnity or certificate of liability naming Springfield Public Schools as additional insured or certificate holder through the Building Services Quality Assurance office. All must have a rental contract in place that defines the times of use and space being used.
Hourly Charges Hourly Rates for Groups 2, 4, and 5 include custodial coverage and related personnel charges as applicable. AreaGroup 1Group 2Group 3Group 4Group 5 Auditorium, High School - PerformancesN/C$60.00N/A$150.00$60.00 Auditorium, High School - RehearsalsN/C$60.00N/A$100.00$60.00 Cafeteria, High SchoolN/C$40.00$50.00 per week / per location$110.00$40.00 Gymnasium, High SchoolN/C$40.00$50.00 per week / per location$150.00$40.00 Cafeteria (Used in conjunction w/any above)N/C$20.00N/A$40.00$20.00 Classrooms (Used in conjunction w/any above)N/C $50.00 per week / per location$10.00N/C Foster Natatorium or Central PoolN/C$40.00$50.00 per week / per location$150.00$40.00 JFK StadiumN/C$49.00$50.00 per week / per location$500 (4 hr minimum)$49.00 Stadium - Glendale, Hillcrest, KickapooN/C$49.00$50.00 per week / per location$175.00$49.00 Auditorium, Middle School - Jarrett, Pipkin, Reed, StudyN/C$40.00$50.00 per week / per location$95.00$40.00 Cafeteria / Commons, Middle School (Includes Wilson's Creek)N/C$40.00$50.00 per week / per location$95.00$40.00 Gymnasium, Middle School (Includes Wilson's Creek)N/C$40.00$50.00 per week / per location$95.00$40.00 Classrooms (Used in conjunction w/any above)N/C $50.00 per week / per location$10.00N/C APR (All Purpose Room), ElementaryN/C$40.00$50.00 per week / per location$85.00$40.00 Gymnasium, Elementary (Cherokee small gym, Disney, Gray, Harrison, Hickory small gym, Jeffries, McBride, McGregor, Pershing small gym, Pleasant View small gym, Sequiota, Truman, Weaver, Weller, Westport)N/C$40.00$50.00 per week / per location$85.00$40.00 Classrooms (Used in conjunction w/any above)N/C $50.00 per week / per location$10.00N/C Personnel ChargesHourly Sound and Light Board Operator - Auditorium, High Schools$20 Scoreboard Operators - Stadium Sporting Events$9 Custodial Overtime$32 Food Service$23.50 School Police$36.25
This is a website for a company recommended by our Broker that offers insurance for special events, PTA's, Booster clubs, etc. Within each type of group or event, there is an "insurance 101" section that is very informative. It will help explain why insurance is needed for the members' protection, in addition to meeting the District's requirement. This company is independent, not affiliated with the District or our Broker in any way.
To arrange contracts: Leslie Ballew, Quality Assurance Manager at Include the date, begin and end time, US Mail address and phone number please. If there are any special set up requirements, please include that information also. As soon as the entire district is using the new facility scheduling software; we will provide a link for you.